- Jul 29, 2021
- 4,739
you know your in a terrible horrible world when nasty things like animals are killing each other to maintain substance or for pleasure like when a cat kills a mouse but doesn't eat it you know its repressive world when life hardwired you for something but denies you that desire like needing food water or sex it's just the type of environment we live in that doesn't care about the needs of the things that it creates why would i ever want to live in a world that force you to kill and eat each other just to survive, surviving should just be free to survive without ever needing to work for money, why would i ever want to live in a world that doesn't care about my needs or wants, why would i want to be alive in a world that plans to kill me in no time at all, in a world where everything you work for is pointless because you lose it all when you die, why would i want to take any part in this completely unfair world birth a lottery producing winners and losers based on who your parents are and when and where you are born, why would i ever want to be a defective machine with disabilities, why would anyone subject themselves to life here on this planet in its current form