

all is well
Feb 1, 2023
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
Indeed they do. I know so much, and yet I created this mess...trying hard to turn it around...had some minor results...I am not steady

@dreamscape1111 - do you follow Neville? Or Abraham?
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all is well
Feb 1, 2023
There's all kinds of people to follow, but recently I've learned listening to myself takes priority because truly, all the answers are already inside of us. @Source Energy ;)
Whatever my "highest excitement" suggests, I try to follow up on that, and voila, life drives itself effortlessly, we just have to get out of the driver's seat.
I've definitely come across quotes of them here and there, but have yet to read their books, looking forward to it!

From a holistic POV, there are many factors determining how our lives play out, I'd always be careful with putting all apples in one basket only, LOA is just one of them so to speak.

A more complete picture might additionally factor in things like:
- Life Purpose (what's your vision?!!! the more beyond yourself it is, the more it'll inspire you, very counter-intuitive!)
- Developmental Psychology, a road map for all human development (your value system: Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck, Ego-Development Susan Cook-Greuter)
- Diet (the higher vibe foods you eat, the lighter your body will feel, the easier it is to flow)
- Habits: MEDITATION!!!, exercise/stretching, reading self-help books, information intake/what we watch (again, your state of consciousness determines what happens)

All of this is to show that imo it's not about one teacher/school of thought/teaching, but more about how to live a good life, you know?
If the overarching goal is to LOVE LIFE, to infect others with your PASSION, and to be able to pass with peace on the deathbed, then you'll gladly do whatever it takes, right? :)
Life is too vast and beautiful to capture it all in words, but listening to your highest excitement and letting the universe do the driving while keeping a really really open mind, might be the key.

And since we're HERE, why not make the most of it? That's the decision I've come to anyways. It's like, Yeah, I've noticed how I'm probably a lot different from the majority of the characters on this life stage, and Yeah, I've made my fair share of mistakes along the way, the consequences of which have starkly made themselves known to me, but HEY! THOUGHTS CREATE MY REALITY!
I have control over how I REACT to what's happening and MY INTERPRETATIONS and ASSUMPTIONS are responsible for how I FEEL and what I DO and finally BECOME!

CTB would be a very final decision, but there I would assume I already knew all that life has in store! See? I personally wanna tough it out simply to see how crazy this ride can get, who knows?
It's darkest before dawn and all that, so get real and take back responsibility for falling in love with life and making the most of it!

Here are some very inspiring books about all those topics that I'm excited to read/loved reading:

Success & Productivity
- Mastery, George Leonard (why we keep failing so much, how mastery is developed in any field, how to set proper expectations for growth)
- Psycho-Cybernetics, Maltz (explains the power of your subconscious mind and your self-image. )
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective Peeps, Steven R. Covey (principles and philosophy of creating genuine success from the inside-out, as opposed to modern notions of gimmicky success)
- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill (bible to success)

Emotional Mastery
- Radical Honesty, Brad Blanton (eye-opening must read, must read for personal development)
- Loving What IS, Byron Katie (4-step solution to reframing ANY emotional problem!!!)
- The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem, Nathanial Branden (understanding and improving self-esteem)
- Meditations, Markus Aurelius (wisdom about life and how to live a good one)
- The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, Debbie Ford (Exercises & questions to explore your shadow in a healthy way. Like doing psychotherapy on yourself. )

- The Happiness Hypothesis, Jonathan Heidth (how to be happy, lol!)
- The How of Happiness, Sonja (dispels many misconceptions about happiness)

Life Purpose
- The Big Leap, Hendricks (must read, powerful questions)
- Towards a Psychology of Being, Maslow (inspiring vision of where it could all go)
- Do You!, Russel Simons (redefining success!!!)
- The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho (reread again and again, very inspiring)
- The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Chopra (high-consciousness approach to success)

Health & Diet
- Rich Food, Poor Food, Calton (how to start eating clean, how to shopping guide)
- Medical Medium - Cleanse to Heal, Anthony William (yummy foods & info)

Sexuality & Relationships
- The Way of the Superior Man, Deida (ultimate guidebook on how to be a man. even good for women!)
- The 5 Love Languages, Chapman (people have very different way of receiving and communicating love!!!)
- Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, Gray (differences between how men and women think.!!)

Law of Attraction
- The Science of Sucess, Wattles (One of the original books about law of attraction)
- Ask And It Is Given, Abraham Hicks (comprehensive modern-day guide to law of attraction)
- Thought Vibration, William ( original book on law of attraction, packed with wisdom)
- Creative Visualization, Gwain Shakti (detailed guidebook on visualization)

- It's Not About the Money!, Kessel (for overcoming limiting beliefs and mindsets about money)
- Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert K. (A classic self-help book about how to think properly about money)

Creativity & Doing Your Art
- The War of Art, Steven Pressfield (inner blocks are normal, they guide you!)

Consciousness & Enlightenment
- The Power of NOW, Eckhart Tolle (classic introduction to enlightenment)
- The Universe Is A DREAM, Alexander Marchand (most profound comic book ever written! explains the entire metaphysics of the universe.)
- A Million Thoughts, Om Swami (a manual for how to meditate properly)
- Conquest of Mind, Eknath Easwaran (the importance of meditation)

I know so much
You know, I used to know a lot too, but I'm beginning to understand that much of living a good life is simply about unknowing all of the false stuff. So let's begin, everyone!

Once, a long time ago, there was a wise Zen master. People from far and near would seek his counsel and ask for his wisdom. Many would come and ask him to teach them, enlighten them in the way of Zen. He seldom turned any away. One day an important man, a man used to command and obedience came to visit the master. "I have come today to ask you to teach me about Zen. Open my mind to enlightenment." The tone of the important man's voice was one used to getting his own way.

The Zen master smiled and said that they should discuss the matter over a cup of tea. When the tea was served the master poured his visitor a cup. He poured and he poured and the tea rose to the rim and began to spill over the table and finally onto the robes of the wealthy man. Finally the visitor shouted, "Enough. You are spilling the tea all over. Can't you see the cup is full?"

The master stopped pouring and smiled at his guest. "You are like this tea cup, so full that nothing more can be added. Come back to me when the cup is empty. Come back to me with an empty mind." 🙏💜✨
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Source Energy

Source Energy

I want to be where people areN'T...
Jan 23, 2023
@dreamscape1111 damn...! :)) do you want to be my recovery partner? If I had a person like you in my every day life, I would be able to stay consistent! I spiral downward badly on some days, because the reality already created/attracted is very painful, and my mom and bestie are not into this spirituality, so I vent to them, and...we know how that goes.
I was always wondering if I'm the only one into this on this website...

Ask and It is Given is great. I have and read all her books. I've been an Aber for years until I got frustrated with her limitation on the specifics vs general and I stopped for a while then found Neville and law of assumption. The missing piece now clicked, but too late, things got a mess already and I struggle with ctb urge so bad. The only thing that keeps me trying is the knowing that we are all eternal...and I'm not properly applying what I know.

Right now I'm reading Who We Really Are and how Reality Works by Andrew Soltau.
If you want to chat, you can PM me. I'd love to get to know you!
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all is well
Feb 1, 2023
Sure, let's talk, @Source Energy ! Btw, the majority of the things I say on here are mostly just clarification for myself, it helps writing it out, by no means am I perfectly embodying all the wisdom that I like to share so often. And yeah, I get it... in a certain sense spirituality can be very isolating, especially the deeper you go, but then again, the initial isolation eventually transforms into Unity.

I believe there are different types of feeling suicidal, some are more ordinary drama-like calls for attention motivated by self-pity and narcissism.
Others are more towards actually needing to fucking change right the fuck now or there's no more playing this game called life, like actual suicidal discontent, needing to shed that old skin, and absolutely needing to grow the fck up or else...
And finally, the most real suicidal type of depression: a clear recognition of the pain the false "I" is causing, and "its" subsequent reaction to being clearly seen and thereupon dissolving.

So, it's useful to remember that suicidal depression is very common and to be expected towards the first stage of awakening, the realization of "no-self". It's preceded by The Dark Night of the Soul and usually, some strong and usually disorienting energetic shifts in the body making space for the journey back to its uncontracted Infinite identity.

What keeps me going is knowing that that "thing" that feels like killing itself is NOT me, it can't be, it's the false "I" being shown the havoc maintaining the illusory identity causes.
The real Self brings all the positive stuff, life, joy, love, contentment, ease, or pure Being. It's the Awareness aware of this text right NOW! Feelings, thoughts, etc. happen within It/You.
Anyways, I do struggle with embodying it too, but hey, that's the way of it, each step is a mountain.
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Meowing to go out
Dec 27, 2020
I really like your Zen story. It applies to me and is just what I needed today.

The real Self brings all the positive stuff, life, joy, love, contentment, ease, or pure Being. It's the Awareness aware of this text right NOW! Feelings, thoughts, etc. happen within It/You.
A really subtle but critical point here: we are not talking about a new and improved me, or a divine super-me. If this is misunderstood, the ego will gladly coopt the process to become a grander, more peaceful and more enlightened ego.

Instead, it is simply a process of investigating and exposing all thoughts as merely thoughts, which is safe for anyone to do. But going further, we find the very self we identify with is itself a thought - that is when things can really hit the fan.
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