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Aug 9, 2018
Hmm, I will leave my journals and I will reuse my last note just gonna add a 2nd time at the bottom. "DONE! Throw my body in the trash."

I mean burn me up first into a fine powder of course but no need to waste anything on me. Dont want a funeral, dont want any attention being drawn to my death. When I go I want that to be it. Might get a period tattooed to my right arm before hand.


the haru that can read
Apr 27, 2019
I had started writing a bunch out awhile ago to a lot of different family members and such, but then ended up ripping them to pieces.
I don't have the energy to write a note that will address sentiment toward and please each and every person. And one note may leave general confusion. I am an all or nothing type of person.
I don't think I will leave a note anymore. Maybe just one sentence on a piece of paper so they don't think there's any foul play or anything. Not that any method I would probably end up using would leave that question, but just Incase.
I mean its pretty obvious I'm headed in this direction.

I would likely need to lay out what i do and don't want done in the aftermath but for some reason I don't consider that "leaving a note."
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Aug 5, 2018
noone deserves a note
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Apr 17, 2019
Yes, in hopes of explaining myself and preventing anyone from blaming themselves.
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
Will leave one to a close family member who I feel I owe a lot to. She just deserves an attempt at an explanation and a thank you and I think she will appreciate both more than me just leaving without a word.

Won't leave one to my dad, I don't think he would understand any explanations. He also has developed some neurological issues that I think will help him forget. And the thought of the note falling into the hands of his wife (not my mom) who I don't like at all just makes me very sick.
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Oct 3, 2018
i dont think ill write one bc i cant really explain why i suffer and i dont think anyone would understand it anyway i will just ask my parents to respect my privacy and dont let me be a vegetable in case somthing goes wrong but im not sure they will care about me and what i want and this makes me sad ):
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F’ing A
Apr 19, 2019
"It is not your fault. There is nothing you could have done. I'm sorry."

I want them to at least know that.
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Everywhere I look is chaos
May 9, 2019
and dont let me be a vegetable in case somthing goes wrong
Good point, everyone should probably leave an advance healthcare directive if nothing else.
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Mar 16, 2019
Nope. No need as there's no one to leave one to in my case.
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Nov 20, 2018
I might, though it would probably be a short one. Basically telling my family that it's not their fault and assure them that this is what I wanted.
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Need cats to comfort me
Jul 28, 2018
I will. Just to explain to my parents. I don't want to imagine how my parents will go on telling others how I never told them about anything even though they are the ones who don't even bother to listen.
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May 30, 2019
No. I tried to write one, and it read incredibly corny. I realized I was only doing it to justify my reasons. I don't have to justify my suicide to anyone.
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May 5, 2019
I had thought that I had no interest in leaving a note, but yesterday I changed my mind and some ideas for wording came to me. It will be very short, just a few sentences kind of saying sorry for this, it couldn't be helped. Truth be told it will not be an entirely honest document as I do feel some people are somewhat to blame, but ultimately I see no point in leaving some list of resentments behind. Only I will really know they why of it, and in a sense maybe that's the only way it can be - no one else can really understand, although the external problems I have aren't difficult to see. Things have shaken out the way they have, some people get more luck than others.
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Mar 24, 2019
I definitely plan to, but this is proving to be a very difficult task. My suicide won't be anyone's fault, and I want to be sure that I explain that, but it's difficult to find the words. There isn't an easy way to explain why I am killing myself, especially in a way that would make sense to others.
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May 30, 2019
A journal - iCloud notes and perhaps a timed email to my sibling. I just want her and my parents to know that it's nobody's fault. I gave up cause I can no longer fight the demons in me.
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highly flammable
May 25, 2019
No. Those who are my close friends know my (almost) whole story. Those who don't wouldn't understand anyway. Everything that needs to be said I'll say face to face before I ctb. Started already. Feels good.
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Mar 6, 2019
No. I don't know what to say and I feel like anything I'd say in a goodby letter would be resented by my family.
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May 6, 2019
No. Those who are my close friends know my (almost) whole story. Those who don't wouldn't understand anyway. Everything that needs to be said I'll say face to face before I ctb. Started already. Feels good.
perfect description of my situation. who needs them - they already know) who do not need them - they don't care. ^_^
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Mar 25, 2018
I mean I want to, but feel like they are pretty cringy because I lack creativity
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
I really wanted to write one, explaining my reasons why I think that life sucks and why I did it, blaming my fathers for bringing me to this terrible place and asking them do something after I die to repay for what they did to me, giving directions on how I want my body and my few belongings to be dealed with after I die (cremation and putting my ashes on a jar that should be a put on a place where my mother could see it every day) and other things, but I'm not good at writing and I have no idea of how I should start. I wanted to have someone to help me write it but oh well. Guess I will be buried and forgotten by them and my mother will just have other poor kid to fill the void in her heart. She already did this after my newborn sister died.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
I really wanted to write one, explaining my reasons why I think that life sucks and why I did it, blaming my fathers for bringing me to this terrible place and asking them do something after I die to repay for what they did to me, giving directions on how I want my body and my few belongings to be dealed with after I die (cremation and putting my ashes on a jar that should be a put on a place where my mother could see it every day) and other things, but I'm not good at writing and I have no idea of how I should start. I wanted to have someone to help me write it but oh well. Guess I will be buried and forgotten by them and my mother will just have other poor kid to fill the void in her heart. She already did this after my newborn sister died.
If you would like I can help you write it. I've been praised for my writing skills by numerous professors and students alike. I could help you out you'd just have to write a sort of rough draft and I can send it over to you. If you love the people in your life I personally believe writing a note is always better
If you would like I can help you write it. I've been praised for my writing skills by numerous professors and students alike. I could help you out you'd just have to write a sort of rough draft and I can send it over to you. If you love the people in your life I personally believe writing a note is always better
It's entirely your choice though
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First loss

First loss

Jan 28, 2019
I will leave multiple. For people in my life. I will either write them today or tomorrow.
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May 23, 2019
I have written a two page letter to my lover who broke up with me two months ago. It's scheduled to be sent to him via email. I want to let him know that suicide is the only way out of the pain and shame I feel after losing him. I want him to know I am sorry for everything.
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Oblivion Lover

Oblivion Lover

No life, no suffering
May 30, 2019
If you would like I can help you write it. I've been praised for my writing skills by numerous professors and students alike. I could help you out you'd just have to write a sort of rough draft and I can send it over to you. If you love the people in your life I personally believe writing a note is always better

It's entirely your choice though
Oh, really? That would be great! I would appreciate it a lot. I still have some unfinished business in this life for now and I cannot ctb any soon, but if you're around here when I'm ready to go I would love the help. For me writing a note is not very much about comforting those who left, but more like expressing my views and making some sort of will, but it's still important to me.
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Heaven gained a new ho
Feb 15, 2019
Oh, really? That would be great! I would appreciate it a lot. I still have some unfinished business in this life for now and I cannot ctb any soon, but if you're around here when I'm ready to go I would love the help. For me writing a note is not very much about comforting those who left, but more like expressing my views and making some sort of will, but it's still important to me.
Ok sure. Whenever you're ready send me over your note. I'll edit accordingly
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May 29, 2019
Sadly there's no one for me to leave a note. Maybe my father, but I cut all contacts 15 years ago or so. I kinda blame him for a shitty childhood and the problems I face now because of that.
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Apr 27, 2019
Small one. Not long. Just saying sorry. I already have it written.
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May 25, 2019
Yes, I wrote one before... but I talked so much shite that it ended up being too long and rambling, to the point where I forgot I was even writing my suicide note. It ended up having some "light heartedness" in it (which seemed really disrespectful to my family). I guess I wanted them to know I was okay with my decision, but upon reflection I figured they'd feel worse if I made light of the situation. I burned that one and am going to write a new, simpler one soon.

But yeah, I want my family & friends to understand my reasons why, so that they knew there wasn't anything anyone could have done - I would hate if anyone blamed themselves or felt they could have changed my mind.
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May 25, 2019
I've written a couple of notes before, but after thinking about it, I want my death to look more like an accident than a suicide. I didn't like any of the notes I've written anyways because it ends up being kinda sappy and fake, so I guess it saves me the time.
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