May 19, 2023
Basically what the title says. How would you want to go if you could manipulate reality into being just right. No fear, no guilt, no sorrow. Just bliss, peace and sound mind

Be free to use as much or as little detail as you'd like.

And I know, if you could manipulate reality you wouldn't be needing to Ctb but let's skip over that now. It's more just a thought experiment, and I think that whatever someone considers to be the ideal suicide could say a lot about them.


Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
If there was an option to completely erase my existence so it's like I never existed at all, I'd wish for that, I only want to be forgotten about. But if that wasn't an option I'd like to fall into a dreamless eternal sleep, such a death sounds so incredibly peaceful.


Oct 3, 2023
I would like to lay down on my couch at night while the light of the street lantern is the only light source, which is shining through my window. The I would put on the Nocturne No. 19 by Chopin, drink my last glas of whisky with poison in it. Then I would just be in the moment listening to one of my favorite pieces and slowly fade into death.
And NO I am NOT gonna kill myself in the near future, dont worry. But if there is the time to do it, thats what I want.


happy news for sadness
Oct 7, 2023
my perfect scenario would be i overcome SI and successfully bleed out to death. id feel the coldness of death creeping before i fall asleep into eternal bliss. after my death, my family and friends will grieve over me, but eventually move on.


Neither death can do us apart
Sep 28, 2023
All my loved ones would forget about me and I can just disappear like I was never there , or like die in my sleep


send N pls
Sep 27, 2023
What can I say, I'm the romantic kinda guy.
So probably my perfect ctb scenario would have the person I like making me drink a poisonous cocktail from their hands, for then dying in their arms.
But that would be murder so it's not going to happen.

Fantasies aside, just drinking something that makes me feel very sleepy, then going to bed and close my eyes.
Just as if I were ending a normal, long and tiring day.


Done with it all
Oct 20, 2023
Mine would be simple. Id just fall asleep and never wake up. Go quietly into the night side by side with the grim reaper


Oct 14, 2023
My family wouldn't miss me ideally I don't want them to be sad

I don't want to die alone though I wish I had someone to help me do it and just help me to stay calm


Oct 4, 2023
Ideally I would find a source of SN, find somewhere quiet outside on the countryside and do it at night under the starry night sky. Starry skies make me think of my childhood, I could see the stars from my ceiling window as a kid all the time, back when I still had hope and trust. I want the shining stars to welcome me back to that peace.
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Jul 7, 2023
Literally what happened to the billionaires in the submarine
Isolated in a submarine deep underwater, then all of a sudden I get obliterated and die so fast that my brain couldn't even react.
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Oct 19, 2023
Me, deep in the woods with my gun. Laying in my pre-dug grave/hole blasting my brains out.
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Don't you dare go hollow...
Nov 25, 2019
Getting shot out into space. Would take my belongings along, enjoy the sights, my music, movies, internet and games, and when I've had enough drink some whiskey and N/shoot myself or simply depressurise the cabin. It's all good. And yes, I'm aware of what that says about me. šŸ˜„

PS: But since this is fantasy, I'm dead set on going the way HollowDrop described with the spaceship replaced by a stunning place already decided upon.


I return to the raiding shadows of death.
Sep 9, 2023
Ideally I would find somewhere I can be totally alone, preferably somewhere hard for ppl to find so that I can just rot there and disappear from human society completely (I once fantasized about ctbing deep in the woods). I would be smart enough to have already cut all contact with people in daily life by that time. I would get there early, wait until nightfall, factory reset my phone and laptop, burn my ID card and similar things, act on my method (preferably SN) and just let death take me.
I would feel calm and content, knowing that this pointless monkey game is finally coming to an end.
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In the valley of death I am their king.
Apr 28, 2023
Ideally, I'd be in the deep woods alone so no one would find me, with a relatively painless and quick method (firearm).
I love the thought of my corpse feeding the cycle of nature. It makes me feel a little less pointless in an odd way.
(listening to some BM ofc)
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Seeking one final escape
Aug 13, 2023
Being able to control when I die before I lose all choice in life is core to me.

Could have been honestly, if I jumped off the beautiful cliffs of Beachy Head this week.
Everything was prepared well near the final visits.

Sweet, safe, safe freedom from any potential imprisonment... A natural death, at the peak of a now hopeless life, far away from the sterile, fake environments of institutionalization.