You can put charcoals in whatever you want to. I see this is your first post. I advise NOT going ahead and doing anything until you actually learn and acquaint yourself with the charcoal CO method. In order for that to happen, you need to read about this method more. It would make it easier if you could actually search for terms associated with this method, like charcoal, CO, tent, grill - terms like that. In order for you to get the search function available to you on this site, you need to post more threads to get your post count up. When you hit a certain number of posts, maybe 20 or 25, you will see a search function become visible to you in the upepr right hand corner of any page you're on. If I were you I'd read other people's threads and start making some (respectful) comments in them to get your post count up.
In the meantime, you can read about the CO method here:
Carbon Monoxide Megathread