Just wanting some peace
- Sep 24, 2020
- 40,856
I'd certainly always see it as preferable to not exist no matter the circumstances with the less time spent suffering in this existence the better but of course the only true perfection lies in never existing at all. I really wish I stayed permanently unaware, I really wish I was never conscious of anything. Having the ability to exist as a conscious being is undesirable in every way possible, there's no value in the meaningless and torturous burden of existing as a human.
Only by never existing at all can one never suffer and that is why procreation is such a terrible tragedy to me, how could one procreate when nobody can be harmed by the absence of existence yet existing can potentially get so torturous way beyond how anyone can imagine.
It deeply disturbs me how humans choose to procreate, it's disturbing how they harm others by forcing them into existence even know there was never a need to exist in the first place, imposing decades of pointless suffering onto others is criminal, I wish I never existed as then it means I wouldn't have to suffer. I wish I was never forced into this hellish world where humans see voluntary death as the worst outcome possible even know it's the only way to be at peace. It's so horrific how one cannot have the option to easily die in peace even know nobody consented to any of this in the first place, I'm so tired of being trapped in this existence.
Only by never existing at all can one never suffer and that is why procreation is such a terrible tragedy to me, how could one procreate when nobody can be harmed by the absence of existence yet existing can potentially get so torturous way beyond how anyone can imagine.
It deeply disturbs me how humans choose to procreate, it's disturbing how they harm others by forcing them into existence even know there was never a need to exist in the first place, imposing decades of pointless suffering onto others is criminal, I wish I never existed as then it means I wouldn't have to suffer. I wish I was never forced into this hellish world where humans see voluntary death as the worst outcome possible even know it's the only way to be at peace. It's so horrific how one cannot have the option to easily die in peace even know nobody consented to any of this in the first place, I'm so tired of being trapped in this existence.