I feel you. Life has a lot of beauty and I love it for other people, but it ain't for me personally. I feel like death is the only real mercy in this world and really nothing to be afraid of in the end.
THIS. Or as a cat, all they really do is just prowl around and lounge around in the sun all day. That is definitely the blueprint.
No thanks i would never want to be reincarnated as anything. I know that reincarnation is impossible and just a made up story. the truth is after death is non-existence forever and that's what I want for me .
Saw a video of a cat . It was a family going on a sailing trip on a large sailboat. They took the cat along. Well the cat developed something that they said is common with male cats. It's urinary tract got blocked. now you can imagine the pain. and they showed the cat in extreme pain . they were out at sea so they couldn't do anything and the cat suffered terribly in constant pain for days couldn't go to the bathroom for days, can you imagine the pain. Finally the man decided to go back to shore and find a vet . after of a few days they got to land and sent the cat to the vet. The operation would cost thousands so the man decided to give it nembutal. And they euthanized the cat with nembutal . but the moral is that any animal or human can suffer extreme pain at any day any minute , something like that , kidney stones, cancer, tape worm infection, accident . and I've seen many cases just here of extreme suffering.
I've seen a case of a young woman Angelique Flowers who got her colon blocked by inoperable stage 4 cancer and she was in extreme pain. She said not even fentanyl could stop the worst of the pain . she became a euthanasia advocate.
DNA based life has tortured most humans and animals like that and to death. They don't all die of nembutal. yeah that cat did but it suffered for days before they gave it the nembutal.
While male cat urinary blockages are common, they can be life-threatening. Learn how to spot symptoms and info on prevention, treatments & stress factors.