

Oct 31, 2023
Hello everyone!

As the title of this thread says, if you had the chance to start a new life after death as a different person (without the memories of your past existence and in a random era), would you accept it?

I'm really looking forward to read your answers

Oh and there's an interesting video on YouTube that talks about an hypothesis of what comes after death, so check it out!
(The link is below 👇)
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Hell, no !!! I just want to have peace.
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𝚂𝚂 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚘. 43,53?
Dec 22, 2023
As long as it's far far far away from this wretched and pathetic life of mine. Sure I guess.
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Jan 4, 2024
Reincarnating into a better life/situation would be great! But ceasing to exist entirely doesn't bother me.
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(ᴗ_ ᴗ。)
Nov 25, 2023
No. I am sure my next life would be even worse
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
No thanks!
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left in the rain
Mar 13, 2020
please no, unless i had a choice of the life i'd live

i just want to be comfortable, and complete death is the only realistic option
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Jan 2, 2024
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Oct 22, 2023
I am familiar with The Egg theory, but I hope it's not true. And no, I wouldn't choose to reincarnate. I can see why other people would choose to do so. There's a video about it here. But I am done... Non-existence doesn't sound scary to me.​
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Oct 31, 2023
I am familiar with The Egg theory, but I hope it's not true. And no, I wouldn't choose to reincarnate. I can see why other people would choose to do so. There's a video about it here. But I am done... Non-existence doesn't sound scary to me.​
I really appreciate your answer.
I watched the video and I find it really interesting.
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Jul 18, 2023
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
in a random era)
OMG you know I would go for being born in Germany in 1920, and dying in 1941, let's say, as a Cretan paratrooper, after fangirling over the Parthenon!

Sad childhood > very hyped teens full of totalitarian love > dying happy when all is looking sweet.

But if we only take the linear timeline - it would be either Juche Korea in 2100 CE, or maybe Afghanistan?

See, every time I think of such things, I think of history and geography, not exactly my personal characteristics, haha. What if I were the same anti-social outcast as in this reality? Or if I were a North Korean, but very-very gay, thus annulling my appreciation? Of course, I'd go for slightly above-average intelligence (or self-awareness), but without the utter autism. Or maybe an earlier maturity?

P.S. I have never watched Kurzgesagt because the artstyle is so ugly... The egg video is advancing an idea of effectively a rogue-lite like Hades? Where a life gives you some tiny bonuses for the next one? A Hindu karma?

As regards the idea of "only one soul for all beings" - yeah, I've read it in Pelevin who's a Russian schizo Buddhist writer. And drug-junkies posit so as well. Being respectful of individuals has always come to me with ease. But the world is way too absurd and cruel overall for that to be the case.

And I talked to the god, I'd plunge my big black sword deep into his rotten heart (#nohomo) the way Túrin will.

P.P.S. The egg is a trans metaphor, quick, pitch-fork Kurzgesagt for appropriating it!
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King or street sweeper, dance with grim reaper!
Jul 18, 2023
What is the point of re-incarnating into every person that ever was or will be, so you can then mature into some "god" as depicted in the video? What's the point of the "god"?

So you've spent millions of years maturing so you can earn the right to become a "god".... now what? You just sit there observing more beings getting tortured and going through the same process, like some sort of cruel groundhog day scenario? What's the flucking point of any of this?

I'm not sure why these sorts of explanations appeal to some people's brains... they explain nothing other than giving shallow people a promise of becoming something grand and important (in their shallow mind). I have no desire to be a "god" any more than I would desire to be a slave worshipping one. Seems both meaningless and needless suffering. Not to mention boring as fluck too!

If there is something more to all of this life thingy, I really hope it's far more interesting and meaningful than anything human beings have managed to invent in organised religion or any other imagined scenarios.
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Dec 19, 2023
My ged this is sooooo tricky.
The catch is I wouldnt recall all the memories and experiences before, so there's a chance i'd mess up.
On one hand, I'd like to believe that I'd be better, knowing me. on the other hand that isnt guaranteed.
Im too much of a coward I guess so non-existence it is. Unless i'd have a say in at least some of the specs of the new life i'd occupy.
For example:
I'd like to be a certain height, and I'd like to retain some aspects of how I am now, and I'd like more money at an earlier age.
But if not, then hard pass, non-existence for me. Or reincarnate me as an animal or something.
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Oct 31, 2023
Thank you for your answer @Slow_Farewell
I think that living as an animal would be mentally a lot easier. When I was younger I used to always look at the sky and admire the birds that were passing by. I mean, flying, flapping your wings and being free from everything while seeing the ground from above (where all the evil, pain and sorrow is) must surely be a wonderful experience. (As long as a hunter doesn't track you down and shoots you)
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Jul 18, 2023
Thank you for your answer @Slow_Farewell
I think that living as an animal would be mentally a lot easier. When I was younger I used to always look at the sky and admire the birds that were passing by. I mean, flying, flapping your wings and being free from everything while seeing the ground from above (where all the evil, pain and sorrow is) must surely be a wonderful experience. (As long as a hunter doesn't track you down and shoots you)
Nah. They have their own shares of misery. It's so ironical that I used to think the exact opposite. I used to think, they have to go to their houses which might not be existing anymore. They can't visualise the sky and birds flying and admire the beauty. They have to wake up again and struggle next day for food. He he, same event, different perspectives.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Never, I don't understand why anyone would desire human existence, existence itself is the problem and no matter what I'd see it as always preferable to not exist. Under no circumstances could I ever wish to exist in this reality, all that existence ever does is create unnecessary suffering, harm and problems, it disturbs me how there is no limit as to how much one can suffer as long as they are enslaved in the decaying flesh prison that is the human body. I see existence as best avoided no matter what.
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
decaying flesh prison
I kind of like existence, but only as a story where one plays his designated role. But that is delusional on my part because the Universe is clearly chaotic & absurd.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
No . Imo 90 years of suffering as a sentient animal is too long . To me 1 minute of the most extreme unbearable pain is not worth it to exist much less an hour or day of it . Why would I wish for trillions to the quadrillion power years of that hell which is life /existence consciousness?

"What must it be, then, to bear the manifold tortures of existence forever? Forever! For all eternity! Not for a year or an age but forever. Try to imagine the awful meaning of this. You have often seen the sand on the seashore. How fine are its tiny grains! And how many of those tiny grains go to make up the small handful which a child grasps in its play. Now imagine a mountain of that sand, a million miles high, reaching from the earth to the farthest heavens, and a million miles broad, extending to remotest space, and a million miles in thickness, and imagine such an enormous mass of countless particles of sand multiplied as often as there are leaves in the forest, drops of water in the mighty ocean, feathers on birds, scales on fish, hairs on animals, atoms in the vast expanse of air. And imagine that at the end of every million years a little bird came to that mountain and carried away in its beak a tiny grain of that sand. How many millions upon millions of centuries would pass before that bird had carried away even a square foot of that mountain, how many eons upon eons of ages before it had carried away all. Yet at the end of that immense stretch time not even one instant of eternity could be said to have ended. At the end of all those billions and trillions of years eternity would have scarcely begun. And if that mountain rose again after it had been carried all away again grain by grain, and if it so rose and sank as many times as there are stars in the sky, atoms in the air, drops of water in the sea, leaves on the trees, feathers upon birds, scales upon fish, hairs upon animals – at the end of all those innumerable risings and sinkings of that immeasurably vast mountain not even one single instant of eternity could be said to have ended; even then, at the end of such a period, after that eon of time, there mere thought of which makes our very brain reel dizzily, eternity would have scarcely begun."
― James Joyce
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the old man

Dec 23, 2023
I've watched the world and society suffer and decline over many years, I genuinely feel sorry for the children of the future if the state of decline continues on it's downward spiral as I imagine it will, would I like to be reborn into a future where the divide between those that do have and those that haven't grows even greater and the struggle just to survive becomes even more evident.....hell no, reincarnation is definitely not my wish I'm happy to end up as nothing more than fertiliser and maybe a good memory for those that choose to remember me.
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Dec 26, 2023
not at all
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Oct 7, 2023
Yeah, I guess. It's better than anything else i can think of for some reason.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I don't care if I reincarnate or not. It's not like I'll have memories of my current life during my new life (if reincarnation is real) so it'll be a clean slate. In fact, even under reincarnation, it's pointless to see the new me as me at all due to how different life would be as well as different genetics as well as a different environment etc I would have in comparison to the reincarnated me. The fact remains that, under reincarnation, my current body would be in peace and I'd just simply be born as something else which has no memories of current me. All I want is for me to be in peace which would happen regardless of whether reincarnation is true or not

I mean, I doubt that even those who believe in reincarnation has memories or substantial detail of their past life/lives so why would I?
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Dec 19, 2023
Thank you for your answer @Slow_Farewell
I think that living as an animal would be mentally a lot easier. When I was younger I used to always look at the sky and admire the birds that were passing by. I mean, flying, flapping your wings and being free from everything while seeing the ground from above (where all the evil, pain and sorrow is) must surely be a wonderful experience. (As long as a hunter doesn't track you down and shoots you)
True about the hunter part. Maybe an insect with a short life span then? lol.
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Kill me
Nov 26, 2023
Reincarnation is a horrible joke to play on those of us who suffer.

Just kidding, I treat my cat pretty damn well. I wouldn't mind being that adorable little free loader without responsibility.

Something something existence is pain blah blah reincarnation bad or whatever I want to be a cat
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Dec 12, 2023
What parts of me would be carried over in reincarnation? I wouldn't want to live another life as the same person. I'd want to come back as a total blank slate with no quirks or abnormalities from my current life.
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An Emasculated, Useless Man
Dec 5, 2023
I would want to reincarnate to be able to have the daughter that my partner and me lost. Now that sick and in mid 30s, that is no longer an option to try. I do not feel wanted by anyone anymore since I became sick. And the one thing I always wanted was a family with the person I'm with. But..maybe next life. This one I want cut short, but the person I'm with will suffer and I'm desperately holding on. Lucid dreams are so wonderful for me, reminds me of how you're supposed to feel. Not this illness I'm told will never go away.
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little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022
I always liked the egg theory, this life may suck but I'll get better ones, I'll get worse ones I'll get ones where I succeed and like this one, lives where I fail.

I always liked reincarnation, not necessarily as anything that has consiousness, but why would I know that? It's always been my peace that once I'm dead I won't know that, so who cares if others hurt, as long as I don't feel like this anymore.

I think being free has always been my goal, be it through death or as something that doesn't know its own consiousness.
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little bird fly away
Oct 7, 2022
Also, evangelion fan? >.<
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Little Russian in-cel
Apr 25, 2020
> You are a fighting Uruk-hai.

(Yes, I've just finished this tiny video because I cannot stand Kurzgesagt, what a loathsome channel.)
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