- Jul 19, 2018
- 93
I don't understand why it's seen as such an issue. If someone doesn't want to be here then let them go peacefully. Why is death not accepted? Everyone dies, you can't have birth without death.
As you know, censorship around the world has been ramping up at an alarming pace. The UK and OFCOM has singled out this community and have been focusing its censorship efforts here. It takes a good amount of resources to maintain the infrastructure for our community and to resist this censorship. We would appreciate any and all donations.
OK BUT THIS IS SO ACCURATEOne thing that I've noticed on multiple occasions (and have even experienced myself) is that there are those who will get in contact with you; saying something along the lines of "Hey, are you okay man? I'm here for you."
If you do decide to respond, there's a 99% chance that after you're done opening yourself up, they'll say some stereotypical bullshit (like the many quotes already shared on this thread) before just suddenly disappearing. It's just ridiculously contradictory. They're attempting to "help" someone, but after they believe they've done their part they just vanish and never talk to you again. For those who may be similar to myself, it'll just make people feel even worse about themselves, as they'll feel like they perhaps did something wrong or that attempting to vent to someone was entirely pointless and resolved absolutely nothing. But it's all fine, as the only thing that matters is that it made the other party temporarily feel better about themselves, as they give themselves a pat on the back.
I have had this happen more times than I could count. It is really frustrating and the gesture feels pretty empty... or like it's some kind of performative altruism. I really get this.there's a 99% chance that after you're done opening yourself up, they'll say some stereotypical bullshit (like the many quotes already shared on this thread) before just suddenly disappearing. It's just ridiculously contradictory. They're attempting to "help" someone, but after they believe they've done their part they just vanish and never talk to you again.
"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
But it's all fine, as the only thing that matters is that it made the other party temporarily feel better about themselves, as they give themselves a pat on the back.
This actually really bugs me too, when people talk about those who passed by their own hand like this. I get that it's said to offload their sense of responsibility for the person's death, but there is always more people can do to help."i did all i could"
Irony of lifeit only shows how unfair the world is. We want to die but have to live. Other people want to live and we have to die. Shit this world is cruel, especially people that do not acvept the death wish of others
I've waited long enough to see that things will not get better.Good things happen to those who wait.
I will only say anything like this if I genuinely mean it and that's usually if the persons clearly being an edgy teenager or attention seeking idiot. If it's as bad as they say it is who am I to say they shouldn't? I'll just say I 'm sorry or I understand. I won't go out of my way to change their mind but I can't go out of my way to encourage it either. No one wants someones death to be because of them unless they're a maniac and I think that's what a lot of the platitudes are really aboutSo what's your favorite anti-choice platitude? What is it about the platitude that is irrational or upsetting?
Mine is well known but still worn out in the suicide prevention community. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
Oh really, now? ALL problems are temporary, are they? Try telling that to the cancer ward in the children's hospital, or the chronically homeless person who applied to every welfare program available, or the veteran who now has PTSD the rest of his life. I can't tell whether people who say this platitude genuinely believe it, are in denial about the reality of life, or are just saying it because they haven't a clue what else to say. Not all problems are temporary, some are really not fixable - at the very least, they could admit there's a low likelihood for change in many cases.
I find this platitude very disingenuous.
I never actually answered the question. Probably 'you're wonderful ', 'you're special' etc etc. It's laughable really, how would they know?I will only say anything like this if I genuinely mean it and that's usually if the persons clearly being an edgy teenager or attention seeking idiot. If it's as bad as they say it is who am I to say they shouldn't? I'll just say I 'm sorry or I understand. I won't go out of my way to change their mind but I can't go out of my way to encourage it either. No one wants someones death to be because of them unless they're a maniac and I think that's what a lot of the platitudes are really about
But a gift that is unwanted can soon become a burden, the more so if it cannot be returned."Life is a gift". Worst gift ever then...
What was your response? Or is it a private matter?I got asked recently what I would say if that person was telling me what I was saying
Well, I opted for honesty. I thought about lying and just accepting the accusation of hypocrisy or insanity whatever ('nonsensical thoughts that only make sense because you believe in suicide' tautologies were thrown around before), but because of who the person is to me, I judged them capable of eventually understanding and felt that if they understood it might help.What was your response? Or is it a private matter?
Thank you everyone for your thoughtful comments on this thread. Hopefully you found it useful to vent and to feel less isolated in this difficult decision and process in self-deliverance. There's a lot of empathetic, thoughtful people here and I see that suffering can create such understanding. If anyone needs a friend or someone to listen to them I'm around until tomorrow (having my account banned). Perhaps we can stay in touch too. xx
Oh I'm leaving the site. Just a side note because I didn't want to create a whole separate thread about it.Why are you having your account banned? What does this mean?
Im confused
Oh I'm leaving the site. Just a side note because I didn't want to create a whole separate thread about it.
I'm sorry but uhu, that's funny."Everybody has problems" said to a suicidal person to downgrade his struggle.
"It's not an option, so don't choose it. Look the other way hunnie, just pretend suicide doesn't exist""Suicide is not an option."
It's just a way to shame people away from suicide."Commiting suicide is meant for cowards"
"Suicide is not an option."
Apart from the ones already mentioned I hate the "if you were serious you would have done it already" or "youre talking about it means a part of you still wants to live"
And also i'm aware of a situation where a person as advice for an obviously (clinically) depressed one recommended to stop worrying.
Get it? Is' so simple. It's basically:
-I have a problem.
-Then stop having it!
Funny enough - one of the reason I've decided to go on is because I've been told that I'm barren, that my womb is inhospitable, and i can't ever have kids. I'm 20 and I've always wanted to have my own kids. I'm glad I can't have any now."Think of your children! OMG will someone please think of the children!!!??"