At first definitely, absolutely yes, without hesitation, without any doubt. It's the only thing I want (and want to want) and I would ctb immediately that's for sure, if it wasnt because i have 'parents'/'family' that will be 'devastated'/'hurt'/'sad' and 'suffer'/'cry'. Sigh. As much as i simply just dont give a damn sht about anything I cant help but 'care' about 'them' because they'd be very 'hurt' and 'affected' and blah blah. Sigh, i never asked to 'exist'/'be'|'become' anything nor be brought anywhere, i didn't ask for absolutely anything in general, I was forced into 'existence'/'life'/'the world'/'planet earth' but also 'parents'/'family' and now i have no choice but deal with the """""guilt""""" of "hurting" 'them'

Sigh, what a bullshit that Im even """"""guilty"""""" for "leaving them behind", lol. I never asked for any type of existence nor any other thing lol i should have the right to not exist if thats what I want. It's not that i want to "hurt" them, no i dont want to "hurt" them or whatever that means, I simply just dont want to exist and I simply couldnt care any less about anything whatever/however it is and I simply just don't want to 'experience'/'do'/'be'/'explore' (nor any other thing) ANYTHING AT ALL no matter what and how it is and it's so frustrating that for them to not be 'devastated' and 'suffer' I have to stay. It's so fcking frustrating that this is obligatory and that is only "valid" to not want to live/experience/do 'life'/'the world'/'planet earth'(however it is)//'exist' and not give a sht about anything/not have any "interest" for anything at all [and dont want to] if it's "because of a reason". it's
NOT that I don't want "human life"/"this life"/"life on earth" (or however this thing called 'life' is called) "but another 'life'/'type of life' in another 'planet' yes". No lol i dont want any 'life' of any 'type' nor anywhere at all. It's
NOT that i dont want "life"/"human life"/"life on earth" "because it's this or that way"/"because this or that happens"/"because it works like this"/"because it's about this and that" "but if it was different/another way I would want it" no lmao it's not that neither, I literally just dont want to experience/be part of/participate in/do/live any 'life' at all of any 'type' neither from "planet earth" nor any other 'planet'/'thing'/'place' however it is. Just dont. But well if whoever will read this doesnt believe/understand this thats up to you, i wont be trying to convince you to understand/believe me lmao I couldnt care any less if you dont, just dont assume anything please, if youre 'thinking' [or whatever the fuck "think" means] "oH yOu oBvIouSlY hAvE a ReAsOn wHy yOu sAy tHaT, yOu jUsT dOnt wAnt tO aDmIt/rEaLiZe It" or whatever other assumption please keep it to 'yourself', but not comment it, it'll make me have impotence bc i know that's not true and it's just an assumption. Ive disabled notifications so i dont know that 'someone' has quoted my 'post' with obviously an assumption.
(Continuing whats 'written' above) i wish I could just finally disappear and not exist at all without 'them' knowing. I cant help 'feeling' "sad" about 'them' because they'll be very devastated and I cant help but 'imagine' their 'reactions' and it's 'shocking'. But that doesnt mean I wont ctb lol, this shouldn't be an obligation and I wont stay just to not make them suffer even though i simply just dont want to (nor any other thing regardless what/how it is). It's a hard decision but i very well know that i will ctb anyway someday sooner or later, I simply just dont want to exist nor experience/do/explore any fcking thing at all whatever/however it is and I wont stay just because they want me to and 'love'/'want' 'me' and 'brought' 'me' 'here' and just bc they'll suffer if I go. if I just dont I just dont and thats it, this SHOULDN'T be obligatory.
Well going back to the 'topic', at first I'd be so excited and relieved that I can finally disappear/stop existing and i would ctb anytime, even immediately right after having that way out, but then i'd be imagining my 'parents'/'family' crying and being so devastated and sad/hurt and I cant help but 'feel' "sad" (that doesnt mean I wont ctb someday, ofc i will someday i fucking wish I will, i just literally dont want to exist and im so trapped in this obligation thing called 'life'/'existence' or whatever this is called and inside a 'body'/'brain' or whatever the fck a 'body'/'brain' is. I literally just dont want to be anything/anyone/anywhere. I couldnt give any less of a fcking sht about anything ffs why isnt that possible lol. I just have no way out and it's a "hard" decision bc i know they'll be devastated and I know how they'll react and how much it'll impact on them/their 'lives', I dont want to have to wait for idk how many years to finally ctb but doing it in a "own house" or whatever the fuck a "house"/"apartment" is, is the only way they arent the ones who find the body first and get traumatized, or in a hotel but thatd be too suspicious and anyways all hotels in my 'town' are closed because of the "covid" 'restrictions' and I just cant do that even if they werent closed anyway bc itd be very suspicious and what if i cant access the hotel with the sn or rope. I know that if i ctb here in their house theyll be the first ones who find the body and will be very shocking/traumatizing for them thats also one of the reasons i haven't ctb yet... Apart from just not having any way out and not wanting to 'hurt' [or whatever 'hurt' means] them) that would make 'me' """doubt""" and not go for it, at least not immediately, because if i ctb they'll be 'suffering' and blah blah and well, that's basically what would make me not ctb at least not right after the moment of having the way out and i would be 'thinking' about doing it or not doing constantly

sigh lol fucking inevitable ""doubts"" because i have 'parents'/'family' or whatever 'parents'/'family' mean, and i dOnT wAnT tO "hUrT" tHeM, it's so frustrating. if it wasn't for them I would have ctbed many many years ago