I have taken both Zoplicone and Zolpidem. The first I was taking every night, 1 x 7.5mg tablet, didn't do anything. When I took Zolpidem, dont remember the dosage unfortunately, I was much younger, around my 20s, and would take 1 tablet in case of insomnia. It was the best sleep I've ever had, falling asleep softly, sleeping deeply, waking up refreshed.
However, as it was mentioned in this website several times, you can't OD on prescription meds. The chance of surviving and just ruining your organs is much higher than dying.
Regarding your questions about unconsciousness, I'm not sure. Maybe if you take other things with it, but I wouldn't know which things and how much. I think it is extremely risky since what you are trying to do is DIY and not a documented method.
I would be terrified of damaging my organs and still surviving.