

Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
I'm not a doctor but try getting valium or diazapam if you are concerned. I have witnessed a couple of seizures and had one myself. I think with a true siezure you don't make vocal noises as you larynx would be effected. maybe make sure there is nothing near your bed or location that could be pushed over and make a crashing sound
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Sep 11, 2019
So long as no one gives you an antidote, your body shouldn't be able to clear 15 grams on its own though? I'm so scared of waking up the next morning, and it would be pretty hard to hide that I'm blue.


Factoid Hunter
Aug 29, 2019
So long as no one gives you an antidote, your body shouldn't be able to clear 15 grams on its own though? I'm so scared of waking up the next morning, and it would be pretty hard to hide that I'm blue.
The cure is very simple unfortunately. 100% oxygen and methylene blue (sic). Once they draw your blood, the colour of it will be a real good indication. Thats why with any method there should be a few hours where you don't get interrupted as part of your planning.

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