
Aug 18, 2020
I got this nursing care money in Germany. That is roughly a passive income of 300-400 Euros extra per month. I had heated debates with disability activists. But on this front we are allies. Disabled people should get more money. This is why I don't hate the community fully. Most of them are very anti-choice and agitate againist the right to die. But without them the treatment of disabled people would be even worse.

In the US there are many dogmatic religious people who are againist the right to die and in favor of untamed capitalism with no support for the weakest members of this society. This disgusts me.

If we all had a life with barely any chores, enough money to live a comfortable life and still get access to assisted suicide with reasonable regulations that would be perfect. This would give many of us actually a choice.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
It depends on the bribe. I'm an all or nothing person. I either want exactly what I desire or I want nothing
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
Ha ha. I'd kind of love to be bribed to stay alive! Still, I'd likely end up feeling guilty that other people deserved it more. I don't think I'm so very different to 'normies' in a lot of ways.

What I would like clarification on though- from the powers that be is: Just how mentally ill and mentally incapacitated do you think suicidal people are? Do you trust them enough to be able to hold down a job? Clearly you do... You're even ok with us having power over other people's lives! Very high suicide rates amongst the police and medical professions. But- when it comes to our own lives- that's different.

I don't think they should be able to have their cake and eat it. It should be an either or. Either suicidal people are in fact so mentally deficiant that you shouldn't be expecting anything of us and we should all be on benefits. Why let people so dangerous and unreliable work a responsible job?

Or- you need to concede that we can in fact be both suicidal and rational. We can even be suicidal and high functioning. Not to neglect that even someone with a mental illness and truly unable to work can demonstrate rational thinking. That would be the better option to my mind. Stop equating being suicidal with being mentally incapacitated. Then, at least it can be acknowledged that we are mentally capable of choosing to suicide- preferably via legalised assisted suicide.
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Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
Sure but I kind of doubt they could actually provide me everything I'd need just to want to stay alive.


Jun 16, 2024
I actually don't mind pro-lifers. But… generally they do give up on me when they realize just how messed up I am. They want the best for me, but they know they can't help. It's sad too because I want to live. However, I just can't handle things, and so I need to die.
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