

I want to go like Marilyn Monroe
Feb 6, 2020
I hate hearing this . Like yes, I understand that there's definitely a possibility that life will get better but just as much as there's that possibility, there's the possibility that it won't . I can be just as unhappy in 30 years as I am now but no one wants to acknowledge the likelihood of that . I can't blame them bc it's a depressing way to look at ones future but fucking hell . For all the "older" users (I'm 20 for context) how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ? :/
My dad always says that but he really has no idea what depression is like and is naive. He has no idea I plan to ctb..
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Sep 14, 2019
My dad always says that but he really has no idea what depression is like and is naive. He has no idea I plan to ctb..
Not everyone will understand unfortunately . When do you plan to do it ?


I want to go like Marilyn Monroe
Feb 6, 2020
I don't know, but I know it's highly unlikely I will die of old age or even live for another 5-10 years, depression has done me in. I'm not planning to ctb yet but just making plans, gathering the necessary equipment, etc. just in case..


Sep 14, 2019
I don't know, but I know it's highly unlikely I will die of old age or even live for another 5-10 years, depression has done me in. I'm not planning to ctb yet but just making plans, gathering the necessary equipment, etc. just in case..
Aw godspeed my friend . As someone who impulsively does shit I wish I'd had took the necessary precautions . It'll almost guarantee your success .


I want to go like Marilyn Monroe
Feb 6, 2020
Yea, I definitely think one has to be completely sure before making such an important decision..
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Need cats to comfort me
Jul 28, 2018
It gets annoying when people keep saying that you have a whole life ahead of you when you generally believe that life is nothing but suffering.
Yes sure maybe someday life may get a little better but that doesn't mean when you get older, you won't suffer from pain such as illness that make you die of a even more painful death.

I believe there's nothing life can offer but people just think that when your situation just improve a little better, you won't suffer from anything and it will totally make you want to live.
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Feb 19, 2020
Wish I didn't have my whole life ahead of me lol. There's a long list of empty fluffy things people say when they don't understand. It frustrate me but I typically just shrug it off. The few times I've responded contrarily, they get offended.
Jumper Geo

Jumper Geo

Life's a bitch and then you die.
Feb 23, 2020
I hate hearing this . Like yes, I understand that there's definitely a possibility that life will get better but just as much as there's that possibility, there's the possibility that it won't . I can be just as unhappy in 30 years as I am now but no one wants to acknowledge the likelihood of that . I can't blame them bc it's a depressing way to look at ones future but fucking hell . For all the "older" users (I'm 20 for context) how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ? :/

It's one of them many annoying sayings that many of us have had to hear when we were young and growing up, my reply was I could get hit by a car tomorrow and die, :smiling: always got a little chuckle. Life's so short so enjoy why you can, whoops there's another annoying saying, but maybe realistic for the SS site. :smiling:

Cheers Geo
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Dec 1, 2019
For me personally I don't like the assumption that just because someone is young life will certainly get better. Everyone is different, everyone processes trauma, grief and life circumstances differently. What is easy for one person to over come the next person might not be able to. Sure it definitely could get better but it also could get worse.

In my own life it got way way worse as an adult. I cannot handle the typical adult responsibilities due to my many mental conditions. Having the burden of failed relationships, failed at jobs and being failed at being financially independent has taken its toll on me. Since age 22 after the typical adult life of work to live to pay bills set in not one good thing has happened to me and it's not due to my lack of trying...some people are just sadly incapable due to overwhelmingly bad life circumstances. I feel like I was set up for failure...I'm in my late 20s and in my worst spot in life.
You sound so much like me
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Mar 4, 2020
No, that sounds like this: You're so young, you've got your whole shitty life ahead of you!
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ghost space, ghosts pace
Feb 10, 2020
I used to hear that shit all the time and it was just as annoying as the pro-life platitudes are now. At least they stfu about it for me as well. The only thing that I have been hearing lately is "You just have to find the right one" whenever I say that I have no interest in dating or getting married, but I only hear that once in a while, so it's not too bad. Keeping my mouth shut about suicide and other topics seems to be the key to avoid people saying annoying things like the above examples.

I'm 22f and not interested in dating, but people keep asking me when I'm going to get a boyfriend (never bc I'm gay) so I can start enjoying the experience of growing an actual human person in my womb despite the fact that healthcare is unaffordable and I can just barely get by supporting myself. Fuck that. I got sterilization surgery last year and I just tell people that now, it usually ends any further question-asking.
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We just want to go home early.
Feb 17, 2020
I'm situationally depressed and my situation never got better for the past 9 years. I'm on year 10 and I don't know how much longer I can hold.
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Sep 14, 2019
I'm situationally depressed and my situation never got better for the past 9 years. I'm on year 10 and I don't know how much longer I can hold.
This is what I'm afraid of . Bc just as much as it can "get better" it doesn't guarantee it . I'm sorry for your pain . I hope life treats you kindly during the current state of the world and you find peace soon my love


Jan 13, 2020
Ah yes, all the suffering of old age is ahead of you.
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velle non discitur
Nov 17, 2019
>>>how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ?

I realize that they are probably either too deep within the matrix of optimistic delusions or are trying to cheer (or shut) me up, either knowingly or unknowingly.

How I respond depends on who I am talking to and what mood I am in. Yesterday I debated a friend of mine, who is very optimisticly deluded—although he realizes that his hopes and carefreeness aren't realistic—over a few beers. But black pilling people and telling them the uncomfortable facts about life, that they are working so hard to keep out of their conscious mind at all times, won't make you any friends in the long run. We live in a tyranny of enforced glibness.
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Sep 26, 2019
Honestly, that phrase sounds more like a threat than something to lift you up.

-You're so young you've got your life ahead of you.
-Yeah, that's what I fear the most.
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Feb 27, 2020
I hate hearing this . Like yes, I understand that there's definitely a possibility that life will get better but just as much as there's that possibility, there's the possibility that it won't . I can be just as unhappy in 30 years as I am now but no one wants to acknowledge the likelihood of that . I can't blame them bc it's a depressing way to look at ones future but fucking hell . For all the "older" users (I'm 20 for context) how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ? :/
I would never say to a young person that it will get better, because i have no idea that it will or not, but because im older (Im 52) and i have years on me and experience I can say that theres a very gd chance that it may. For some people my age they may say that their life has been shit the entire time, but i dont know if i would necessarily believe that otherwise surely you would have offed yourself before then? My life has been shit in so many ways. To give you an idea, i was diagnosed with childhood schizophrenia at 9yrs of age. My first suicide attempt was at 9yrs also. I was raped by a cop at the age of 10 and then forced into a chid sex ring at 13yrs old. I was commited by the courts to an adult psychiatric hospital when i was 15yrs old for a yrs, where i was raped by one of the nurses. At 16 i was being blackmailed into having sex with a detective in our community. I was sent to a drug rehab at 17 and during my time there my counsellor also expected sex from me. When i was finally released i was so screwed up because of what happened to me in the drug rehab that i ended up back on heroin. Unfortunately i got arrested for possession, but at the time i was in severe withdrawal so the police took me to a drug detox centre. The night they took me, the caseworker in charge of me that night raped me when i was sick with withdrawal. I spent the next several years in and out of prison and psych hospitals. My longest prison sentence was 4yrs. Things got marginally better for me after that when i tried to get myself clean. I spent a few years travelling the world and had some crazy but incredible experiences. I even managed to get a degree. I went to university, got a Medical degree and a PhD. This was the first time i ever got to work and i really enjoyed that time of my life. In the last 5years my mum, who was the only person that ever loved me unconditionally got sick with cancer. The last 18mnths i spent living with her so i could look after her. She died not long ago and Ive never felt more lost in my life, thus the reason Im here now. But yes i can absolutely tell you that while my earlier life was perhaps the hardest thing i have ever lived through, im glad that i actually never died. I did end up on life support on a couple of occassions through drug overdoses (Only one a suicide attmpt). Perhaps the one thing im most glad that i was alivve to experience was the incredible relationship i had with my mum. I would not have given up on that for anything. There is so much to experience in life and it is simply not possible to say at 20yrs old that you understand that. You just couldnt unless you have put a few more years on that. So NO i could never say to you that things will get better, but i think given my experience i can say that you havent given life a fair go. You have no idea what is out there for you. Why not try if out for a bit, give it a chance and then in maybe 10years, once you really have had a life, then make the decision. What do you think?
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Mar 10, 2020
My prof told me the same thing. I had to get some extensions for my work because my PTSD was acting up and she didn't understand. So I told her that I really wish that my abuser actually choked me to death instead of doing it halfway as a threat. Then she told me "oh but you're so young, you have your whole life to live". Yeah, I might be young but is that really a reason to continue living?
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Dec 17, 2019
I hate hearing this . Like yes, I understand that there's definitely a possibility that life will get better but just as much as there's that possibility, there's the possibility that it won't . I can be just as unhappy in 30 years as I am now but no one wants to acknowledge the likelihood of that . I can't blame them bc it's a depressing way to look at ones future but fucking hell . For all the "older" users (I'm 20 for context) how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ? :/
Hi there,

I cant obviously speak for how your life will pan out because no one knows what's round the corner, that's one of the blessings and the curses of life.

I don't think today's society offers much for the younger generation tbh but on the flip side good surprises could also be around the corner.
I've suffered anxiety/depression all my life and I've been told before it will get better but I know I have to deal with it or bail out. It's got so bad that's why I'm on here.

Life may have some good surprises waiting for you and happiness and I really hope that's the case for you xx


Apr 5, 2020
I was told this the last time I was in a psych ward by one of the workers there. I'm always the youngest one there when admitted, i'm 19. The fact that i'm young and have to live for that much longer really just bothers me rather than gives me hope.


Mar 10, 2020
I've been wanting to die because I hate life since I was 12, first attempted at 14. I'm 31 now, I wish I died at 14. I've been unsuccessful in all my attempts, too terrified to jump off a bridge or infront of a train. Hanging failed countless times. It's like my body just won't die, I'm stuck here to suffer my entire life. I have been suffering nonstop, there hasn't been a single time in my life I was happy and wanted to be here. When I was a kid and understood existence, I stared at myself in disbelief that I existed in this shit world. I hatedddddd school and waking up early soooooo much, I've been nocturnal since age 12 it's my nature, living the neurotypical diurnal life is excruciating for me. I don't belong here. I'm broken and I don't work


Feb 7, 2020
I hate hearing this . Like yes, I understand that there's definitely a possibility that life will get better but just as much as there's that possibility, there's the possibility that it won't . I can be just as unhappy in 30 years as I am now but no one wants to acknowledge the likelihood of that . I can't blame them bc it's a depressing way to look at ones future but fucking hell . For all the "older" users (I'm 20 for context) how do you feel when someone tells you "it will get better" ? How do you personally respond ? :/
And that's true, young people have the whole life ahead of them. CTB is a personal choice, and a 20 year-old, like you, is an adult. So, do whatever you want to do. But if you're not in big, big trouble, I don't think you should CTB. What do you want? People cheering you to CTB? That's not possible. People always are going to talking to you out of it, but, obviously, the final decision is yours, and only you know your circumstances.

Until 25 your brain is not biologically formed, and you can benefit from therapy. Do whatever you want to do, but just be aware of that.

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