

I'm not the dog in the picture
Jun 12, 2023
Christianity says you're a sinner and have to repent.

Science says you are a body and a brain that somehow produces consciousness.

Buddhism will say you are a being one the infinite cycle of death and Rebirth, until you break the cycle.

Hinduism will say similarly, you have to unite your soul with God to stop the reincarnation cycle.

Advaita says only by grace and self-effort you will be able to transcend.

These are the beginner teachings, the moderate teachings say you either have to purify your mind and/or that God/Buddha is still superior.

The advanced teachings say you are already God, there is nothing to attain, only to realize.
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Jan 25, 2021
This is what I believe also. I know a ton of people on this forum choose to believe that there is no afterlife well there is. We are all consciousness having a human experience. Everything is energy and energy never dies it just changes form. Its interesting because i see a ton of people using the phrase (see you on the other side)
but these people believe there is nothing after the physical death. Being in nothingness is still an experience. We are all god because we are all connected via this universal energy. I have personally seen spirits move things and houses that i have lived in. the afterlife is very real and NO THERE IS NO HELL that was man made.
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
This is what I believe also. I know a ton of people on this forum choose to believe that there is no afterlife well there is. We are all consciousness having a human experience. Everything is energy and energy never dies it just changes form. Its interesting because i see a ton of people using the phrase (see you on the other side)
but these people believe there is nothing after the physical death. Being in nothingness is still an experience. We are all god because we are all connected via this universal energy. I have personally seen spirits move things and houses that i have lived in. the afterlife is very real and NO THERE IS NO HELL that was man made.

I'm always fascinated with people's beliefs. I'm on the fence really when it comes to the afterlife, God, reincarnation but I suppose I lean more towards atheism now.

Do you suppose there's a reason why we are having a human experience? Is there something this greater energy is trying to experience or understand? Is there an end goal do you suppose? Does this energy even have a choice? Or- does it have to survive? Maybe it isn't conscious. Maybe it's a virus that just happens to latch itself to conscious creatures. 😬

Just what about us do you suppose lives on? Or, transfers? Our energy is transfered in terms of our physical bodies. Either we rot and feed insects or- we fuel the fire of cremation. Do you suppose individual consciousness survives? (Including memory pesumably.) Why then do the vast majority of us remember nothing before we are born? If it's just energy though- then- maybe it isn't so personal. Kind of like a battery being switched between appliances.

Personally, it doesn't feel like the human race is heading in a great direction. Although- I suppose I don't know what the end goal is. I would have thought though- if we were all having repeated human experiences- I don't know- we'd just be better than we are really.

Do you think it's likely AI will take over one day? In which case- what happens to all that human energy/ consciousness then? Does it become machine conscioussness? Does it go off to reincarnate on a planet elsewhere?

How about when there weren't humans on this earth? Is this energy compatible with dinosaurs? They were here for over 140 million years compared to the modern human race which has only apparently been here for 2 million.

What happens when the earth is consumed by the sun? Does all that energy just return to source? Does it just hang around waiting for new life in which to express itself?

Honestly- I don't know. I do agree with you in that- there are things on this earth I can't explain. Experiences I've had that I can't explain. So- maybe there is some sort of spiritual dimension. My experience makes me question whether time is linear and whether there is predestination. (Basically, I dreamt something that happened in real life.) Still, I don't know. I think there are a lot of questions. I also feel like we have brains and imaginations that tend to enjoy this sort of stuff. It does wonders for our ego. When you think about it- we could well be a mortal species that has convinced itself of it's own importance to such a degree that it has become immortal!

I have wondered about the whole God thing though. What could the end goal be- if some sort of spirit is wanting to experience human/ animal/ mortal life? Maybe it is training to become a creator- a God itself. I hope it's taking on board all the criticism!
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I agree with the science quote in ur post
"Science says you are a body and a brain that somehow produces consciousness."

That's all a human is . Consciousness is only a weak intermittent illusion imo. When asleep it goes away. Where does a human go every night during dreamless sleep ? U just disappear no consciousness cause it's just generated by the brain.Most of the time humans are on autopilot not even conscious just doing habits

The brain is a machine. There are neural networks in the brain that are similar to those in chatgpt that produce intelligence reasoning

The nerve cells or neurons in a fish brain or insect are exactly the same as in human brain .

All vertebrates including fish and humans have all the same brain structure and parts for example all have a brain stem

I'll never believe that there is a soul , afterlife, reincarnation, god , magic , nothing supernatural ever

Reading books on the brain ,the cell, evolution, artificial intelligence, DNA, neuroscience , biology, comparative, anatomy, psychology .... The more I read the more it becomes obvious a human is just another animal and a machine.

I mean u can look in a microscope to see a cell in the human body is exactly the same as in other animals. That's all a human is cells

Even in physics the law of entropy demands all systems everything must reach equilibrium.
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Deleted member 65988

I agree with the science quote in ur post
"Science says you are a body and a brain that somehow produces consciousness."

That's all a human is . Consciousness is only a weak intermittent illusion imo. When asleep it goes away. Where does a human go every night during dreamless sleep ? U just disappear no consciousness cause it's just generated by the brain.Most of the time humans are on autopilot not even conscious just doing habits

The brain is a machine. There are neural networks in the brain that are similar to those in chatgpt that produce intelligence reasoning

The nerve cells or neurons in a fish brain or insect are exactly the same as in human brain .

All vertebrates including fish and humans have all the same brain structure and parts for example all have a brain stem

I'll never believe that there is a soul , afterlife, reincarnation, god , magic , nothing supernatural ever

Reading books on the brain ,the cell, evolution, artificial intelligence, DNA, neuroscience , biology, comparative, anatomy, psychology .... The more I read the more it becomes obvious a human is just another animal and a machine.

I mean u can look in a microscope to see a cell in the human body is exactly the same as in other animals. That's all a human is cells

Even in physics the law of entropy demands all systems everything must reach equilibrium.
Very well said.


Sep 9, 2023
I'm a Muslim but I respect these beliefs, everyone has their own way to go, I mean it's a choice, just like choosing to ctb ect ect


Apr 15, 2022
I guess everyone is going to get a big surprise after they die and discover that there is only nothingness after death. Oh wait, I guess they won't, since there's no consciousness in nothingness, but simply nothing. But, everyone can believe whatever they want to believe and I respect that.

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