

Jun 5, 2022
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.
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are we almost there?
Apr 5, 2022
They aren't "ruining this space"
If you post something then everyone has the right to say their opinion also and just because it's not what you wanted doesn't mean they are ableist. I'm sure you know many people either don't care or don't believe in Covid and it seems to be a controversial topic for some so debates will happen. I am sorry that you are upset just remember a lot of people are dealing with things right now so don't take it to heart.

"Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people."
You just have to let it go. The world isn't perfect and no matter how much you preach about covid they are still going to believe in what they want. There are plenty of people like that and all you can do about it is get vaccinated and mask up because their opinions won't change.

You don't have to leave the site just because you didn't clash well with someone but at the end of the day it is your choice so okay.
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Apr 11, 2022
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.
I agree, though on a wider scale. Everything is fucked up right now. I'm just here in-between getting out off this planet. I can't believe I fucked up with N in 2018. I'm a dumbass. I'm going to do it right this time. I was in a far worse situation then but overall for everyone 2022 is far worse than 2018. Things are accelerating fast.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
Covid (however it came about) is most certainly real. I've seen and experienced it first hand. It fucking sucks. One of my family members had it and was over it in a couple of days. I had it and was laid up for a month the first time. Second time was a bit easier. Third time was the worst. I haven't got vaccinated. I'm too ill to want to risk it but I have family members 3 jabs in and doing fine where some friends have felt like absolute death after it. Truth is, with both virus and vaccine we're all reacting in our relative ways and there'a no black and white yay or nay way of looking at it. Just because one person goes out all the time and doesn't get sick doesn't mean that they didn't have it and have asymptomatic symptoms or that others can go out as much as they please and not catch it. So, as you say, we should be doing the sensible thing. I totally agree. Even though the western world appear to have all but decided to forget it exists. It's mind boggling but as numbers rise we'll see what happens. Luckily it's summer time but once winter comes around things could quite easily snowball again. It's a worrying thought and can see how it would cause you existential stress.

As for masks, they're not for protecting the wearer. They're a way of lowering the potential viral load of what you spread by exhaling if you should have it and be unaware. It's a respectful and considerate measure not a selfish one. It seems many have still not grasped this but more worryinge I think they seem to choose to disregard it. Lack of understanding is one thing. Choosing to disregard the facts is a whole other thing!

As far as OP goes. I think it's fair to say, whilst there were some detractors in that thread there were some sticking up for you too. I get that you were venting and I felt for you when reading your post. I just think it's important you develope a thicker skin on this forum as there are very varied views here. It's just what comes with the territory and with the greatest respect, in the name of objectivity, I don't think its healthy to choose to only hear/read things thar confirm your views. Its dangerous. Its what's known as confirmation bias and why some of these people have such warped views of reality in the first place. I say this with respect as someone who agrees with you. Whilst you deserve tact and consideration you unfortunately can't expect it in a world of free speech.

I really hope in your real life people stop being dicks to you and you manage to find a safe space in your world as you know it. We all need and deserve that.

Don't leave the forum over things like this. Nobody benefitd from that. Particularly yourself. It's not like that in every thread. It's pot luck but generally you will find supportive people too. It's just unfortunate you got started on such a hot topic which has very split views amongst humans in general. I see it quite a bit here though. It anniys me too but I think it's more fruitful to take it as a sign of the posters mentality and keep it in mind for later, should cross paths with those members again. It's a sign post of sorts.
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Mar 19, 2022
I agree, though on a wider scale. Everything is fucked up right now. I'm just here in-between getting out off this planet. I can't believe I fucked up with N in 2018. I'm a dumbass. I'm going to do it right this time. I was in a far worse situation then but overall for everyone 2022 is far worse than 2018. Things are accelerating fast.
How did you mess up with N?
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
How did you mess up with N?
I'm wondering that too. It's probably one of the accounts we've seen on the forum.

Can you link the thread if you already explained it @endgame2030 please?

If not it would be great if you could cover it in a thread.

It's clear you know you did it wrong if you're planning to use the same method again. It must have been such a bad experience that first time around.
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Apr 11, 2022
How did you mess up with N?
It's a crazy story. I gotta think about how to word the entire thing. I got 2 bottles in 2018. I had the meto, benzocaine spray, and some long tweezers to open the top. I was just going to do it in one or two goes after I'd taken the meto and numbed my mouth. I was agoraphobic for 3 years straight. I'd barely been outside much. I had the right idea to test it to see what the taste would be like since I was worried. I eyeballed the amount (don't ever do that) and blacked out. But I was stumbling around and falling into stuff. I think I passed out and got up. But I barely remember this.

The people I lived with saw this (I originally planned to do it in a hotel). They checked on me later and I woke up in an ambulance but everything was a blur. They sent me to a psych ward that was a temporary place off an ER. I was there for 3 days I think. I lied to the psych doctor and said I took some psych meds I had prescribed the wrong way. Because they had no idea what was in my system because they don't test for barbiturates. But, someone I lived with called the hospital to tell them exactly what it was. Then the psych doctor got pissed because I lied.

She thought I was a drug addict and had me sent to the court house jail and chained my legs. I did tell her exactly what I was taking it for and that I fucked up but she wasn't having it. She was trying to get me sent to a rehab which is in a wing of a prison! I spent hours in a cell until a public defender came and I explained to him what happened. Luckily after several hours I got sent to a mental hospital for a week. Also the N did not really totally wear off until 2 days before I left the mental hospital. I really fucked up.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
It's a crazy story. I gotta think about how to word the entire thing. I got 2 bottles in 2018. I had the meto, benzocaine spray, and some long tweezers to open the top. I was just going to do it in one or two goes after I'd taken the meto and numbed my mouth. I was agoraphobic for 3 years straight. I'd barely been outside much. I had the right idea to test it to see what the taste would be like since I was worried. I eyeballed the amount (don't ever do that) and blacked out. But I was stumbling around and falling into stuff. I think I passed out and got up. But I barely remember this.

The people I lived with saw this (I originally planned to do it in a hotel). They checked on me later and I woke up in an ambulance but everything was a blur. They sent me to a psych ward that was a temporary place off an ER. I was there for 3 days I think. I lied to the psych doctor and said I took some psych meds I had prescribed the wrong way. Because they had no idea what was in my system because they don't test for barbiturates. But, someone I lived with called the hospital to tell them exactly what it was. Then the psych doctor got pissed because I lied.

She thought I was a drug addict and had me sent to the court house jail and chained my legs. I did tell her exactly what I was taking it for and that I fucked up but she wasn't having it. She was trying to get me sent to a rehab which is in a wing of a prison! I spent hours in a cell until a public defender came and I explained to him what happened. Luckily after several hours I got sent to a mental hospital for a week. Also the N did not really totally wear off until 2 days before I left the mental hospital. I really fucked up.
Gah, that sounds like an awful experience. Thanks for sharing that. If you can muster the words it would be a really good thread of it's own. Things like this are really useful for people to read about. I feel for you man. Must have been such a draining experience!


Apr 11, 2022
It's a crazy story. I gotta think about how to word the entire thing. I got 2 bottles in 2018. I had the meto, benzocaine spray, and some long tweezers to open the top. I was just going to do it in one or two goes after I'd taken the meto and numbed my mouth. I was agoraphobic for 3 years straight. I'd barely been outside much. I had the right idea to test it to see what the taste would be like since I was worried. I eyeballed the amount (don't ever do that) and blacked out. But I was stumbling around and falling into stuff. I think I passed out and got up. But I barely remember this.

The people I lived with saw this (I originally planned to do it in a hotel). They checked on me later and I woke up in an ambulance but everything was a blur. They sent me to a psych ward that was a temporary place off an ER. I was there for 3 days I think. I lied to the psych doctor and said I took some psych meds I had prescribed the wrong way. Because they had no idea what was in my system because they don't test for barbiturates. But, someone I lived with called the hospital to tell them exactly what it was. Then the psych doctor got pissed because I lied.

She thought I was a drug addict and had me sent to the court house jail and chained my legs. I did tell her exactly what I was taking it for and that I fucked up but she wasn't having it. She was trying to get me sent to a rehab which is in a wing of a prison! I spent hours in a cell until a public defender came and I explained to him what happened. Luckily after several hours I got sent to a mental hospital for a week. Also the N did not really totally wear off until 2 days before I left the mental hospital. I really fucked up.
For some context. The people I lived with found the bottle. The doctor didn't know until later and got pissed that I lied. The police came and transferred me to the court house jail. They chained my legs. Just take the whole thing. Never just eyeball it and test it out like I did. It's more expensive now too so you'd be wasting more than I did in 2018.
Gah, that sounds like an awful experience. Thanks for sharing that. If you can muster the words it would be a really good thread of it's own. Things like this are really useful for people to read about. I feel for you man. Must have been such a draining experience!
Yeah I want to but I decided to post to this thread because I fucking hate living LOL
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.
Unfortunately we live in a time where science and evidence based thought is no longer valued by the masses, including here.

For me this is just another reason to die. I don't want to exist on such a planet.
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Apr 11, 2022
Unfortunately we live in a time where science and evidence based thought is no longer valued by the masses, including here.

For me this is just another reason to die. I don't want to exist on such a planet.
I guess whether you agree or disagree with what the OP was stating it seems like in the west everyone is descending into madness. There is no more uniformed thought anymore. Like something everyone can agree with. Everything is fracturing at an alarming rate and we can monitor it's progress online in real time.
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Smart No More

May 5, 2021
I guess whether you agree or disagree with what the OP was stating it seems like in the west everyone is descending into madness. There is no more uniformed thought anymore. Like something everyone can agree with. Everything is fracturing at an alarming rate and we can monitor it's progress online in real time.
I honestly think a lot of it can be attributed to the algorithm used on social networks and media platforms which is aimed at showing you more content in line with what you want. Everyone gets the content that agrees with their views and further fuels their misconceptions which creates a feedback loop or confirmation bias. So nobody is seeing the full picture ir an unbiased stream of media. Much like spoiled children we're fed whatever we want, not the healthy varied diet we need. Nobody chooses to eat their greens when there's pudding on tap.

These radical pockets like the alt rights were never a real issue before the algorithms came into play.
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Apr 11, 2022
I honestly think a lot of it can be attributed to the algorithm used on social networks and media platforms which is aimes at showing more content in line with what you want. Everyone gets the content that agrees with their views and further fuels their misconceptions which creates a feedback loop or confirmation bias. So nobody is seeing the full picture ir an unbiased stream of media. Much like spoiled children we're fed whatever we want, not the healthy varied diet we need. Nobody chooses to eat their greens when there's pudding on tap.

These radical pockets like the alt rights were never a real issue before the algorithms came into play.
I loved the old internet pre-social media because it was a place where you could meet people of all different backgrounds without fear. It was a very open place. An escape from the real world. But the real world has come here years ago and it's been completely destroyed. There were "alt right" or white nationalists online back then as well but things weren't so political. I blame social media completely and smart phones. It's shat the place up something horrible. I wanna get out of here. I don't care about politics.
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Info abt typng styl on prfle.
Sep 26, 2021
Sme of thse responss r sd 2 read

Am srry tht o.p ws mde 2 fl wrse

O.p dd nt cme on2 th/ ste fr a Cvid deb8 - thy postd bcse circmstncs arnd Covd hd affctd thr spport systm leavng thm feelng isol8td & vulnrble & thy wantd spport -- unfrtn8tly ppl hve by-pssd o.ps cncrns & turnd it in2 a deb8 abt whthr thy hd th/ rght 2 fl tht wy whch mst hve bn nt only trggrng bt xtrmly invald8tng

Hpeflly ppl tht r commntng on ths thrd hve read th/ pst tht o.p = refrrng 2
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come to dust

Oct 28, 2019
I guess whether you agree or disagree with what the OP was stating it seems like in the west everyone is descending into madness. There is no more uniformed thought anymore. Like something everyone can agree with. Everything is fracturing at an alarming rate and we can monitor it's progress online in real time.
There is a huge established scientific agreement and consensus on things like climate change, covid etc. The masses just choose to ignore them because they think they know more than professionals who have dedicate their life to researching these fields. We're in the age where watching 1 youtube video on a topic is considered as valid as studying a PHD in it.
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Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
I heard covid and this seems like chaos, so i feel like the only appropriate response is to go full Alex Jones.
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Jul 29, 2021
i didn't have the covid 19 jab looking to catch it and die from it hopefully but Covid-19 kills no more than 0.1% of the people who catch it
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.

I posted this before acquiring full context, you're right to be upset. Advices re: people's opinions and don't let people get to you remain.

I understand this is a rant, at least comes across as one to me, so I don't know if a reply would help. There are plenty of advocates against COVID/vaxx-deniers and similar, it's not all "agree to disagree", there's many people that feel the same way as you and are upset for the same reasons.

I'm one of those people. I was lucky that someone intervened and vaccinated me because I got COVID soon. I don't know the effects of the vaxx either, but COVID probably would've killed or crippled me. It was still rough for a few days and I had a minor persistent cough for a few week afterwards, but all cleared up now and feeling better than ever notwithstanding current stresses that put me on this site etc. COVID vaccine probably saved me from horror even if I got the worst one.

COVID/vaxx denier definitely did not help with stopping the spread of COVID, it definitely helped to spread it farther to vulnerable people and harm people in general and it has impacted all of us because got forced into lockdowns etc.

I think people might "agree to disagree" to avoid conflict as that what is what well-adjusted people are more likely to choose, keeping their opinions to themselves. Not everyone wants to crusade they might just want to ignore the other side.

Your last paragraph confuses me honestly, I haven't read the other comments but I don't see the connect between that and the rest of what you wrote, you wrote mostly about not wanting people to "agree to disagree" but then said you're sick of arguing when venting. I can see how spoiling a rant/vent can ruin it for people which is why I mentioned that I recognised that, but it doesn't seem to be connected to the COVID stuff.

So reading between the lines what wasn't mentioned in the OP, and you may correct me if my assumptions are wrong:
You made another rant/vent about COVID/something elsewhere, or mentioned it.
- Self-Correction: you posted baseline situation for support and mentioned COVID and someone turned it into a debate which non-purposely invalidated you
People gave you a differing opinion.

- Self-Correction: re: correction about previous thread. So people were unsupportive on your own support post.
Possibly some argument happened and they said "let's just agree to disagree" on either side of the argument.
All of the above upset you.
The reason for this post.

I don't know if it'll help but people are entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong you think it is and how much it upsets and affects you and your friends/life
You can seethe and argue back if you think you can persuade them, but try not to take it personally when people disagree and try not to let it upset you.
The sad truth is the human race will never fully agree with each other.
It's also a sad truth that you can't just persuade people to change their opinion, they have their reasons and you have yours.
If someone wants to not argue, then they're probably getting upset as well which is why they said "lets agree to disagree".
The title of this rant/vent, which I accept as such so it hope it doesn't bother you, but could also upset someone since you wrote its all of us.
Trust me you're not alone in your opinion about COVID.
I know that COVID is "coming back", as long as people get vaccinated that's all we can do, vaxx saved me at least.
I don't think things will go back to the way they were with lockdown and people are much safer if they get COVID now than a few years ago.
I know people are still dying from COVID all the time, I lost someone special to COVID earlier this year.
It's just another sad truth that people don't always get all the help they need. I almost caught it unvaccinated and I'm "high-risk" with the diabetes.
Don't leave the forum if you get support here.
Your feedback isn't wasted here, and I appreciate you just want to help others. You need support too.
The site attracts all sorts, most people here have sad lives that are much harder than the average person.

I'm too ill to want to risk it but I have family members 3 jabs in and doing fine where some friends have felt like absolute death after it.

I get that you were venting and I felt for you when reading your post. I just think it's important you develope a thicker skin on this forum as there are very varied views here. It's just what comes with the territory and with the greatest respect, in the name of objectivity, I don't think its healthy to choose to only hear/read things thar confirm your views. Its dangerous. Its what's known as confirmation bias and why some of these people have such warped views of reality in the first place. I say this with respect as someone who agrees with you. Whilst you deserve tact and consideration you unfortunately can't expect it in a world of free speech.

I really hope in your real life people stop being dicks to you and you manage to find a safe space in your world as you know it. We all need and deserve that.

Don't leave the forum over things like this. Nobody benefitd from that. Particularly yourself. It's not like that in every thread. It's pot luck but generally you will find supportive people too. It's just unfortunate you got started on such a hot topic which has very split views amongst humans in general. I see it quite a bit here though. It anniys me too but I think it's more fruitful to take it as a sign of the posters mentality and keep it in mind for later, should cross paths with those members again. It's a sign post of sorts.

+1 All of this, this is how I feel about OP just posted in a different way probably better and more softly explained than mine.

Even if someone can't develop thick skin, not allowing people to upset you is important and will save a lot of pain and make things better in life too.

@Smart No More . I don't know how ill you are so I respect you decision too, but they give the vaccines to extremely elderly people and it increases their life expectancy in post-COVID times so it should be fine. If you are very ill it seems even more important that you get the vaccine if you can and you've not had medical advice against it, which I'm sure you haven't. Re: people saying the vaccine is fine and people saying it was absolute death. Take into account that they might be exaggerating or they've might been anti-vaxx but got vaccinated anyway which prebiases them.

The people that said it was absolute death, even if it was, might be the same people that would actually die or worse horribly disabled if they got covid unvaccinated so it's still better to get the vaxx imo. It was a little unpleasant for me but I had 4 different vaccines at once and was dealing with a lot of suicidal ideation and stress and other problems at the same time so my body had to cope with a lot anyway, and even with all of that and me being high-risk it wasn't that bad. COVID itself was more painful than the vaccine but it didn't last very long probably because the protection from the vaccination killed it off asap and now I'm immune to COVID for a while which is great for me
Sme of thse responss r sd 2 read

Am srry tht o.p ws mde 2 fl wrse

O.p dd nt cme on2 th/ ste fr a Cvid deb8 - thy postd bcse circmstncs arnd Covd hd affctd thr spport systm leavng thm feelng isol8td & vulnrble & thy wantd spport -- unfrtn8tly ppl hve by-pssd o.ps cncrns & turnd it in2 a deb8 abt whthr thy hd th/ rght 2 fl tht wy whch mst hve bn nt only trggrng bt xtrmly invald8tng

Hpeflly ppl tht r commntng on ths thrd hve read th/ pst tht o.p = refrrng 2
Wow is that what happened in the other thread?

I'm sorry @jupiterwinds, I don't know if you're coming back but what happened sounds truly awful to me. You came for support and a COVID debate coming out of that is going to feel very invalidating.

Thanks for the information Dot, the context is very helpful.
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Jun 22, 2022
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.
This is a public forum, and not everyone agrees with your assessment of the COVID19 situation. If you want people who disagree with you to stay out of your thread, then why not just ask politely at the top, before going on to say what you want to say, and hope people will be polite enough to respect what you want. I would have, and most others would I believe, and if anyone didn't, then apparently you can change your settings to 'ignore' certain users posts, or complain to admin that you're being harassed by someone you've asked to leave you alone. They will do something about it. Asking politely for people to accommodate you is generally how you conduct yourself in everyday life, and it's the same on here.
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Jan 4, 2022
I know I shouldn't be surprised since the entire world treats COVID as an "agree to disagree" philosophical debate but it's further disabling my high risk friends and keeping me from having any kind of life anymore when I'm already in horrific chronic pain and misery. I don't know why I thought people might let that "agree to disagree" shit slide in this space and leave room for me to connect with the people who could relate instead of turning yet another space I've found into a "debate" about whether I have the right to exist without getting long COVID or dying the kind of horrific, prolonged death I don't want.

Btw people not believing in/caring about COVID is why things are this bad and it DOES impact me the way ableism, racism, and homophobia impact me. It's not "agree to disagree" when disagreeing hurts marginalized people.

I'm disappointed and this is bullshit. You all need to step back and think about how some of us don't want to see this arguing, "cancel culture" shit when we're venting and just looking to commiserate and connect. Just step aside. Take it somewhere else. You're ruining this space for disabled and high risk people.
It seems like I should leave so I probably will. But I always waste my time giving feedback on my way out the door because I still naively want to make things a little better if I can, for the people coming after me at least.
This site will inevitably attract a lot of people like me who are disabled and suffering with nowhere to talk about it and find resources so don't be selfish assholes and ruin it for us.
I am sorry to hear your pain. People come here feeling bad for many kinds of reasons and it is noone else's business to judge whether you are "allowed" to feel bad about this, whether your distress is real, or anything like it. Forunately, this is against the rules here, so I hope people will find motivation to leave you alone while you seek comfort here. I hope you need not leave.

Personally, I do not share your specific problem, I was more affected by the prevention measures than by the disease. The resulting isolation hurts me greatly, so I can commiserate with you, even when our paths into the pain of isolation are different.

This is a public forum, and not everyone agrees with your assessment of the COVID19 situation. If you want people who disagree with you to stay out of your thread, then why not just ask politely at the top, before going on to say what you want to say, and hope people will be polite enough to respect what you want. I would have, and most others would I believe, and if anyone didn't, then apparently you can change your settings to 'ignore' certain users posts, or complain to admin that you're being harassed by someone you've asked to leave you alone. They will do something about it. Asking politely for people to accommodate you is generally how you conduct yourself in everyday life, and it's the same on here.
OP, in the very post you are quoting, asks to leave them alone with covid opinions and discussions, as they are simple looking to vent and find people to comiserate. Why are you even here? We have the politics section for a reason, go dump your opinions there. I am sure you will find someone to tell you it is the only true and valid opinion.

It's a crazy story. I gotta think about how to word the entire thing. I got 2 bottles in 2018. I had the meto, benzocaine spray, and some long tweezers to open the top. I was just going to do it in one or two goes after I'd taken the meto and numbed my mouth. I was agoraphobic for 3 years straight. I'd barely been outside much. I had the right idea to test it to see what the taste would be like since I was worried. I eyeballed the amount (don't ever do that) and blacked out. But I was stumbling around and falling into stuff. I think I passed out and got up. But I barely remember this.

The people I lived with saw this (I originally planned to do it in a hotel). They checked on me later and I woke up in an ambulance but everything was a blur. They sent me to a psych ward that was a temporary place off an ER. I was there for 3 days I think. I lied to the psych doctor and said I took some psych meds I had prescribed the wrong way. Because they had no idea what was in my system because they don't test for barbiturates. But, someone I lived with called the hospital to tell them exactly what it was. Then the psych doctor got pissed because I lied.

She thought I was a drug addict and had me sent to the court house jail and chained my legs. I did tell her exactly what I was taking it for and that I fucked up but she wasn't having it. She was trying to get me sent to a rehab which is in a wing of a prison! I spent hours in a cell until a public defender came and I explained to him what happened. Luckily after several hours I got sent to a mental hospital for a week. Also the N did not really totally wear off until 2 days before I left the mental hospital. I really fucked up.
This is a valuable story for many here. But could you not hijack someone else's thread? Their suffering needs space, too.
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Jul 3, 2022
I do sometimes find the debating/arguing on here a little crass on certain threads, but saying that some people are just a bit more impassioned and get more fired up about things. I'm not like that at all, but that's just how some people are. All in all, this has been a.great space for me to connect. You have to take the good with the bad.

I'm sorry you are unhappy about things here xx
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Jun 28, 2022
I loved the old internet pre-social media because it was a place where you could meet people of all different backgrounds without fear. It was a very open place. An escape from the real world. But the real world has come here years ago and it's been completely destroyed. There were "alt right" or white nationalists online back then as well but things weren't so political. I blame social media completely and smart phones. It's shat the place up something horrible. I wanna get out of here. I don't care about politics.
Until up to 2007 the Internet was a great place. It really became shit when Facebook became popular. Around 2010 it became awful.
I agree with you. It was so nice. Open civilized discussions, no need for offenses. Now this. But probably it's also the economical situation. Back then we still had hope I guess?
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I agree about the filtering on social networks etc. They tend to show you what you want to see. You get confirmation bias. I still see a lot of the other stuff but it's shared in neutral spaces that I joined or random stuff I see on Quora etc.


Arthur Scargill appreciator
Sep 1, 2018
A lot of posts in this thread are totally wrong. There are numerous covid denial threads, this place provides an abundance of space for people to spew whatever obnoxious bullshit pops in to their head and it should not be incumbent upon the starter of a thread in the suicide forum to be Tolerant and Respectful of replies from people who immediately seek to invalidate because they have a batshit conspiracy theory. There are numerous websites for covid denialism, inceldom, transphobia, illuminati conspiracies of the woke, racism and all the other shit this website devotes an excessive tolerance to. This website has long ceased to be a suicide forum and has morphed into some bullshit hosting place for the dumping of deliberately offensive shit with the demand that their right to Free Speech includes the right to be unpleasant and inappropriate and this needs reassessing. There is literally a subforum for bullshit now, there's no need to spill that crap over the whole of the forum and hijack threads with it.
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Jun 22, 2022
I am sorry to hear your pain. People come here feeling bad for many kinds of reasons and it is noone else's business to judge whether you are "allowed" to feel bad about this, whether your distress is real, or anything like it. Forunately, this is against the rules here, so I hope people will find motivation to leave you alone while you seek comfort here. I hope you need not leave.

Personally, I do not share your specific problem, I was more affected by the prevention measures than by the disease. The resulting isolation hurts me greatly, so I can commiserate with you, even when our paths into the pain of isolation are different.

OP, in the very post you are quoting, asks to leave them alone with covid opinions and discussions, as they are simple looking to vent and find people to comiserate. Why are you even here? We have the politics section for a reason, go dump your opinions there. I am sure you will find someone to tell you it is the only true and valid opinion.

This is a valuable story for many here. But could you not hijack someone else's thread? Their suffering needs space, too.
Well, you can ask, but people don't have to accommodate you. I didn't notice. My Bad. I was just replying to something someone else said when I commented in her thread. At the end of the day, it's a public forum.

Why am I even here? - Why's she talkin' about Covid in the suicide section?
  • Hmph!
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
It is inappropriate and disrespectful for people to turn venting posts into a debate. People should be kind to those suffering and this place is meant to be a safe space for suicidal people to vent. Unfortunately there are cruel people and trolls on here but it is best to just report them. The way that people treat others just makes me want to leave this world even more. I am tired of it all, and I wish that euthanasia is legalised so this website would not even have to exist in the first place. Jupiterwinds, I'm sorry for what you are going through and that you were treated so badly on here. I hope that you find relief from your suffering.
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No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
Why's she talkin' about Covid in the suicide section?
Covid is part of literally why they're feeling the way they do. It's part of the circumstances as to why they feel unlooked after(and they are correct, I didn't get my vaxx either, a new nurse was horrified and intervened on my behalf). They also lost a friend to covid, I didn't read the entire thread because the first one-two sentences were about covid and losing someone to covid and that was enough for me to get their viewpoint.

You posted in the original thread there so I don't understand why you're still asking that here or why you don't get it. After Dot already explained too, it's invalidating. Hence the fresh angry reacts.

Why not anyway? He/She is entitled to talk about covid and how it affects them if they want. If someone is suicidal or feeling awful because of the past lockdowns that would be ok too, if someone is suicidal because of covid vaxx thats also ok to be here and talk about. Why are you talking about Covid in the suicide section and arguing with them with your views? That's kind of hypocritical when you don't understand when they talk about covid, and invalidating. Also hence the angry reacts.
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Jun 22, 2022
Covid is part of literally why they're feeling the way they do. It's part of the circumstances as to why they feel unlooked after(and they are correct, I didn't get my vaxx either, a new nurse was horrified and intervened on my behalf). They also lost a friend to covid, I didn't read the entire thread because the first one-two sentences were about covid and losing someone to covid and that was enough for me to get their viewpoint.

You posted in the original thread there so I don't understand why you're still asking that here or why you don't get it. After Dot already explained too, it's invalidating. Hence the fresh angry reacts.

Why not anyway? He/She is entitled to talk about covid and how it affects them if they want. If someone is suicidal or feeling awful because of the past lockdowns that would be ok too, if someone is suicidal because of covid vaxx thats also ok to be here and talk about. Why are you talking about Covid in the suicide section and arguing with them with your views? That's kind of hypocritical when you don't understand when they talk about covid, and invalidating. Also hence the angry reacts.
I wasn't arguing with them, or anyone. My comment was to someone else about media propaganda.


No chances to be happy - dead inside
Nov 25, 2021
I was just replying to something someone else said when I commented in her thread. At the end of the day, it's a public forum.

I wasn't arguing with them, or anyone. My comment was to someone else about media propaganda.
My point there was that you had read(=knew) why they were talking about COVID, so I don't understand why you asked.

That's even worse. The post that it looks like you were empathising with that you replied to looks like it was removed by the poster or the mods. I understand that poster feels that way about COVID and I don't have a problem with that/them. Not a good look, but I understand people feel different ways about covid that still doesn't mean they should invalidate someone who is extremely distressed by covid's affect on them. Losing someone to covid sucks, I lost someone, many people have lost someone. It's not hard to give that kind of basic respect to someone that is bereaved even if they didn't ask for it, it's just common courtesy. You wouldn't go to a funeral and start booing, you wouldn't say to someone who lost someone to cancer that you don't think cancer is real or that cancer is no big deal, and that's pretty much what you implied in that thread without me having to use hyperbole.

As for "it's a public forum". It's a public forum for people who are feeling suicidal. Not for people to be invalidated and told that the illness they're grieving over and the illness they don't feel they're getting enough support for isn't and was never real and is no big deal, etc.

Let me just double-check.

"It's so funny how they were getting us to completely freak out about the pandemic, until Ukraine got invaded, or whatever people want to call it, and now it's like there was never a pandemic at all. People have stopped wearing masks in healthcare facilities here in the UK now. It's like nothing happened, it's all forgotten about!It's so funny."

I still stand by what I've said. Perhaps you didn't mean to imply that it seems like the pandemic was completely forgettable, but you did and it could be construed as insensitive to imply that but its not enough to be moderated. The one you replied to isn't there any more. I'm biased now because you asked why they're talking about COVID and they have every right to do that, and if you were supportive to the OP it isn't apparent to me.
Well, you can ask, but people don't have to accommodate you.
See this sounds to me like you wanted to debate about it otherwise why debate this as well. It's common courtesy to accept whatever they said, they were bereaved too, and it directly makes them suicidal. People don't have to accommodate that, but they should.

"about media propaganda."
The media absolutely does this someplace somewhere. Not a good idea to bring that up about covid in that thread unless its in support of OP. Talk about Ukraine or anything else that the OP didn't mention is ok. It's not that unlikely that Ukraine would be bigger, fresher, more exciting news than COVID which we've got a handle on and has been all we've had for the past few. The main thing about news is that it is in the name, news is supposed be new updated information, people actually get upset sometimes when they read about exciting "news" from some blogger or something and it turns out its from 2004 or something . Can you remember it used to be all about North Korea and their nukes? Heard about them lately? Do you think DPRK really changed? my point exactly. The media always influences what we're thinking about even when it might not be directly propaganda.

Anyway I said my point- I hate conflict on here and I was trying to keep out of it . Unwatching thread to de-escalate and I hope @jupiterwinds sees that they're not alone and can get support here in this forum.
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Jun 22, 2022
For me it seems OP wanted to vent about THEIR situation, what they were finding difficult and was seeking support. Regardless of opinion, I believe support should still be given if you are going on someones venting thread so as to not invalidate their feelings. If support is unable to be given because opinions differ, then it may be better to not comment on that thread. What if some came on and said, I don't believe in depression, it is made up, it doesn't exist and the "anti-depressors" were spouting that. Would anyone who has depression and lives the crippling impact of it not feel invalidated, unsupported and spoken down to? I would.
Sorry this happen to you OP. You didn't deserve that.
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