Divine Trinity
Pugna Vigil
- Mar 20, 2019
- 310
1st publicly denounce his fan base as racist fanatics that openly support fascism
2nd send a DP to Ivanka to see what happens
3rd Reverse every executive he's done since in office
4th re-enter the paris-climate accord with full cooperation
5th Pardon Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and all other whistle-blowers.
6th fire Ajit Pai FCC and draft a federal Net Neutrality Law
7th Fire every police officer that murdered an unarmed civilian or foreigner
8th Reverse the stupid Tax Cuts
9th Publicly denounce Israel as a colonial settlement and declare their historic treatment of palistinians as genocide, also reverse the Jeruselam controversy
10th denounce Sadi Arabia royal family as heretical religious fanatics, open a formal investigation on their ties to the attacks on 9/11/01, call to end the sexist segregationist practices.
11th Explain to the public how global financial system was designed to fundamentally shaft 95% of the human population since the 1940's.
12th Advocate for the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philipines.
13th Give Noam Chomsky a 6hr time slot to explain the history of US Foreign Policy at the White House.
14th Order the dismantling of 1/2 the US nuclear weapon arsenal as a gesture to de-escalate the nuclear arms race
15th unconditionally reverse all sanctions on all latin american countries
16th Re-enter the imf treaty with Russia
17th Admit Trump is a serial rapist, and likely pedophile
18th Endorse Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard
19th Kill Myself
2nd send a DP to Ivanka to see what happens
3rd Reverse every executive he's done since in office
4th re-enter the paris-climate accord with full cooperation
5th Pardon Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning, and all other whistle-blowers.
6th fire Ajit Pai FCC and draft a federal Net Neutrality Law
7th Fire every police officer that murdered an unarmed civilian or foreigner
8th Reverse the stupid Tax Cuts
9th Publicly denounce Israel as a colonial settlement and declare their historic treatment of palistinians as genocide, also reverse the Jeruselam controversy
10th denounce Sadi Arabia royal family as heretical religious fanatics, open a formal investigation on their ties to the attacks on 9/11/01, call to end the sexist segregationist practices.
11th Explain to the public how global financial system was designed to fundamentally shaft 95% of the human population since the 1940's.
12th Advocate for the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philipines.
13th Give Noam Chomsky a 6hr time slot to explain the history of US Foreign Policy at the White House.
14th Order the dismantling of 1/2 the US nuclear weapon arsenal as a gesture to de-escalate the nuclear arms race
15th unconditionally reverse all sanctions on all latin american countries
16th Re-enter the imf treaty with Russia
17th Admit Trump is a serial rapist, and likely pedophile
18th Endorse Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard
19th Kill Myself