Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I'm planning/in the process of writing letters to several people that influenced my life in a meaningful way, be it positive or negative. Here's a list with what I want to achieve for each category:

My great-aunt: she has always been a positive influence in my life and always cared about me. If I hold on a little longer it'll be for her, hoping she'd pass before me as she's 80. She never had children and we were basically her non-biological children. Me above all. She's one of the few people I genuinly care about. I'd like very much to ease her suffering as she'll be heartbroken about this. Which sucks immensily.

My parents: in the vein of the altruistic antinatalist philosophy of David Benatar I believe procreation to be immoral because it's gambling with other people's well-being. I blame them for bringing me in this rotten, miserable existence in the first place but more importantly I blame them for screwing me up mentally making me unable to build a solid life due to their completely selfish, irresponsible and emotionally abusive behaviour towards each-other and me. I will not blame them for my death as it will be something I'll have rationally decided and take responsibility for but I do hold them responsible for causing me so much grief, pain and loss. Parents are supposed to love their children unconditionally, not run them into the ground and turn them into emotional wrecks.

My friends: two of them I'd care to write at least. I want and need to express my deep and abiding appreciation for their loyalty and friendship throughout the years while others have fled at the first sign of trouble. As they are smart, well-educated and rational people I'm sure they will understand and support my decision. I will explain my reasons as clearly and coherently as I possibly can.

My government: this will be a clear, candid indictment of the inhumane, cruel and counterproductive anti-suicide policy which will necessitate stealth and secrecy as if I'm some criminal instead of a law-abiding citizen. It's their fault I can't talk openly about this as they simply deny me my right to self-determination. I am in effect part of a prosecuted minority. I intend to expose their hypocrisy (wrongful imprisonment posing as a sound public health policy) and the legal absurdity of positing freedom as a constitutionally and treaty-based fundamental human right while in practice they spit and piss on it as much as they like. I might even arrange for this letter to be sent to some newspapers so my death may have some meaning at least. Of course they'll probably consider it the rambling of a madman although personally I think I'm quite sane. It's plain ridiculous to equate unhappiness with a form of insanity yet that's what this society does: suicide = mental illness or at least the product of mental illness.

Do you plan on leaving letters when the time comes? If so to whom, what do you intend/hope to achieve and what will you say?
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May 30, 2018
I am also a antinatalist follower. Bringing new humans into existence is the biggest mistake, which humans do. With every procreation they are also creating extremely pain.
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Mar 14, 2019
I like that you plan to write a letter to government, I don't think I've heard of that before and I applaud you for doing that. I'm definitely angry about quite a few things regarding my country and the government and have thought of it as well but I'm not sure I'll have much of an effect. I hope you do.

As for me, I just plan to write letters to the few people I feel will be affected from my passing.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I think writing letters and notes to people you find important is good. It helps them find closure in some way (especially those who will be sad at your passing) and also helps mitigate some of their pain when you ctb. As far as the government, I'm not sure if there is much of an effect or any, but I guess if somehow enough people and the right people get the message, then overtime, there will be (slow) change.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
I like that you plan to write a letter to government, I don't think I've heard of that before and I applaud you for doing that. I'm definitely angry about quite a few things regarding my country and the government and have thought of it as well but I'm not sure I'll have much of an effect. I hope you do.

As for me, I just plan to write letters to the few people I feel will be affected from my passing.

Nothing is ever going to change if we don't put the blame where it belongs: the prosecution of suicidal individuals by the state while suicide isn't even a crime anymore in most countries. This is ridiculous and absurd beyond belief.

It's clear the only way to effectively lower the suicide-rate is open discussion about the topic, not involuntary commitment or forced drugging. This forum is probably more effective at preventing suicide (ironically) than the official anti-suicide policy.

If you decide to do this I strongly encourage leaving a note stating your position on this subject and how it made you feel isolated and unable to be honest to your loved-ones (imo the reason why it's so difficult for people to get to grips with the suicide of a loved-one). The state and psychiatry will paint you as a hapless victim of 'mental illness', insanity and unreason so you might aswell provide a counter-argument and protect your reputation.

As for me I see it as a moral duty to protest this injustice and express my outrage at being regarded as a criminal. Regardless of whether it changes anything or not. If I do CTB I won't know it either way.

I'm in the process of writing a book about suicide, pessimism, death and antinatalism. The goal is to clarify my own thoughts on the matter (through the lenze of philosophy mostly) and to serve as proof I'm quite sane and thought this through. Whether I'll be able to finish it depends on the circumstances in the next few weeks. We'll see.

I think in general it might make it easier for loved-ones of suicides when they know it was a well-thought out decision and not a spur of the moment, emotional thing.

Even though my life has gone rather badly I've always believed in rationality and reason. That is why I'm considering this very carefully although obviously I do get rather emotional at times as this is a very hard time for me. Still I don't believe this makes me unreasonable.
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Mar 10, 2019
Im probably just going to write down a quote from an Elliott smith song, not really directed to anyone. The only one i don't want to leave is my dog, and a note wont do much for her.
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Mar 7, 2019
I'm planning/in the process of writing letters to several people that influenced my life in a meaningful way, be it positive or negative. Here's a list with what I want to achieve for each category:

My great-aunt: she has always been a positive influence in my life and always cared about me. If I hold on a little longer it'll be for her, hoping she'd pass before me as she's 80. She never had children and we were basically her non-biological children. Me above all. She's one of the few people I genuinly care about. I'd like very much to ease her suffering as she'll be heartbroken about this. Which sucks immensily.

My parents: in the vein of the altruistic antinatalist philosophy of David Benatar I believe procreation to be immoral because it's gambling with other people's well-being. I blame them for bringing me in this rotten, miserable existence in the first place but more importantly I blame them for screwing me up mentally making me unable to build a solid life due to their completely selfish, irresponsible and emotionally abusive behaviour towards each-other and me. I will not blame them for my death as it will be something I'll have rationally decided and take responsibility for but I do hold them responsible for causing me so much grief, pain and loss. Parents are supposed to love their children unconditionally, not run them into the ground and turn them into emotional wrecks.

My friends: two of them I'd care to write at least. I want and need to express my deep and abiding appreciation for their loyalty and friendship throughout the years while others have fled at the first sign of trouble. As they are smart, well-educated and rational people I'm sure they will understand and support my decision. I will explain my reasons as clearly and coherently as I possibly can.

My government: this will be a clear, candid indictment of the inhumane, cruel and counterproductive anti-suicide policy which will necessitate stealth and secrecy as if I'm some criminal instead of a law-abiding citizen. It's their fault I can't talk openly about this as they simply deny me my right to self-determination. I am in effect part of a prosecuted minority. I intend to expose their hypocrisy (wrongful imprisonment posing as a sound public health policy) and the legal absurdity of positing freedom as a constitutionally and treaty-based fundamental human right while in practice they spit and piss on it as much as they like. I might even arrange for this letter to be sent to some newspapers so my death may have some meaning at least. Of course they'll probably consider it the rambling of a madman although personally I think I'm quite sane. It's plain ridiculous to equate unhappiness with a form of insanity yet that's what this society does: suicide = mental illness or at least the product of mental illness.

Do you plan on leaving letters when the time comes? If so to whom, what do you intend/hope to achieve and what will you say?
Well for me personally I will talk about my life. I will write my own obituary. I will write something to each family member and friend. IDK if I will talk about the governement and suicide, perhaps I should. Oh and I will use future email if I decide to reveal something I fucked up in within my life, something very deep and perhaps dark.
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Dec 17, 2018
Well for me personally I will talk about my life. I will write my own obituary. I will write something to each family member and friend. IDK if I will talk about the governement and suicide, perhaps I should. Oh and I will use future email if I decide to reveal something I fucked up in within my life, something very deep and perhaps dark.

I mean if you're dead why keep secrets? Unless you murdered someone ofcourse ;-)
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Mar 3, 2019
I've got cards I wrote from a previous attempt but I think I'm going to write to my nephews and niece and buy them presents for their birthdays and I will re write to my folks. Maybe the government, I'd never considered that.


Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
Nothing is ever going to change if we don't put the blame where it belongs: the prosecution of suicidal individuals by the state while suicide isn't even a crime anymore in most countries. This is ridiculous and absurd beyond belief.

It's clear the only way to effectively lower the suicide-rate is open discussion about the topic, not involuntary commitment or forced drugging. This forum is probably more effective at preventing suicide (ironically) than the official anti-suicide policy.

If you decide to do this I strongly encourage leaving a note stating your position on this subject and how it made you feel isolated and unable to be honest to your loved-ones (imo the reason why it's so difficult for people to get to grips with the suicide of a loved-one). The state and psychiatry will paint you as a hapless victim of 'mental illness', insanity and unreason so you might aswell provide a counter-argument and protect your reputation.

As for me I see it as a moral duty to protest this injustice and express my outrage at being regarded as a criminal. Regardless of whether it changes anything or not. If I do CTB I won't know it either way.

I'm in the process of writing a book about suicide, pessimism, death and antinatalism. The goal is to clarify my own thoughts on the matter (through the lenze of philosophy mostly) and to serve as proof I'm quite sane and thought this through. Whether I'll be able to finish it depends on the circumstances in the next few weeks. We'll see.

I think in general it might make it easier for loved-ones of suicides when they know it was a well-thought out decision and not a spur of the moment, emotional thing.

Even though my life has gone rather badly I've always believed in rationality and reason. That is why I'm considering this very carefully although obviously I do get rather emotional at times as this is a very hard time for me. Still I don't believe this makes me unreasonable.
Very well written, and yes in order for there to be change, there has to be a voice out there. I fully agree with you that while someone may be emotional or depressed, it doesn't make them irrational. Far too often has society and government as well as the medical fields view depressed individuals as incompetent and/or unable to make rational, logical choices. That sentiment they hold is, far from the truth.
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Jean Améry

Mar 17, 2019
LOL I didn't murder anyone but what I did in retrospect was shameful.

If it was shameful why would you want it known in the first place? I'll admit I'm curious as to what you did exactly.

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