Yeah, it's completely different and totally different scales. Police (in the US) sometimes dig through a bunch but it wouldn't be on the same level as a stalker and it'd feel completely different but it's based on the same thing.
Besides the fact that no one here including the OP. Mentioned anything about a stalker makes your point completely invalid. Not to mention the fact that you contradicted yourself and dismantled your own point here.
You would not let a stalker stalk you because it's creepy because them watching you 24/7 is a massive privacy invasion out of love or whatever. Though it's out of love, the problem isn't really being "loved" that much but the privacy invasion.
The goals of the pigs and a stalker are completely different. And the police have WAY more access and ability. Your confusing what privacy invasion is.
In comparison to the bullshit laws that that allow LE to do as they please.
And it's up to you to take these precautions. To help detour unlawful activity by LE.
As I mentioned already.
It's not just some weirdo scrolling your social media. Jacking it.Showing up to your place. Calling/Txt over and over.
Watching you in public or at work.
Not to mention your ALIVE.
This is criminal harassment/trespassing.
Not invasion of privacy.
This changes if the person starts RECORDING you audio or visual. While on YOUR property.
you're inside the home without knowledge.
you have reasonable expectations of privacy.
This has nothing to do with the police going through your things that are left in the open or on your person. Phone/laptop no password.
(This changes if it was a welfare check/bad smell/with or without a warrent)
Beside/on your dead body. Especially if there are any drugs/SN/Etc present in view.
If you hang yourself in the bathroom. They won't go in your bedroom closet to find and take your laptop.Without probable cause. If your phone is on the living room table or in the bathroom.
Yes they will take it to contact your family.
How far they go with the phone depends on the circumstances that I mentioned before.
cause of death. What's in view.
Who you are as a person.
(Prior charges etc or not)
For some people, the same thing goes for the police. A privacy invasion is a privacy invasion to some people. Sure it "doesn't matter" but you still wouldn't really want that happening.
Legal human rights only apply when you're alive not dead.
This is common sense.
If you don't want something found don't leave it in the open.
Or on your person.
Delete anything you don't want seen.
format your phone/factory reset. Etc.
Have a password.
Leave a note.(with contact info)
Give no probable cause or suspicion. For them to get a warrant.
Leave things with someone else.
Or in a locked storage container. Only family has access to.
On top of that if you're dead what does it matter. your fucking dead you wouldn't know anyway. And you can take tons of precautions.
If you are trying to hide something that you don't want people finding out because its bad.
and you don't want that as a memory of you.
In that case just destroy it then toss it in a lake.