Traversing the grid of death
- Sep 20, 2023
- 55
I've spent a lot of time lurking on multiple CTB boards and I've noticed one single phrase that just won't leave the conversation.
"It gets better"
Across every forum, post after post after post of either people spouting it like caustic bile from a corroded sewage pipe, or people saying they are sick to bastard death of seeing it, myself included. Being the cynical prick I am, I'm starting to even get sick of people complaining about it, lol. Also being the hypocritical prick I am, I want my turn to complain about it. It's got me thinking and I have a question I want to open to discussion.
Despite how fatuous, cliche, and vague the platitude is, it gets thrown around as much as, if not more than, the "get therapy" band aid (which I can at least recognize as more productive than flat out lying). Personally when I hear it I want to introduce my grey matter to oxygen even more, and I've heard enough to know that I'm not alone in the sentiment. I know that suicidal ideation comes from many different people for all different reasons, let's say for (pulling this number out of my ass) 1/8 suicidal people it *might* help. What grates one person may potentially save another's life, I get that, it's a valid argument. However, many toss this over the topic as though it were some end all retardant that will extinguish every feeling and thought of agony.
I'm left wondering now that if all the parrots who slap their "I tried" sticker into the discussion are simply ignorant to how grating it is to hear, or if they flat out don't care. If that is the case, why would they bother? In general, do you think it's better to just say nothing when there's nothing to be said? Do you think the phrase is more destructive than helpful? What are some other phrases that you feel hurt more than they help?
"It gets better"
Across every forum, post after post after post of either people spouting it like caustic bile from a corroded sewage pipe, or people saying they are sick to bastard death of seeing it, myself included. Being the cynical prick I am, I'm starting to even get sick of people complaining about it, lol. Also being the hypocritical prick I am, I want my turn to complain about it. It's got me thinking and I have a question I want to open to discussion.
Despite how fatuous, cliche, and vague the platitude is, it gets thrown around as much as, if not more than, the "get therapy" band aid (which I can at least recognize as more productive than flat out lying). Personally when I hear it I want to introduce my grey matter to oxygen even more, and I've heard enough to know that I'm not alone in the sentiment. I know that suicidal ideation comes from many different people for all different reasons, let's say for (pulling this number out of my ass) 1/8 suicidal people it *might* help. What grates one person may potentially save another's life, I get that, it's a valid argument. However, many toss this over the topic as though it were some end all retardant that will extinguish every feeling and thought of agony.
I'm left wondering now that if all the parrots who slap their "I tried" sticker into the discussion are simply ignorant to how grating it is to hear, or if they flat out don't care. If that is the case, why would they bother? In general, do you think it's better to just say nothing when there's nothing to be said? Do you think the phrase is more destructive than helpful? What are some other phrases that you feel hurt more than they help?