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Jun 25, 2019
I know the US has issues with racism and class divide but at least you guys living there can make quick cash. The stupid EU means you can't make money for selling sperm, eggs, or donating plasma unlike the States so no quick cash.

I'm applying for jobs but I'm on my 20th application sent out with no reply so far. I can't even get welfare/job seekers allowance because I live with my parents though 21.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
No firm comparison, but I think I'd prefer my ancestral home in Britain Ireland or Scotland, those people are crazy and have cuter accents.
I already listen to bbc day and night to pretend I am there, yes I do, do not judge me.
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
The EU is safe but boring. America seems to be the opposite.
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
The EU is safe but boring. America seems to be the opposite.
Not too safe. I'm addicted to crime pages, all sorts of crazy shit happens in EU, just fewer guns.
I love listening to EU comedians make fun of American gun crime.
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trash golem
Dec 26, 2018
But we also don't have universal healthcare and our healthcare costs are much higher than the rest of the world, welfare is pretty limited, and college is crazy expensive. Also in cities the cost of living is crazy high (although I guess in London this is also a problem.) People think it easy to make money in the US, and for some it is, but it's also easy to fall through the cracks and be desperately poor. And being poor is criminalized — check out the US bail system if you want to get real angry real fast. Plus if you're a person of color or gay, those quick money fixes might not be available to you. Eggs of women of color, particularly black women, are less desired and worth less, and gay men are largely barred from donating blood because of outdated HIV/AIDS fears. The racism isn't just literal neonazis killing people in the streets, it's a whole system of disenfranchisement.
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
Not too safe. I'm addicted to crime pages, all sorts of crazy shit happens in EU, just fewer guns.
I love listening to EU comedians make fun of American gun crime.

But for example I've never had the impression that there's a bad part of the city where I can't walk around at night or leave my car parked. As one American military guy stationed around here said to me once "Germany is weird, there's graffiti but there are no gangsters."

Maybe it's just that I don't live in Berlin.
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Feb 23, 2019
I worked in the US for a year. I realised that you don't want to be poor/out of a job there. There is no safety net as in the UK, even though that has been reduced significantly in the UK for the last 10 years. Also, the health care system in the UK, whilst undoubtedly under pressure (for the same reasons) in the last decade, is still better than the US.

If you have money then, yes, the US is a great place to live. But otherwise...
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Mar 24, 2019
We all know that people are the same wherever you go
There is good and bad in everyone
We learn to live, when we learn to give each other what we need to survive, together alive :hug:
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Jul 5, 2019
I am a dual citizen. I have lived for years and did uni in the us. The wages are low, low. The rent, if you want to live in say any west coast city or nyc, is crazy high. It's dangerous, and I mean DANGEROUS for women and people of colour. If you don't have some kind of health insurance than you can't get medical care. It's fun, exciting, and ground zero for trends. If you don't have a GREAT job, and plenty of street smarts, it's no place to live.
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Mar 24, 2019
No offence but if money were no object i think the last two places (not counting places like Syria etc) The Uk and the USA are the last places i would want to live , they are both dying on their feet .
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existence is futile
Jul 10, 2019
Both UK and the USA suck, Id love to live some were like France, they seem to have the right values.
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Angst Filled Fuck Up

Angst Filled Fuck Up

Sep 9, 2018
America's really all about making it by yourself. They bring it in a kind of romantic/pioneering sort of way, but the reality is that you're very much on your own and it can be a terrible struggle. Basically, you better have all your shit together, with savings, insurance, a financial plan, retirement, etc.

If you have money and like your creature comforts, there's no better place. There are luxuries here that Europe can only dream of. I also enjoy the small things. Like plenty of parking, convenience, real nature/diverse scenery, public toilets everywhere etc. Europe was always a hassle like that. Constantly having to dig out a 50 Euro cent coin for a toilet used to infuriate me, lol.

But no, there's no easy money here. There are strict requirements for things too, so you can't just go into a sperm bank and make a living. That's a pretty weird thought train imo. The competition for jobs is murderous, and education and healthcare are very expensive. Plus there are many problems with racism, especially here in the south. I actually live in a predominantly black area, and get a lot of shit just for being white. That's strange to me as I was raised in Europe so I didn't come with all the race-baggage that seems to just sort of naturally infest this area. I wouldn't dream of hating on a black person just for their skin color.

They also don't seem to really exercise here, unless it's at a gym. Exercise is a natural/integrated way of life for most in Europe, so it's naturally healthier, with people biking/walking everywhere etc. The US is also less outdoorsy and social. We don't have the whole cafe/patio/nightlife scene, so for many, America can be a bit boring. It does sometimes seem very wholesome/family oriented, with people driving in their cars and staying in their private bubble. There also isn't much in the way of adult fun. It's all about the kids here.

So really, what's better? It's whatever you prefer, or where your priorities lie.
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Jul 5, 2019
I lived in the Pacific Northwest in the late 90s and it was great then- like Paris in the 20s- now I hear that there's homeless camps everywhere and poo everywhere. I'm back in Australia now.
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Jun 5, 2019
I've never left Australia but I think either would be better than here.
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Jul 9, 2019
I live in the US. Testing has confirmed my heritage to be 93% Britain/Scotland/Ireland. I've thought about scrapping together enough money to fly there to CTB. You know, die in the land of my ancestores. But, my prefered method (besides N, which I really wish wasn't so hard to get) is firearm. If I went to the UK, I'd have to do it in some other way, and find it fast, as I wouldn't have money to hang around. So it seems like a nice dream, but out of reach. I love watching things online about Britian. I go around on street view, and check out cities and villages alike. I once knew a guy from there that lives here. He said here was better. But the reasons he gave were subjective. Things like being able to have air conditioners, guns, or easily find land and build a house.


May 26, 2018
You can't find yourself homeless and bankrupt because you suddenly got cancer, in the EU. Universal healthcare.
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Jun 30, 2018
I don't know much about Ireland but the U.K. is superior to the USA in every way possible except when it comes to two things... The lack of privacy in the U.K. compared to the USA. In the USA, the ruling class, lets you have a little bit more privacy. You don't have 10000 CCTVs watching you, everywhere you go. Yeah, you can't just purchase a firearm in the U.K. but I do not care about the 2nd amendment so much because firearms are only a necessity if you live in the middle of nowhere and have to deal with dangerous wild animals and meth heads. And in the U.K., they don't really give two shits about freedom of speech. So you can get in deep shit just by saying the wrong things. But the U.K. has more Pros than Cons compared to the U$A.
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Divine Trinity

Divine Trinity

Pugna Vigil
Mar 20, 2019
The US motto is: "Buy junk you don't want, with money you don't have, to impress people you don't like." If you're rich you'll get richer in the US, if you're poor (relative to Western Europe) you'll get poorer in the US. Most of the taxes you'll pay will be spent to bomb civilians, fund terrorist and dictators, starve brown people, spy on you, eradicate the environment, subsidize multi-billion dollar banks/corporations, and grant money (w. no interest) to some of the wealthiest people in human history for existing.

Infrastructure is at best degraded, and worst poses a severe threat to human health. Inner cities are crime-ridden cess-pools of drugs, human trafficking, legalized extortion, intergenerational poverty, and institutional corruption.

Jobs here are shit unless you want to work in the military or its' very close associated corporations, in which case good luck getting in. Worker protections and rights have/is/will continue to degrade because the US effectively outlaws unions, organizing, or protest. There is no labour party, and the small ray of hope in the political sphere doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected, let alone actually fix any deep-rooted systemic issues.

The US is a police-state, it has the high incarceration-rate in the world. Since you're European it may not be as bad as others but no-one is safe. 97-98% of those incarcerated don't have a trial, and the prosecution will use evidence gathered via illegal means (NSA surveilance and/or illegally obtained documents you may or may not get to view). None of this mentions things such as bail, heavy fines for minor offenses, and the fact that the police department and "criminal justice" system actively and knowingly push people into commiting crimes in order to gain or maintain their bloated budgets and the prison, bail bond, security, etc. racketeering scheme.

Americans on average are obese, asocial to their community, anti-social in world-view, lonely, aggressive, rude, petty, uneducated (even the ones that went to college 4+ years), disconnected from the rest of the world, sensitive, depressed, anxious, and totally entrenched in addictive behaviors. Not to mention are probably the most propagandized population in the world, 7% of americans have a visas to a foreign country, not including for military purposes.

The military is worshipped and there is an ingrained sense of hyper-nationalism, every corner has surveilance cameras and a US flag.

As far as QoL goes, if you're not rich don't: Get sick, get injured in an accident, divorced/married, opinionated or passionate about anything (except for fashionable consumption), attached to anyone outside family, pregnant, conned, arrested, or hopeful for your future. This'll save you a lot anguish there. If any of the above does occur, you've got the login already...

Caveat: I'm generalizing, but it's universally true no matter which region you're in. Some places are worse than others, some ethnicities are treated better than others. All in all the state you're in doesn't matter, in some you can marry minors and cousins, others tax you into poverty, Most are desolate wastelands with scarce populations and resources.

Tl;Dr: we're at a race to the bottom, and going nowhere real fast.
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Jul 12, 2019
I've had friends from the US (I'm from Australia) and there are things I envy about their laws and culture, but it's always a double-edged sword. I'm very lucky to be living where I live, and not somewhere like the US. Maybe it would be easier to find work there. I know unemployment is lower. Maybe not. Either way if I'd been born in the US I'd have caught the bus a long time ago since there was a long period when I couldn't work and had no family to support me. Not saying that makes it worse. Here everything is primarily set up to benefit the middle-class and home owners; there is a nation-wide delusion that these people are 'battlers,' struggling to get by even though they're one of the richest and most pampered demographics on the planet. The US seems to be more socially Darwinian unless you're exceptionally rich or influential and can game the system. I would have no chance there, but I could at least enjoy the schadenfreude of seeing lots of other people who deserve to fail not being propped up by tax breaks and subsidies.
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