

Jan 1, 2024
Hell no but If I have to reincarnate I better come back without mental illness and be able to become a neuroscientist that can help find cures for mental illnesses
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Jul 29, 2023
What is the point of re-incarnating into every person that ever was or will be, so you can then mature into some "god" as depicted in the video? What's the point of the "god"?

So you've spent millions of years maturing so you can earn the right to become a "god".... now what? You just sit there observing more beings getting tortured and going through the same process, like some sort of cruel groundhog day scenario? What's the flucking point of any of this?

I'm not sure why these sorts of explanations appeal to some people's brains... they explain nothing other than giving shallow people a promise of becoming something grand and important (in their shallow mind). I have no desire to be a "god" any more than I would desire to be a slave worshipping one. Seems both meaningless and needless suffering. Not to mention boring as fluck too!

If there is something more to all of this life thingy, I really hope it's far more interesting and meaningful than anything human beings have managed to invent in organised religion or any other imagined scenarios.
If you stick around long enough maybe our AI overlords can provide an interesting future. Or kill us all.
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Oct 31, 2023
Also, evangelion fan? >.<
Here! Hehe
> You are a fighting Uruk-hai.

(Yes, I've just finished this tiny video because I cannot stand Kurzgesagt, what a loathsome channel.)
Hello friend,

Your comment really stood out to me.
Firstly, let's clarify that I respect everyone's opinion. I mean, we each have the right to like or dislike things…
Although, I believe that criticizing this channel and not considering all the hard work and effort behind their content is a little narrow minded.
Please don't take this reply as a provocation, I honestly just felt a little bad for Kurzgesagt.
If you really hate their videos, don't worry, there's no one that forces you to watch them :)
And if you have the chance to reach out to them (for example by commenting on their videos), try giving constructive criticism and feedback.
They probably won't reply to you, but at least you did what you could so there's no room for regrets ;)

Have a good day
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Apr 4, 2020
I used to want to. But now I don't want anymore. I don't need to suffer and be humiliated every single day again. I want peace. I need it. Or I'm going to go crazy.
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#1 sukuna glazer
Sep 23, 2023
absolutely not
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Jan 1, 2024
I've come to the conclusion that those who love this disgusting world and indulge in all of its evil, are perpetually reincarnated; like basically their souls are erased/formatted at death and placed into a newborn. The only people who escape the cycle are the ones who acknowledge that this world is the hell in the Bible and fight against it. CTB is a conscious tool to escape this world, and then your soul is free to do whatever, be it sleep forever or go to a different world. That's how I rationalize death based on religious and scientific beliefs.
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Oct 31, 2023
I've come to the conclusion that those who love this disgusting world and indulge in all of its evil, are perpetually reincarnated; like basically their souls are erased/formatted at death and placed into a newborn. The only people who escape the cycle are the ones who acknowledge that this world is the hell in the Bible and fight against it. CTB is a conscious tool to escape this world, and then your soul is free to do whatever, be it sleep forever or go to a different world. That's how I rationalize death based on religious and scientific beliefs.
Hello, your answer is very elaborated and I really like the your take on the matter :)
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Jan 7, 2024
I've thought about this a lot and I think I would only want to reincarnate if I could choose the circumstances into which I was born and could also access all the knowledge I've learned from this life to avoid any repetitive mistakes. But that doesn't seem plausible so I guess it's off to eternity I go.
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Princess Zorldo
Jan 8, 2024
Yes. My reasons for wanting to CTB have to do with getting the wrong roll of the dice in life with my mental illnesses and loneliness, so I would absolutely like to give it another go without them!
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Nov 23, 2023
No, the world brings infinite potential for suffering and i dont need any of it. Just ceasing from existing is enough.
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Feb 9, 2023
Sounds interesting. The chance at living a life with no mental or physical diseases could be good. Still, no way to make sure I won't have to go through homelessness, hunger, poverty etc even if I'm normal. So I don't think so.
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Feb 27, 2020
I'd like to be reincarnated as a pretty, wealthy woman just because I'm curious what it would be like to be the opposite of what I am.
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"I'll roll along today."
Dec 2, 2023
If I could be reincarnated into a beloved family pet I think that would be nice. There's so much expectations on humans
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Jun 20, 2023
Into an advanced civilization that doesn't get sick yes. This life is just torture and in nature you were only intended to go around once and that is what makes people unique so not really a fan of the video game reincarnate thing.
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But in the end it doesn't even matter...😢
Aug 19, 2019
Nope do not want to come back! Pretty sure I've been here before probably more than once and I'm beyond done. Old soul I am!
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Oct 30, 2023
If I can't choose my future life, my future country, my future family, my future friends, I don't see the point.
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Suicide enthusiast
Sep 11, 2022
I dully hope not. I don't give a damn if I reincarnate as an animal with only instincts ingrained in me. Living is pain. Hell I think I might kill myself in the womb if I am reincarnated. Where there is a will there is a way.
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Global Mod
Jun 24, 2023
When I CTB it's going to be because of how horrible existence was. Maybe I could be born the proper gender, maybe I wouldn't have horrible anxiety, maybe I appear normal in society. It doesn't matter, I'd never subject myself to this pain ever again on a coin flip that things would "go my way". Think this life has shown me more than enough reasons to not want life period.
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Jan 8, 2024
I'd love to reincarnate as a eagle. An apex predator and top of the food change. No one out there trying to kill me and I'll be killing every mf I see. Flying above storms watching the thundering and lightning, soaring through the skies without a care in the world. Going to whatever country I want as I can fly up to 250 miles a day. And then just for the fun of it - shit on all the humans and use my vicious claws on their ugly faces.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
Please don't take this reply as a provocation, I honestly just felt a little bad for Kurzgesagt.
It's nice that you have responded. If you may, I have a few thoughts.
1. I inherently dislike videos of lengths shorter than those 20 min - short videos try to game YouTube's algorithms instead of putting forward an idea.
2. Kurzgesagt is insanely popular (partly for that reason) - whereas Isaac Arthur is much more niche, undeservedly so.
3. Kurzgesagt makes childish animations in the corporate style of Google.
4. Kurzgesagt's style is patronising, upbeat, toxically positive, childish.
5. Of course, I will never write to him because he receives literal millions of comments, no connection with viewers.

And in this particular video, he cheerfully informs the viewer of what amounts to a possibility to be tortured for (almost an) eternity in different human reincarnations... while omitting this fact. As the commenters here have caught it - being tortured for hundreds and thousands of lives, meet your torturer, and... react in no way other than "amazement & understanding"? Because you're an... "egg"? (By the way, "egg" is a trans metaphor, probably mentioned it already, I'm like a faulty AI repeating myself,)

Apologies if I come out (xd) as too strong-worded, I actually like analysing stuff like this. Hell, my mom the other day said she wishes she went to listen to a river flowing in a forest, and I responded that I cannot think of such rivers as anything but fields of slaughter for all the animals coming to drink. Why don't people invite me to parties?
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Nov 23, 2023
I've come to the conclusion that those who love this disgusting world and indulge in all of its evil, are perpetually reincarnated; like basically their souls are erased/formatted at death and placed into a newborn. The only people who escape the cycle are the ones who acknowledge that this world is the hell in the Bible and fight against it. CTB is a conscious tool to escape this world, and then your soul is free to do whatever, be it sleep forever or go to a different world. That's how I rationalize death based on religious and scientific beliefs.
I hope your right


Love is a toothache in the heart. H.Heine
Dec 12, 2020
I am torn on the question of reincarnation. On the one hand, I am intrigued by the idea of experiencing another life, of learning new things and growing as a person. On the other hand, I am also aware of the suffering that can exist in this world, and I am not sure that I would want to subject myself to that again. Ultimately, I would only want to reincarnate if I had the choice, and if I knew that I would be able to end my life when I was ready, without pain or suffering.