
Oct 24, 2018
Have you ever been prescribed any psychiatric medication? Did you take them? What effect did they have on you?

Here's my list, it's ridicously long, hope I don't forget any of them.

-Sertraline: got prescribed it when I was 17, did nothing except for giving me sexual side effects. Up to 100mg/day

-Diazepam (Valium): good benzo overall, tried it a handful of times.

-Zolpidem (Stilnox): doesn't help me sleep but I enjoy the effects if I don't black out

-Delorazepam: shitty benzo we have in Italy

-Lorazepam: same as above

-Flurazepam: enjoyable in high doses

-Sodium Valproate (Depakin): nothing

-Aripripazole (Abilify): gave me terrible akathisia

-Biperiden (Akineton): an antimuscaranic I had to take for the problem above. Abused the shit out of it just for a minor mood lift

-Alprazolam (Xanax): good benzo but gives tolerance and dependence problems (like all benzos)

-Duloxetine: up to 60mg/day. Useless

-Paroxetine: made me sleepy and nothing else. Usual sexual side effects of SSRIs and SNRIs

-Olanzapine: took only 1 pill, it knocked me out cold and the next day I was extremely suicidal, tired, couldn't think straight. Fucking hell

-Paliperidone: as above, dysphoric, tired, strong akathisia

-Amisulpiride: totally useless (in antidepressant dosages)

-Fluvoxamine: nothing

-Mirtazapine: helped me sleep in the beginning, then nothing

-Talofen: just for a few days in hospital, don't remember the active ingredient. Hated it

-Clotiapine: not to be confused with Clozapine. Smoked weed in hospital after taking it, bad idea

-Ademethionine: nothing, at least didn't have any side effects

-Bupropion (Wellbutrin): 300mg/day. Useless, hated the anti-nicotinic effect

-Citalopram: had to try an IV treatement whith this in hospital, it had no effects whatsoever except for the usual SSRI related sexual dysfunction crap

-Quietiapine (Seroquel): kinda useful in small dosages, hated it in high ones

-Lithium: nothing

-Venlafaxine (Effexor): up to 225mg/day. Went off it cold turkey, I had nightmares every time I fell asleep for 1 week

-Lormetazepam: was heavily tolerant to benzos at the time, didn't do shit

-Clonazepam: same

That's all... it should be 27 in total. Would've been more if I didn't tell my psychiatrists to fuck off.
Didn't get anything positive, only side effects and whitdrawal syndromes

I am in no way against medical treatment, in some cases it can save lives and really help people. That's just my experience, feel free to share yours
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He killed himself with his own mind
Jul 2, 2018
Damn that's a long ass list! I can only imagine the rollercoaster you've had trying all them.
Been on mirtazapine for a while now, then recently got put onto Zoloft, that helped for a little while but my circumstances changed, so no drug combo is gonna keep me here.
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“Dying is not a crime.” ― Jack Kevorkian
Oct 4, 2018
Man, I'm surprised you can remember all of that. I have been seeking treatment for bipolar for around 10 years and I've tried a lot of medications, but there's no way I could tell you what they were.

I agree that lithium seems to do nothing but yeah like you said quetiapine helps a bit with mania I think. I have bipolar I, what are you taking medication for?
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Aug 3, 2018
they give us meds to die slowly.you can take meds maby 30-40 years but then your brain cant handle side effects then you die.i dont get it why they want to keep us alive making so much trouble to our families and to the society.
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Sep 30, 2018
Some I can remember:

Klonopin - helped me very much for a while but it stopped working sufficiently - have a new prescription now after being off for a period. Will use sparingly.

Zoloft - nothing really. I felt it but only in side effects and there was no relief on my depression. Experienced weird feeling in my throat, sweating, lethargy, loss of sex drive, loss of emotion— but still suicidally depressed.

Xanax - was nice but not in the long term, addictive because tolerance.

Paxil - took years ago don't remember it helping.

Prozac - took it in highscool after hospitalization. Did nothing for my anxiety or depression.

Lexapro - helped a little but side effects not worth it.

Wellbutrin - didn't feel much from it so stopped taking it.

Overall none of this helped me long term and most of them had bad side effects and withdrawals. Now my life situation is awful so drugs will do nothing for that except make me less aware. I've been suicidally depressed for many months now.
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Sep 30, 2018
they give us meds to die slowly.you can take meds maby 30-40 years but then your brain cant handle side effects then you die.i dont get it why they want to keep us alive making so much trouble to our families and to the society.
Because $$$
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Gene pool mistake
Oct 21, 2018
Fluvoxamine, Zoloft, Phenazepam, dozens of them. None of it made it worse. Just no effect : neither good not bad. Well, at least phenazepam helps me to prevent convulsing of my limbs.
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Oct 1, 2018
Fluoxetine. Makes my mouth dry and eyes.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
Aripiprazole, I suppose. Almost everything* that could go wrong went wrong.
*(parkinsonism, tremor, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, dystonia, muscle stiffness, blurred vision, insomnia, hypertension, nausea, vertigo, hypersalivation, rash, and a few additional irreversible effects)
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Oct 20, 2018
I was fed almost everything available and all of it was horrible. We are just cattle for the pharma industry. Milking our lives for maximum profit.

I don't consider myself "sick" either. Psychiatry is a scam. They literally just dumped random pills in me.

Stay away from all of those as far as you can.. They literally destroy your brain (can be seen in MRI scans even).
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Oct 24, 2018
Man, I'm surprised you can remember all of that. I have been seeking treatment for bipolar for around 10 years and I've tried a lot of medications, but there's no way I could tell you what they were.

I agree that lithium seems to do nothing but yeah like you said quetiapine helps a bit with mania I think. I have bipolar I, what are you taking medication for?

Funny thing is those "doctors" don't even know. I've been diagnosed with dozens of different conditions over the past 2 years... General and social anxiety, Major Depression, adult ADD (for wich they didn't give me Methylphenidate, wich I think could've helped based on my previous experiences whith stimulants), Atipical Depression, Non specified personality disorder (WTF does that even mean?), insomnia and a lot of other crap.

Lithium can do a great job at reducing suicide risk in BP I, I'm sorry it didn't work for you. Stick with Seroquel if it helps in manic cases, more forgiving than many other AP for what side effects are concerned, mainly because of the low rate of occupancy of D2 receptors compared to say... Olanzapine, Risperidone etc.
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Oct 24, 2018
Aripiprazole, I suppose. Almost everything* that could go wrong went wrong.
*(parkinsonism, tremor, akathisia, tardive dyskinesia, dystonia, muscle stiffness, blurred vision, insomnia, hypertension, nausea, vertigo, hypersalivation, rash, and a few additional irreversible effects)

So sorry. Had to take this crap for 4 months, if I refused to go get the depot shot I was threatened of cohercitive hospitalisation. After the 4th injection I was told by the same doctors that this treatment could have maybe had more negative than positive effects. After 4 months of constantly telling those braindead morons that an X medication is making me sick, they finally understood.

And what creation said it's absolutely true. You can easily find a study on pubmed where prolonged exposure of Olanzapine and Haloperidol in therapeutic dosages litterally "shrink" the brain from 8 to 11%in volume in the matter of just 17-24months. Can post if someone is intetested
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Chronic Pain
Jun 7, 2018
Prozac which gave me heartburn and otherwise didn't do anything noticeable, but then I tried venlafaxine and cut all the time, had my symptoms majorly amplified, and threw up multiple times a day. I was saying it was doing horrible things to me but they kept me on it and increased to 150+ mg in less than 3 weeks.
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"...scarred underneath, and I'm falling..."
Oct 29, 2018
So sorry.
Do not be, I... deserved it for my failed attempt, I suppose. Though, it was prescribed after the confession that I wish to remove my reproductive system but would not mind remaining a male officially/legally.
...nevertheless, it is quite surprising (or, rather, disappointing?) that both the overdose and neuroleptic malignant syndrome were not enough; I need silver bullets, apparently.
Had to take this crap for 4 months, if I refused to go get the depot shot I was threatened of cohercitive hospitalisation.
My situation was quite similar, although I was already hospitalised, unfortunately.
After 4 months of constantly telling those braindead morons that an X medication is making me sick, they finally understood.
At least they did... My psychiatrist insisted that I should continue taking the prescribed dosage (one pill per day?). I declined his offer, of course.
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Sep 30, 2018
Prozac which gave me heartburn and otherwise didn't do anything noticeable, but then I tried venlafaxine and cut all the time, had my symptoms majorly amplified, and threw up multiple times a day. I was saying it was doing horrible things to me but they kept me on it and increased to 150+ mg in less than 3 weeks.
SSRIs always give me a strange sensation in my chest & throat.
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Nov 6, 2018
Efexor which did nothing
Tercian that knocked me out constantly

Xanax which I looooove but sadly the addiction can be strong with this one so Xanax is out

Lustral... Didn't do much. Kept me apathetic and numb. (Which I am naturally so I wouldn't call that a breakthrough)

Lyrica which made me high a couple times but didn't amuse me anymore when the "high" was gone

Seroquel which gave me very weird cramps/lactic acid tingling sensations in my legs and feet, very unpleasant, I felt like I had restless leg syndrome.

Amytriptylin, which didn't feel like it was doing much...
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Jul 20, 2018
lexapro made me fat (my own fault but I would naturally always want to eat) and somewhat palatable to other ppl because my mood was stabilized. But I started drinking a lot while I was on it and often freaked out or got overly emotional if I missed a dose.
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Jul 20, 2018
Efexor which did nothing
Tercian that knocked me out constantly

Xanax which I looooove but sadly the addiction can be strong with this one so Xanax is out

Lustral... Didn't do much. Kept me apathetic and numb. (Which I am naturally so I wouldn't call that a breakthrough)

Lyrica which made me high a couple times but didn't amuse me anymore when the "high" was gone

Seroquel which gave me very weird cramps/lactic acid tingling sensations in my legs and feet, very unpleasant, I felt like I had restless leg syndrome.

Amytriptylin, which didn't feel like it was doing much...

what does taking xanax feel like?
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Nov 6, 2018
what does taking xanax feel like?
A sense of great relief, euphoria even - you can breathe easier, you feel up to certain tasks which seemed too daunting before. Not in a "steroid supercharged" kind a way, more like "there is a sweet little fairy in me and she's making things better for me somehow, phhhhheeeew". If that remotely makes sense.
But yah it's highly addictive and doctors are terribly stingy with Xanax.
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Oct 24, 2018
what does taking xanax feel like?

Ah, nothing special. I don't see how people can find it recreational.
It's really good if you're anxious: it calms you down and helps you chill but nothing more. No mood lift, no "fucked up" feeling... nothing. Wich didn't stop me from abusing it (took 19 mgs once) and getting addicted.
That's just my experience though.
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Jul 12, 2018
Fluoxetine and sertraline, but neither did any good because I find it impossible to take meds regularly. I've had to take meds three times a day for my entire life almost yet I still can't do it, feels like.. unimportant to me. Like I can't see a quick enough effect so what's the point?
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Jul 12, 2018
Ah, nothing special. I don't see how people can find it recreational.
It's really good if you're anxious: it calms you down and helps you chill but nothing more. No mood lift, no "fucked up" feeling... nothing. Wich didn't stop me from abusing it (took 19 mgs once) and getting addicted.
That's just my experience though.
I noticed this too except the first time I upped my dose, sat around for a long time and thought I felt nothing, then I tried walking around my room and physically felt drunk as fuck, I totally understand people who describe it that way now. Also had an experience oding on the stuff like you, that wasn't fun.
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Sep 30, 2018
A sense of great relief, euphoria even - you can breathe easier, you feel up to certain tasks which seemed too daunting before. Not in a "steroid supercharged" kind a way, more like "there is a sweet little fairy in me and she's making things better for me somehow, phhhhheeeew". If that remotely makes sense.
But yah it's highly addictive and doctors are terribly stingy with Xanax.
I think benzos are great but they can be dangerous for some people - especially anxious and depressed people - because of how addictive &how quickly they lose their effectiveness. I've taken klonopin and Xanax and thought I'd found what was going to fix my depression and anxiety. After some months it left me worse off bc it no longer worked sufficiently so I would have to keep increasing the dose or deal with horrible withdrawals (anxiety/panic/depression). I tapered off but was in a panicked rage at some points.
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Jul 12, 2018
I think benzos are great but they can be dangerous for some people - especially anxious and depressed people - because of how addictive they are and how quickly they lose their effectiveness. I've taken klonopin and Xanax and i initially thought I'd found something that was going to fix my depression and anxiety. After some months on it I feel that left me worse off because they no longer worked as they had, so I would either have to keep increasing the dose or deal with horrible withdrawals (anxiety/panic/depression). I tapered off but was in a panicked rage at some points.
Yeah... seems to be an extremely common experience. I order a handful of benzos every so often but I try to be pretty aware of this kind of thing and tell myself that a few weeks of feeling at easy, then a few weeks of pain, and then back again. Is possibly more manageable than just straight up trying to up dose repeatedly.
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Oct 24, 2018
I noticed this too except the first time I upped my dose, sat around for a long time and thought I felt nothing, then I tried walking around my room and physically felt drunk as fuck, I totally understand people who describe it that way now. Also had an experience oding on the stuff like you, that wasn't fun.

I didn't actually OD, I didn't even black out despite the dose. Felt drunk-like but with less of the fun.
I can relate to the difficulty of taking meds that don't have an immediate, noticeable effect.
Maybe some of those SSRIs/SNRIs were just a little bit helpful, yet I ended up quitting them all cold turkey. Could be that my self-destructivness has something to do with it...
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Jul 12, 2018
I didn't actually OD, I didn't even black out despite the dose. Felt drunk-like but with less of the fun.
I can relate to the difficulty of taking meds that don't have an immediate, noticeable effect.
Maybe some of those SSRIs/SNRIs were just a little bit helpful, yet I ended up quitting them all cold turkey. Could be that my self-destructivness has something to do with it...
Oh dude, I know. I'd tell you the amount I took but you wouldn't believe me if I said I also didn't black out... it was a bit more than you had. I didn't think I od'd because it didn't click that's what I had done or that it would have a bad effect on me. Benzos aren't really lethal on their own so it's easy to not realise you actually overdosed but I think 19mg definitely counts as at least a mild overdose.

Meds are weird anyway, I can relate with you on taking them strangely and then just giving up. Sorry for your experience.
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Suicide doesn't kill people. Sadness kills them.
Nov 3, 2018
Damn and I thought MY list was long. Just proves that all of this is just a business.

Certain meds have worked for me. I took rispeldal and paxil, those were my first. Didn't work out well. Took them first time on beginnings of 2017, bit by bit they made me feel suicidal. I didn't have suicidal intentions at all til I took those meds. However, I've been somewhat suicidal since I was 7 due to child abuse/trauma.

I'm currently taking 6 pills now:
Sertraline; cuz ptsd
Lorazepam; forgot what this was for lol
Zolpidem; cuz insomnia
Quetiapine; for anxiety i think
Bupropion; i have major severe depression
Divalproex; dunno lol

I havent bothered to remember their uses; it's because for now they have made me be able to study and all. But recently my doctor had to level up the dosage (mind my english) and i think they are stopping to work like before??? I think my depression just has gotten worse. But yeah it's all a business. I'm just thankful I am able to even move or get off bed. I hate living like this can't imagine those who take more pills and higher dosages than I... So sorry everyone. I wish things could turn around; maybe they could. idk... I already lost hope on recovery.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
I've had hydros
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
I think benzos are great but they can be dangerous for some people - especially anxious and depressed people - because of how addictive &how quickly they lose their effectiveness. I've taken klonopin and Xanax and thought I'd found what was going to fix my depression and anxiety. After some months it left me worse off bc it no longer worked sufficiently so I would have to keep increasing the dose or deal with horrible withdrawals (anxiety/panic/depression). I tapered off but was in a panicked rage at some points.
I would rather drink antifreeze than take another benzo...holy fucking crap are you ever correct about these things. We should get a funnel and pour these down a Dr's mouth like they were m&m's and then take them off cold turkey after a couple of months. Benzos should have never made it past pre market testing. The fda should be drawn and quartered in front of their family.
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Drs suck mega ass!
Sep 3, 2018
My Dr was dumb dumber and dumbest, he would leave me on shit pills forever and never monitor them. I saved his life by not killing him.
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