never mind me

Nov 7, 2022
Is there anyone around who works in health care, social work or something similar? If so, how do you deal with times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed by your work and/or doubt your abilities at work? I have worked with mentally ill people for several years now, but currently I completely doubt myself and even think that I'm a fool for choosing this career, because I have trouble adjusting to my new job. I am so scared of being fired or doing something wrong, that I feel constantly tense at work and it basicly causes me to hate my job, my life as a whole and myself. Hating myself in turn makes me sprial deeper into self hatred, because I think that it is completely insane that a person who can't even stand herself would choose to work with mentally ill people. I don't really know how to get out of this.
That's the short story, for the long story continue reading.

Self hatred is nothing new to me, in my late teens, shortly after moving out of my parents' house with the help of social services ( my father was physically and emotionally abusive, my mother was comparatively nice, but still told me all the time that I wouldn't get anywhere in life, that I was fat, lazy, selfish.... insert any negative attribute here) I struggled a lot with self hatred. Even back then I knew that it wasn't rational and I actually had a relatively realistic perspective on myself while at the same time thinking that I didn't deserve to live, that my mere existence was a burden to everyone who had the bad luck to know me. Although my self hatred caused me to have near constant thoughts about killing myself for several years, I managed to not let these thoughts dominate my life too much. I somehow found a way to deal with it by allowing my self hatred limited outlets that wouldn't have real impact on things important to me. For example I decided to restart cutting myself, but only in a superficial way and on my private parts, so as not to run in any trouble with having to hide scars from friends or at work. This allowed me to satisfy to a certain extent my desire of self destruction while at the same time allowing me to change my life for the better (for example by becoming more outgoing and less insecure, enabling me to form more friendships). Slowly my state of mental health improved. Eventually I also understood the link between certain difficulties in my life and the abuse I had suffered in my childhood. This helped me to understand myself better and caused my self hatred to mostly vanish.

A lot of time has passed since my teenage years, I finished school, went to college and eventually decided on a career that involves working with the mentally ill. In the past 10+ years I felt relatively stable and happy with my life. Although I was always a bit worried about not being able to deal with the responsibility that comes with this kind of job, I also knew that this was what I wanted as a career and most people who knew me encouaraged me to pursue this goal. There were 2 notable exceptions: My mother who made fun of me, telling me that I was crazy myself, because obviously only a crazy person wouldn't want to have contact with her parents (At this point I refused to have any contact with my father and limited the contact with my mother to phone calls and letters) and my then best friend, who told me that I didn't even know how to deal with self hatred myself (as I never got fully rid of my self hatred and also never stopped cutting myself although I don't think cutting myself is a problem as noone sees it and it doesn't cause any real harm) and thus shouldn't try to work with mentally ill people. However, this friend shortly afterwards tried to persuade my boy-friend that I was cheating on him (which wasn't the case), so I'm not sure how much of a friend she really was at that point.
By now I have worked for several years with the mentally ill and at first I felt ok with it and actually had the feeling that my background sometimes even helps me to understand my clients. The feedback I received from past employers and supervisors was mostly also quite positive. However, in my new job I have a lot more clients and much less supervision and support, which makes it extremely tough for me to not be completely overwhelmed by the responsibility that weighs on me. This makes me feel that I'm bad at my job. On top of it I am now an employee while before I did freelance work most of the time. Being an employee makes me extremely paranoid, because I still have the voice of my parents in my head telling me that obviously I won't ever keep a job , because no one wants to employ a shitty person like me... So I expect every day to get fired. Everyone tells me that this is not going to happen, as there is currently more work than workers in my field of work. But it makes work a chore, because I am constantly full of fear of doing something wrong. This makes it extremely stressful to work and it also causes a variety of other problems like headaches (from tensing up so much), not sleeping very well and often waking up after only a few hours of sleep and being unable to go back to sleep, which in turn makes it hard to focus during work. Plus I don't enjoy life any more. I judge myself for that, because I think how am I supposed to work with mentally ill people, if I don't even know how to handle myself and my own life? It makes me feel like a complete failure. And all the problems this job is causing me also make me hate my job and my clients and of course I hate myself even more for that. However, it's not an option to quit as the job is exactly what I had hoped for (and actually not expected to find it so early in my career), both from the type of work as well as the conditions (part time, not too far from where I live, decent pay, nice co-workers and boss). I think that I would probably do ok with this job, once I have a bit more routine and if I wasn't so scared all the time.
But I don't know how to get rid of the fear. I have huge trouble calling in sick when I have a cold, because I'm convinced I will be fired (which is irrational, but I still have this fear, as my parents didn't allow me to stay home from school when I was sick, so I'm used to functioning no matter what and I have actually trouble even making a realistic assumption, if I'm well enough to work or not). This makes me go back to work too early after being sick and then being even more overwhelmed with everything and hating myself even more, because I'm not even able to do a simple thing like going to a doctor, getting a sick note and staying home till I feel ok again.


Nov 6, 2022
I also work in Social Services, specifically with the homeless, and struggle with a lot of the same things you do. I'd challenge that you're "crazy" everybody has irrational thoughts here and there, those irrational thoughts may impact you more because they're rooted in your self-worth, but from what I've read, you're an introspective person with good reasoning in other places, you wouldn't be working in the field you are without it. "crazy" is subjective ofc, just giving my perception.

Otherwise, I've found being overwhelmed is natural in this gig, even my co-workers who are completely stable have confided excessive stress dealing in this field, I'm not sure what the turnover rates are for you, but in Shelter work its insane. How do you decompress? Do you have hobbies outside of work? Compassion fatigue is a rough thing to deal with, and if you're not taking steps to allow yourself to heal from the work day, the stresses will just continue to compound.

the fact is you're a rockstar my friend, not many can keep up in this field, let alone someone dealing with your struggles, I know it's hard to train yourself to truly believe that all on your own though, so maybe something like cognitive behavioral therapy may be a good option for you to work on reducing the intrusive thoughts that stem from you're childhood.
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A simple aid

A Humble Mind
Nov 8, 2022
Is there anyone around who works in health care, social work or something similar? If so, how do you deal with times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed by your work and/or doubt your abilities at work? I have worked with mentally ill people for several years now, but currently I completely doubt myself and even think that I'm a fool for choosing this career, because I have trouble adjusting to my new job. I am so scared of being fired or doing something wrong, that I feel constantly tense at work and it basicly causes me to hate my job, my life as a whole and myself. Hating myself in turn makes me sprial deeper into self hatred, because I think that it is completely insane that a person who can't even stand herself would choose to work with mentally ill people. I don't really know how to get out of this.
That's the short story, for the long story continue reading.

Self hatred is nothing new to me, in my late teens, shortly after moving out of my parents' house with the help of social services ( my father was physically and emotionally abusive, my mother was comparatively nice, but still told me all the time that I wouldn't get anywhere in life, that I was fat, lazy, selfish.... insert any negative attribute here) I struggled a lot with self hatred. Even back then I knew that it wasn't rational and I actually had a relatively realistic perspective on myself while at the same time thinking that I didn't deserve to live, that my mere existence was a burden to everyone who had the bad luck to know me. Although my self hatred caused me to have near constant thoughts about killing myself for several years, I managed to not let these thoughts dominate my life too much. I somehow found a way to deal with it by allowing my self hatred limited outlets that wouldn't have real impact on things important to me. For example I decided to restart cutting myself, but only in a superficial way and on my private parts, so as not to run in any trouble with having to hide scars from friends or at work. This allowed me to satisfy to a certain extent my desire of self destruction while at the same time allowing me to change my life for the better (for example by becoming more outgoing and less insecure, enabling me to form more friendships). Slowly my state of mental health improved. Eventually I also understood the link between certain difficulties in my life and the abuse I had suffered in my childhood. This helped me to understand myself better and caused my self hatred to mostly vanish.

A lot of time has passed since my teenage years, I finished school, went to college and eventually decided on a career that involves working with the mentally ill. In the past 10+ years I felt relatively stable and happy with my life. Although I was always a bit worried about not being able to deal with the responsibility that comes with this kind of job, I also knew that this was what I wanted as a career and most people who knew me encouaraged me to pursue this goal. There were 2 notable exceptions: My mother who made fun of me, telling me that I was crazy myself, because obviously only a crazy person wouldn't want to have contact with her parents (At this point I refused to have any contact with my father and limited the contact with my mother to phone calls and letters) and my then best friend, who told me that I didn't even know how to deal with self hatred myself (as I never got fully rid of my self hatred and also never stopped cutting myself although I don't think cutting myself is a problem as noone sees it and it doesn't cause any real harm) and thus shouldn't try to work with mentally ill people. However, this friend shortly afterwards tried to persuade my boy-friend that I was cheating on him (which wasn't the case), so I'm not sure how much of a friend she really was at that point.
By now I have worked for several years with the mentally ill and at first I felt ok with it and actually had the feeling that my background sometimes even helps me to understand my clients. The feedback I received from past employers and supervisors was mostly also quite positive. However, in my new job I have a lot more clients and much less supervision and support, which makes it extremely tough for me to not be completely overwhelmed by the responsibility that weighs on me. This makes me feel that I'm bad at my job. On top of it I am now an employee while before I did freelance work most of the time. Being an employee makes me extremely paranoid, because I still have the voice of my parents in my head telling me that obviously I won't ever keep a job , because no one wants to employ a shitty person like me... So I expect every day to get fired. Everyone tells me that this is not going to happen, as there is currently more work than workers in my field of work. But it makes work a chore, because I am constantly full of fear of doing something wrong. This makes it extremely stressful to work and it also causes a variety of other problems like headaches (from tensing up so much), not sleeping very well and often waking up after only a few hours of sleep and being unable to go back to sleep, which in turn makes it hard to focus during work. Plus I don't enjoy life any more. I judge myself for that, because I think how am I supposed to work with mentally ill people, if I don't even know how to handle myself and my own life? It makes me feel like a complete failure. And all the problems this job is causing me also make me hate my job and my clients and of course I hate myself even more for that. However, it's not an option to quit as the job is exactly what I had hoped for (and actually not expected to find it so early in my career), both from the type of work as well as the conditions (part time, not too far from where I live, decent pay, nice co-workers and boss). I think that I would probably do ok with this job, once I have a bit more routine and if I wasn't so scared all the time.
But I don't know how to get rid of the fear. I have huge trouble calling in sick when I have a cold, because I'm convinced I will be fired (which is irrational, but I still have this fear, as my parents didn't allow me to stay home from school when I was sick, so I'm used to functioning no matter what and I have actually trouble even making a realistic assumption, if I'm well enough to work or not). This makes me go back to work too early after being sick and then being even more overwhelmed with everything and hating myself even more, because I'm not even able to do a simple thing like going to a doctor, getting a sick note and staying home till I feel ok again.
i certainly have no practical advice...but id like to say great job on opening up and seeking help...i suggest to be very careful where you do it..otherwise ull have a poor impression on exposing yourself


Hello people ❤️
Aug 28, 2022
You're allowed to be struggling with your mental health! I think it makes you able to be more compassionate in your job helping others. Wow, it sounds like your parents really gave you issues. If only you could stop beating yourself up all the time, it's not valid and you don't deserve it! I hope you learn how to give yourself a break! You don't need to hate yourself!❤️


Jul 16, 2022
I've worked in MH care for years and am training to be a MH nurse. It's…tough. Especially when you realise that under a slightly different set of circumstances it could be you locked in a hospital for years.
Sometimes I'm not sure if it makes me extra compassionate or if it makes me a liability. I guess it depends on my mental state at the time. If I ever qualify as a nurse I will have so much responsibility. I worry that I'll dissociate or forget something vital and it will have disastrous consequences. Agh.
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going to die soon no one cares
Jun 21, 2022
Is there anyone around who works in health care, social work or something similar? If so, how do you deal with times in your life, when you feel overwhelmed by your work and/or doubt your abilities at work? I have worked with mentally ill people for several years now, but currently I completely doubt myself and even think that I'm a fool for choosing this career, because I have trouble adjusting to my new job. I am so scared of being fired or doing something wrong, that I feel constantly tense at work and it basicly causes me to hate my job, my life as a whole and myself. Hating myself in turn makes me sprial deeper into self hatred, because I think that it is completely insane that a person who can't even stand herself would choose to work with mentally ill people. I don't really know how to get out of this.
That's the short story, for the long story continue reading.

Self hatred is nothing new to me, in my late teens, shortly after moving out of my parents' house with the help of social services ( my father was physically and emotionally abusive, my mother was comparatively nice, but still told me all the time that I wouldn't get anywhere in life, that I was fat, lazy, selfish.... insert any negative attribute here) I struggled a lot with self hatred. Even back then I knew that it wasn't rational and I actually had a relatively realistic perspective on myself while at the same time thinking that I didn't deserve to live, that my mere existence was a burden to everyone who had the bad luck to know me. Although my self hatred caused me to have near constant thoughts about killing myself for several years, I managed to not let these thoughts dominate my life too much. I somehow found a way to deal with it by allowing my self hatred limited outlets that wouldn't have real impact on things important to me. For example I decided to restart cutting myself, but only in a superficial way and on my private parts, so as not to run in any trouble with having to hide scars from friends or at work. This allowed me to satisfy to a certain extent my desire of self destruction while at the same time allowing me to change my life for the better (for example by becoming more outgoing and less insecure, enabling me to form more friendships). Slowly my state of mental health improved. Eventually I also understood the link between certain difficulties in my life and the abuse I had suffered in my childhood. This helped me to understand myself better and caused my self hatred to mostly vanish.

A lot of time has passed since my teenage years, I finished school, went to college and eventually decided on a career that involves working with the mentally ill. In the past 10+ years I felt relatively stable and happy with my life. Although I was always a bit worried about not being able to deal with the responsibility that comes with this kind of job, I also knew that this was what I wanted as a career and most people who knew me encouaraged me to pursue this goal. There were 2 notable exceptions: My mother who made fun of me, telling me that I was crazy myself, because obviously only a crazy person wouldn't want to have contact with her parents (At this point I refused to have any contact with my father and limited the contact with my mother to phone calls and letters) and my then best friend, who told me that I didn't even know how to deal with self hatred myself (as I never got fully rid of my self hatred and also never stopped cutting myself although I don't think cutting myself is a problem as noone sees it and it doesn't cause any real harm) and thus shouldn't try to work with mentally ill people. However, this friend shortly afterwards tried to persuade my boy-friend that I was cheating on him (which wasn't the case), so I'm not sure how much of a friend she really was at that point.
By now I have worked for several years with the mentally ill and at first I felt ok with it and actually had the feeling that my background sometimes even helps me to understand my clients. The feedback I received from past employers and supervisors was mostly also quite positive. However, in my new job I have a lot more clients and much less supervision and support, which makes it extremely tough for me to not be completely overwhelmed by the responsibility that weighs on me. This makes me feel that I'm bad at my job. On top of it I am now an employee while before I did freelance work most of the time. Being an employee makes me extremely paranoid, because I still have the voice of my parents in my head telling me that obviously I won't ever keep a job , because no one wants to employ a shitty person like me... So I expect every day to get fired. Everyone tells me that this is not going to happen, as there is currently more work than workers in my field of work. But it makes work a chore, because I am constantly full of fear of doing something wrong. This makes it extremely stressful to work and it also causes a variety of other problems like headaches (from tensing up so much), not sleeping very well and often waking up after only a few hours of sleep and being unable to go back to sleep, which in turn makes it hard to focus during work. Plus I don't enjoy life any more. I judge myself for that, because I think how am I supposed to work with mentally ill people, if I don't even know how to handle myself and my own life? It makes me feel like a complete failure. And all the problems this job is causing me also make me hate my job and my clients and of course I hate myself even more for that. However, it's not an option to quit as the job is exactly what I had hoped for (and actually not expected to find it so early in my career), both from the type of work as well as the conditions (part time, not too far from where I live, decent pay, nice co-workers and boss). I think that I would probably do ok with this job, once I have a bit more routine and if I wasn't so scared all the time.
But I don't know how to get rid of the fear. I have huge trouble calling in sick when I have a cold, because I'm convinced I will be fired (which is irrational, but I still have this fear, as my parents didn't allow me to stay home from school when I was sick, so I'm used to functioning no matter what and I have actually trouble even making a realistic assumption, if I'm well enough to work or not). This makes me go back to work too early after being sick and then being even more overwhelmed with everything and hating myself even more, because I'm not even able to do a simple thing like going to a doctor, getting a sick note and staying home till I feel ok again.
I am one of those "mentally ill" and so are most people reading this. Maybe if you shared your feelings among other mental health professionals and not where the rest of us can read this and feel like shit?? -- plus, no you don't belong in the field if you can't help others. Make sure you get out before you harm anyone. I had a counselor quit and tell me it was because I was stressing her out too much. Don't ever give anyone that impression or you WILL harm their mental health.
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Oct 26, 2019
Hi NMM. What does your work entail? If it involves detaining people or treating them without their consent, then you are indeed doing something wrong, though that is an institutional failure, not a personal one on your part.

Please do keep in mind that the only thing you know about these people is that *someone with power called them a name.*
Question what it means to call a state of mind a disease. Look at how people are manipulated to change against their will once labeled. Understand that people may have radically different goals for themselves than what the clinic considers 'healthy.' Respect those who self-undiagnose and don't participate in gaslighting by calling them 'anosognostic' or 'lacking insight.'
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Nov 5, 2022
I'm really sorry you're going through this. It sounds incredibly painful and difficult. Working in healthcare is enough to burn out even the strongest and resilient people. Struggling with mental illness on top of working in healthcare must be extremely challenging. I hear you, it's really not easy at all.

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