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Aug 24, 2024
I don't believe in either a heaven or a hell after death - I'm agnostic.

I think hell is this stinking world. We are separated from nature, from each other (mostly) and from any creator who may exist. Our bodies experience pain, fatigue, and eventually shrivel and die. We watch family, friends, pets and others pass away and leave us with huge holes that are never filled. Sounds like hell to me.
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Sep 16, 2024
Ok, so I was wondering how is the exact religious view about it and to my surprise they are generally "gentle" (except one đŸ’€) as in you won't be automatically going to hell if you commit suicide.

Catholic & Lutheran (Protestant?) Church: you can still be "saved" and go to Heaven, the chance is higher if you have depression or similar mental health... issues? Anyway, it will depend on the circumstances.

Judaism: your situation may not be very good but you can still be "saved". Depression and similar are also taken into account.

Islam: well... you probably gonna go to Hell and there you will be tortured forever by the method you used to kill yourself (makes me wonder how that would work in case of N, SN and other peaceful methods). But there is the chance that Allah/God forgive you and you can enter paradise.

I'm not saying "go commit suicide, you will go to Heaven", I'm just citing that could not be a instant condemnation.

I only put Abrahamic religions because these are the ones I have some knowledge and can interpret "correctly". Also because the afterlife in these is similar. Also because took a lot of time to properly get the answers đŸ’€. There are ofc other religions and you can have your own beliefs (or not belief in anything).
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Sep 19, 2024
I obviously don't know the details of why you feel this way, but judging by what you've said in this post, I think you'll likely go to heaven too.
You are a great human. I wish you nothing but the best
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brighter than the sun, that’s just me
Sep 13, 2023
Heaven and hell are human inventions/creations. They do not exist in reality or actuality
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Apr 15, 2024
I'm also a Christian, but I believe in physicalism (that humans don't have a "soul" as in immaterial substance dualism), because the word translated soul is psyche and just means life or whole living being. So when we die we are dead and unconscious... until the resurrection at the last day. The hope of an "afterlife" described in the Bible is a physical resurrection on a physical new earth after the last day. The Bible never says anyone goes to heaven (where God is) except Jesus who ascended. Hell for the lost is also not eternal torture as a ghostly being but rather a literal physical execution of the risen lost (also happening at the last day) and is called the second death, where they get burned up in the lake of fire and then cease to exist (called conditional immortality or annihilationism). Granted, these are minority interpretations but not without textual foundation. Many scholars of the Old Testament agree that the Hebrews didn't have a concept of immaterial souls/ghosts going to heaven or down to hell until very late. The Hebrew word often translated hell is sheol, and it is also often translated as grave by the same translators. So "going to hell" means basically just dying or falling into the grave. Those who are in sheol are described as being silent, unable to praise God and like beasts who died.
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Aug 1, 2024
it just seems to make this whole life on Earth so utterly pointless. It would mean that all humans, in all generations, just live, run around the Earth for a while, have a few experiences, possibly procreate, raise their children, and then die, and that's it. End of story. When I contrast this with the possibility of an afterlife, it seems to give life on Earth far more significance and purpose.
I think the opposite. I used to like to think that because this life is all we have, it makes it much more precious and valuable. Otherwise life would be what? Just a test of whether we are worthy of not burning in hell? Or whether we deserve to reincarnate as a person or a duck? If life is all we have, then this is our only chance experience existence, to feel anything.

If we didn't need bodies to exist, why have bodies in the first place? Ah, right, creating new humans requires bodies, is that the only purpose then? Doesn't make much sense to me.

At the beginning I wrote "I used to like to think..." because I no longer like this thought. Once your life goes to shit it's understandable to want something else. I wish I believed there was something after. Paradoxically I think this could give me strength to endure the worst nightmares here if I knew it'll pay off. But life is what it is, take it or leave it. As long as you enjoy it or find it worthwhile for any reason, life doesn't need to have any eternal meaning.
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I have finally found my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't believe in either since I'm not religious. I think that after death is just permanent non existence


Jul 1, 2024
If there is an afterlife, what happens to us there is going to matter a whole lot more than what happens to us here!

That's a gamble I'm willing to take, because I do KNOW that I am currently "alive" and all that that entails for me.

I've said it before, but these forces of the cosmos - God, Buddha, Allah, Karma, Cthulhu, whatever - in all of their vast mysteriousness and primordiality, having anything more than passing novel curiosity in the minutiae of specifically human taboos, much less dedicating themselves to enforcing them by punishing anyone who violates them, is a goofy and geocentric idea.

After my crisis of faith many decades ago, I came to the conclusion that there's either nothingness after death (more on that in a moment) or the being(s) that created us are at best, just more powerful beings, but not necessarily benevolent (for example, they're just playing Sims, and we're each just one of the sims they've created), therefore any afterlife that they subject us to would likely have all the pros and cons of being made be the same beings.

If we were created by a benevolent being(s), then they truly know why we have made the decisions that we have, including CTB, and will judge us with that insight, so -as long as I make sound decisions- I don't fear such judgement.

Also how can God be a good God and allow all this suffering


I think hell is this stinking world. We are separated from nature, from each other (mostly) and from any creator who may exist. Our bodies experience pain, fatigue, and eventually shrivel and die. We watch family, friends, pets and others pass away and leave us with huge holes that are never filled. Sounds like hell to me.

I can believe in suffering to a point.

My crisis of faith was triggered by a series of events that made it clear that one particular young girl's life was so devoid of anything other than suffering, that no biblical or religious beliefs could ever justify what she had been made to experience.

To condemn those who seek an end to their suffering to everlasting suffering. I wouldn't believe in a God like that even if he does exist; I don't want to worship evil.


The idea that life ends at death without an afterlife brings a different set of reflections on how we choose to live and find meaning here and now.

For many people, heaven and hell are seen as fictional or symbolic concepts rather than literal places. This view often comes from an understanding that these ideas were created as part of religious narratives to explain morality, the afterlife, or to provide comfort (or caution) about what happens after death. From a secular perspective, they are often viewed as metaphors that reflect human desires, fears, and cultural beliefs about justice, reward, and punishment.


But life is what it is, take it or leave it. As long as you enjoy it or find it worthwhile for any reason, life doesn't need to have any eternal meaning.

This is largely where I ended up after my crisis of faith, and it actually made me value the ways that I could help others in this life, but also value that it should absolutely be my coice to decide when I'm done.

No, I believe it means escaping hell.

While many people don't believe their life is hell, if I were to "design" hell, it would certainly resemble a lot of the suffering I have experienced and seen others experience.

Still, I think religion can do good as well as harm, so I've nothing personally against people who have faith.

I've really tried to walk a tight-rope on this, because, yes, faith can be really helpful to individuals, but I've also seen the damage that gangs of self-righteous "religious" people can cause (to include limiting access to peaceful means of CTB)

Being immortal sounds like a nightmare.

I honestly couldn't agree more!

Surely, the people that wrote them were of the ruling classes. I doubt peasants could write that well. Religious laws parallel civil laws in most aspects. To me, it seems entirely possible they were simply introduced to reinforce civil order. If prison didn't frighten would be thieves, murderers and adulterers, perhaps hell would.

I suspect religion was created simply to fill a void in knowledge, but the powerful will corrupt any at their disposal to increase their power, and history has proven time and time again that religion can be used to manipulate the masses.

I do not personally believe in heaven or hell, however, I do believe that when you pass, your energy gets released into the universe, and you travel amongst the stars as energy.


There could also be a some form of reincarnation be it "soul"-based, quantum-based, or some other variety we aren't aware of.


I don't believe in either since I'm not religious. I think that after death is just permanent non existence

I believe in the interconnectedness of all, from how atoms make cells, cells make organs, organs make organisms and so on.

(The video/simulation on this page is actually a really cool visualization of this concept - https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/)

Ultimately, when the cells in my brain stop working as as my brain, the are just returned to the universe to be recycled.

Having recently been declared braindead for 2.5 days, I experienced nothingness, which is honestly all I ever wanted out of death. Now I just need to CTB so that it is permanent.

I do believe that our interconnectedness during life does mean that we will leave an impact on the world, those who knew us (even if only briefly and, even without our knowledge) and in ways that may last past even the lifetimes of those whom we knew. So, I've tried hard to ensure that my impacts have been beneficial, both in individual actions and possible longer term changes in this world.
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Sep 11, 2024
believe in own god. think that god didn't create anything but heaven and hell. and think that god was born when first animals, conscious. think god curse = aware, omnipresence but no omnipotence. only capable of in afterlife. think created afterlife to heal people and everyone alive. if they deserve. so don't judge suicide. think created hell too. think hell = constant reliving of pov of who person hurt in life. so say you torture. now live as someone who u torture again and again. punishment fit crime. punishment for unkind = empathy. and empathy for kind. think heaven is simulation of what you want. anything. this is what think. think maybe also third place. sometimes. sorry for way write. horrible tired. tinnitus wrecking brain. sad. think afterlife god not forever. universe die some point. god everything die too afterlife die. think god don't know all answers. just far as can see itself. think god just big consciousness. maybe wrong. helped cope when sad for six years. that's all think. not sin in my gods eyes.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
I believe in the interconnectedness of all, from how atoms make cells, cells make organs, organs make organisms and so on.

(The video/simulation on this page is actually a really cool visualization of this concept - https://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/)

Ultimately, when the cells in my brain stop working as as my brain, the are just returned to the universe to be recycled.

Having recently been declared braindead for 2.5 days, I experienced nothingness, which is honestly all I ever wanted out of death. Now I just need to CTB so that it is permanent.

I do believe that our interconnectedness during life does mean that we will leave an impact on the world, those who knew us (even if only briefly and, even without our knowledge) and in ways that may last past even the lifetimes of those whom we knew. So, I've tried hard to ensure that my impacts have been beneficial, both in individual actions and possible longer term changes in this world.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but you can't be resuscitated after being declared braindead. Being declared braindead means that there is no chance of recovery since the body cannot support itself anymore...

Also, all of this sounds like the type of I shit I'd probably say while high on shrooms or something, lol.
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Jul 18, 2022
If you successfully CTB, the multiverse returns you right to the moment before you have your successful attempt.

We are all trapped. Theres no escape this way.

There's my nightmare fuel for tonight.

Sorry guys !
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Jul 1, 2024
Being declared braindead means that there is no chance of recovery since the body cannot support itself anymore.

That was my understanding also.

I was definitely unconscious by every metric; which also means that I wasn't "there" to ask any questions about why they said that I was. (I actually don't have any memory from very shortly after my rather substantial overdose, until 4 days later, and the memories that I have of the following three days are insanely piecemeal.)

My sibling, and several close friends, as well as some friends of theirs' that had reason to be given privileged information, were told repeatedly -for 2.5 days- that I was braindead.

My sibling was repeatedly asked whether I should be kept on life support (despite me having a very clear DNR that said that I should NOT be). He repeatedly told them that my DNR and intent were clear, and asked if I was braindead what was the point in keeping me on life support.

He repeatedly told them to take me off of life support, at which point the doctors always said they couldn't until they consulted with their attorneys.

Since I came to, we've tried to get my actual medical records and been given nothing but run-arounds that they can't give them to me because (paraphrasing) I'm suicidal and therefore have no rights to those records, and since I am still alive (braindead or not and conscious or not), and even with my permission, my sibling can't access my private medical records -despite being assigned as my medical representative and only next of kin.

There is actually some other f'ed up legal bullshit being pulled by first responders.

So, all I can say is that I was declared brain dead by medical doctors for 2.5 days.


|| What Else Could I Be But a Jester ||
Oct 21, 2023
That was my understanding also.

I was definitely unconscious by every metric; which also means that I wasn't "there" to ask any questions about why they said that I was. (I actually don't have any memory from very shortly after my rather substantial overdose, until 4 days later, and the memories that I have of the following three days are insanely piecemeal.)

My sibling, and several close friends, as well as some friends of theirs' that had reason to be given privileged information, were told repeatedly -for 2.5 days- that I was braindead.

My sibling was repeatedly asked whether I should be kept on life support (despite me having a very clear DNR that said that I should NOT be). He repeatedly told them that my DNR and intent were clear, and asked if I was braindead what was the point in keeping me on life support.

He repeatedly told them to take me off of life support, at which point the doctors always said they couldn't until they consulted with their attorneys.

Since I came to, we've tried to get my actual medical records and been given nothing but run-arounds that they can't give them to me because (paraphrasing) I'm suicidal and therefore have no rights to those records, and since I am still alive (braindead or not and conscious or not), and even with my permission, my sibling can't access my private medical records -despite being assigned as my medical representative and only next of kin.

There is actually some other f'ed up legal bullshit being pulled by first responders.

So, all I can say is that I was declared brain dead by medical doctors for 2.5 days.
Being unconscious is not the same as being brain dead. There is a chance that they could have just mistaken your condition for being brain-death. Cases of things, such as vegetative states and comas, can sometimes be mistaken for a patient being brain dead. Actual brain death is permanent and irreversible, so I have doubts about you actually having been brain-dead.
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Jul 1, 2024
There is a chance that they could have just mistaken your condition for being brain-death. Cases of things, such as vegetative states and comas, can sometimes be mistaken for a patient being brain dead.

Given my current state, yeah, I think it's clear that the medical doctors were wrong. But, that doesn't change the fact that they repeatedly said that I was brain-dead for 2.5 days, so obviously whatever metrics that they use to assess such things indicated I was already gone. (And, of course, I really wish they had been correct in that diagnosis.)
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Praying 4 a Miracle

Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
A lot of the opinions I used to be around were that people suffering should be shown compassion, but that life was the greatest gift God could give us, and anyone who took their own life would be irredeemable and sent to hell for the transgression. I haven't actually looked at the Bible since I was a kid so I'm not too sure what it actually says about the topic, if it says anything at all. I'm an atheist and haven't believed in years.
You are correct that life is God's greatest gift to us, and absolutely he's not a huge fan of suicide. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that it's an unforgivable sin.


i'm a loser, a failure
Apr 3, 2024
No. I'm an atheist and do not believe in Heaven or Hell.


Sorry but cats are so much better than people
Jun 9, 2022
If you successfully CTB, the multiverse returns you right to the moment before you have your successful attempt.

We are all trapped. Theres no escape this way.

There's my nightmare fuel for tonight.

Sorry guys !
Oh no, that would be a nightmare! No one knows but I sure hope that's not what happens. I'd still prefer to feel and be aware of being eaten by woodland animals and insects. I don't care what eats me but I'd actually like it if opossums got their fair share. They are misunderstood and are really cool little things.


Nov 2, 2024
I will probably go to hell. I do believe in it and had a near death experience ge with it. I hope everyone e here can go to heaven though.
What was your experience I'd be interested. Also had you accepted jesus before this experience.
Praying 4 a Miracle

Praying 4 a Miracle

Sep 22, 2024
It's all about whether or not you believe that God exists. If you believe that he does, then accepting him is what he wants. Also, he wants to have a relationship with us. If we reject him, then this is considered the only unforgivable sin (blasphemy of the Holy Spirit). While God despises murder and suicide, and they are considered to be extremely serious sins, according to the Bible they are not unforgivable.

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