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Oct 8, 2018
I believe ill reborn tabula rasa and live again

the concept of the Christian Heaven and Hell sounds ridiculous to me
If you join the army go to war and help destroy an entire country kill people spread misery and return to your country as a hero and after many years die of old age you'll go to heaven, but if you commit suicide before even joining the army, before killing or hurting anyone ..you'll immediately go to hell..that's some fucked up christian logic
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Jul 9, 2018
I believe ill reborn tabula rasa and live again

the concept of the Christian Heaven and Hell sounds ridiculous to me
If you join the army go to war and help destroy an entire country kill people spread misery and return to your country as a hero and after many years die of old age you'll go to heaven, but if you commit suicide before even joining the army, before killing or hurting anyone ..you'll immediately go to hell..that's some fucked up christian logic

I hope were not reborn over and over for eternity with a blank slate, my soul is exhausted even from a young age, sounds hellish to randomly be born into god only knows what circumstance.
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Sep 4, 2018
Surely if reborn someone would remember something about past life !! Sadly we are one timers here today gone tomorrow
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
Odds are there isn't an afterlife. I've studied many world religions and literatures and there is a consistent pattern of plagiarism through all religions. The Jews took stories and writings from the Greeks, The Christians from the Jews, The Muslims from the Christians etc. You have to ask yourself, if there is a God, does he expect me to be fluent in 30 different languages and have to navigate through the thousands of denominations of each religions just to worship him and if I don't or I pick the wrong religion I'll be tortured for eternity? There is also the question of why would God put me through something he knows will make me kill myself to send me to hell. Everyone has a point where they will commit suicide believe it or not, even if it is standing at the top of the burning towers during 9/11. Most great thinkers like Albert Einstein and the founding fathers believed in Deism, or a distant God and to me this makes the most sense if there is one. Maybe this God is just committing and experiment on all of us and once we die he'll reward us for participating. Who knows. But even the idea of "eternal damnation" has been challenged. In the earliest versions of the Old Testament, the idea of hell was merely that sinners and non believers would be incinerated i.e they would disappear and not get an afterlife. The church, authors like Dante, and translators manipulated these words into sinners being burned alive and tortured for all of eternity. Even the idea of eternal damnation was stolen from the Greeks idea of Hades. The Greeks in turn actually took this idea from the Egyptians, as we know from their book of the Dead that they believed in a sort of Hell as well. I don't think there is an afterlife but if there is I highly doubt anyone, even Hitler, will face eternal damnation.
I think my ex is a lot like Hitler. She was kind of mannish looking too, the freaking beotch. She was part German too so she was probably rested to Hitler as well
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Oct 8, 2018
I hope were not reborn over and over for eternity with a blank slate, my soul is exhausted even from a young age, sounds hellish to randomly be born into god only knows what circumstance.

I understand what you saying, i wouldn't like to be reborn anywhere in Africa, South America and Asia, i would rather reborn in some countries in Europe or Canada or Japan.

I believe life can be beautiful but under the right circumstances, if you don't suffer bulling in your childhood or any other trauma or disease that fucks you up later in life.
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May 9, 2018
I just accept it as being much better than current existence, although it feels like cheating because of a previous out of body experience, and contact of a parent who had ctb. Not that i have no dought of an afterlife, but if it does exist then i have an idea of what to expect.
Would you mind sharing your experiences with contact from your parent? Thank You
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Jul 5, 2018
I get really paranoid worrying about this as well but honestly I just have to think rationally when this happens, idk about your perspective but depression has really had me lose my faith in god and an afterlife in general, just doesn't make sense that a loving all mighty being would let young innocent girls get raped and murdered on a daily basis while it is possible to enter another spacial dimension where we just live forever and stay happy. It just doesn't make sense, I feel the concept of heaven and hell are just metaphors of our mental state in this lifetime in which case those of us that are depressed are experiencing hell, better off to just die and escape it.
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Sep 30, 2018
I believe ill reborn tabula rasa and live again

the concept of the Christian Heaven and Hell sounds ridiculous to me
If you join the army go to war and help destroy an entire country kill people spread misery and return to your country as a hero and after many years die of old age you'll go to heaven, but if you commit suicide before even joining the army, before killing or hurting anyone ..you'll immediately go to hell..that's some fucked up christian logic
I've always found it absurd that killing your government's enemies is okay with God. The other country's soldiers are average people just like you.
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Jul 9, 2018
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Aug 17, 2018
Yes. Yes. I don't know how to end my life anymore if this is holding me back. The afterlife seems scary
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Oct 4, 2018
We do know though
We are born then we die
Religion & Society we live in has made this so much more complicated then it has to be.
If there was a deeper meaning wouldn't you think we would have found it by now or had proof or something/anything?
I knew nothing before I was born,
I learned what I can and lived my life the best I could when I die it will be nothingness.

I meant no1 knows human origin -
when I said we don't know where we come from, I wasn't talking about birth or parents. - we can only guess -
i don't think we as humans would have necessarily figured this out, and may never with any amount of time.
I say there's no proof either way, and we can't confirm there IS or ISN'T anything afterwords.
I did not proof read this so i hope it makes sense
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
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Aaron Josef

Oct 6, 2018
I meant no1 knows human origin -
when I said we don't know where we come from, I wasn't talking about birth or parents. - we can only guess -
i don't think we as humans would have necessarily figured this out, and may never with any amount of time.
I say there's no proof either way, and we can't confirm there IS or ISN'T anything afterwords.
I did not proof read this so i hope it makes sense
Yes I agree
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Aug 17, 2018
I need to do this already I'm desperate. I mean I think I had one of the toughest lives ever. And I'm done and over it. I was already in hell I don't need another one. I don't see why we don't know this shit is stupid.
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Aug 17, 2018
Also what about astral. I've astraled a bit and I think I saw a demon. Its just fucking scary.
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some princes don't become kings
Oct 9, 2018
Idk I want to come as a ghost and see my crush be happy. and like Im pretty curious about stuff so I would like to kind off sneak into secret places and learn stuff but like I could also have ghost suicide which is just nothing not logical or probable but my 2 cents anyway.
I don't feel like thier is a God or if there is were basically lab rats. it's not fair that we did what we did and get punished for it every little action is interconnected via chaos theory and its only natural some people do horrid things to others and it's not there fault(compared to a Devine power) its because of what happend to then
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Oct 8, 2018
if i were to believe in hell and end up there the language barrier would be a problem, the most spoken languages in hell must be german, arabic, american english and diverse variations of latin (from the crusades), i would feel very lonely with very little people to talk to in my own language , how does one ctb in hell?
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Jul 27, 2018
if i were to believe in hell and end up there the language barrier would be a problem, the most spoken languages in hell must be german, arabic, american english and diverse variations of latin (from the crusades), i would feel very lonely with very little people to talk to in my own language , how does one ctb in hell?

think there are all sorts there, and in heaven.

what is your language? only if you want to say.
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life is fleeting.....
Oct 8, 2018
in short .. the only thing holding me back is fear of the afterlife...thoughts? thinking carbon monoxide end-all /.
i have posted it in other group..pastingvit here as well

one of the litrature on after life I went thru states that there are different levels... 1 to 7..one being the highest and 7 being the lowest. it's states that based on the learnings by the soul on the earth life and the way the individual conducted him/ her self they would be send to the levels they deserve.it says that the level one would be thr darkest . However there would be angels or evolved souls who would help the new souls at lower level to progress to upper levels. The relatives and friends of the new soul who are on upper level will also try to help the soul reach higher levels...

Another theory states that souls are not subjected to different treatments based on their earth life behaviour/ conduct .. it says as parents forgive children God too forgive the souls which pass over.

both the theories says that every soul which passes over will be helped to heal

well all these are theories..no proof..its totally on us to be live it or leave it!!

I was worried initially..but not any more..slowly am moving into a space where nothing matters..god..after life, heaven or hell..all that matters to me is my exit form this world as planned.
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Oct 9, 2018
I am somewhat worried about hell because of my religious upbringing. Even if it does exist though, I feel that these lyrics from one of my favorite bands sums it up. "How could hell be any worse?" - Bad Religion

Ultimately, whatever comes next I can't control, the only thing I can control is finding peace and leaving this behind.
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Mar 31, 2018
It scares me, too. I want to stop existing. Since my dreams are impossible, why live again or why stay "alive" in some afterlife nonsense? It worries me much... Not enough to stop me from killing myself, but still.

I like the ideal of a "personal heaven", but that is too farfetched even for a delusional idiot like me.
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Nov 19, 2018
Ive no fear of the afterlife. I reckon the only afterlife will be perceptional. If you die, as your functions slow down to zero time will stretch further and further, and in a lot of ways how you go will define what happens. To that end, I believe we are our own makers of "heaven" or "hell" (if when you go, you regret it, or feel agony or are tormenting yourself, this thought will sloooooow down and be what you seem to have forever).

For me, it will be trying to focus on maybe the 1-2 times in my life I was happy. If as time slows down and my body shuts down, as time stretches to infinity, that's the thought I want to last.
i also believe we are our own makers of afterlife's...i think to myself, at the present, the mind or 'soul' could generate it's own 'afterlife' but whether that's just delusions as the brain tries to remain alive, it's hard to say...but because i've all the disappointments and stress i've experienced and continue to in this life...i'd like to hope there is my ideal world...it's a 50/50 chance i'd like to hold onto...but i won't care if i'm dead that i'm dead. i'm no longer religious, so i wised up a few years ago to myself that there is no god, no angels, no supernatural, and finally, nothing of that nature. minus a little superstition on my part, just to be better safe than sorry, but i know that's all in my head. a survival instinct of sorts maybe.
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Nov 19, 2018

I like the ideal of a "personal heaven", but that is too farfetched even for a delusional idiot like me.

i feel similarly. it's maybe a 50/50. either there isn't, or even just nothing but darkness. or just nothing, once the eyes go black, that's it. poof. cheers!
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Oct 4, 2018
in short .. the only thing holding me back is fear of the afterlife...thoughts? thinking carbon monoxide end-all /.

O i look forward to the wondrous world to come! You will wake up from the bad dream that you currently think of as your life.


"Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never; 65
Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams!


Nay, but as when one layeth
His worn-out robes away,
And, taking new ones, sayeth,
"These will I wear to-day!" 75
So putteth by the spirit
Lightly its garb of flesh,
And passeth to inherit
A residence afresh.
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Jul 12, 2018
Oh, it scares me very much as well at times. I try to steel myself by saying there's no way out of my suffering and I'm going to have to deal with it someway, dead or not, but yeah *shrugs and hugs* <3 Sorry I'm not helpful tonight <3
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Sep 19, 2018
I don't believe in the afterlife or anything supernatural. Ask yourself - what evidence is there of an afterlife? And are the sources that claim there to be reliable?
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