I'm traumatized by fucking up all the things that I try to do. I can't do a single idiotic task without doing something wrong. There's always something that will make all my efforts meaningless. Same thing with social interaction. Nowadays my mind is also very slow, I can't care about anything and I'm always slower than the people around me, also my ability to talk, remember things and motoric functions are all diminished and below average. The only single thing I can do without failing is laying in bed and thinking. This world is not made for me. According to IQ I'm not even retarded but I feel more retarded than the retards I've met. I just want to end it all. Guck using my hands, my voice, my mind. It will all result in failure and things, that even a child will do better and more refined. It's unthinkable how an adult human can be as incompetent, slow and clumsy as me. Just kill me please.