Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Don't give life another chance for other people. They would throw you away once they get tired of hearing of your misery. They can't take 10% so why should you take 90?! People say suicide is selfish, but I don't think that's always necessarily true. I think of it as a compromise. I think in my own case, I tried to push and stay through the suffering and make life work. And I tried for about a decade of wishing it were over. I understand that people will be sad, distraught and disappointed, but that's how I've felt for a little over a decade off and on. I spent most of my childhood getting drugged and mistreated in psychwards, and the only happy times were when I spent time with the resource teacher at the catholic elementary school and when I got academic support at the public school over the hill. The principal and my teacher at the public school were some of my favorite people.

But everything changed in 6th grade when the principal and nun bullied me at the catholic school. I would have trouble processing info in class, my working memory, attention ability to retain info and auditory processing were all awful and still are. I felt like crying and getting mad, so I drew in class, but that wasn't allowed so they called the principal. She'd put her face up to mine and scream at me until I cried and then smirk. One day she too my picture when I was mad and she also banned me from a school trip. The nun screamed at me and I thought she was going to punch me. All because I argued with my para about taking a longer break. I also watched them bully my favorite resource teacher; we'll call her Mrs.B. They made her cry and she had to go home early.

I gave life a second chance to try to overcome the trauma and I got sent to an abusive mental facility. At this place, they literally made us ASK to MOVE OUR LIMBS and they'd give us rags to wear and scream at us. Then I got sent somewhere nicer and after that I started at alternative middle school and was bullied there, meanwhile my meds interacted and made me throw up every night. Then I gave life yet another undeserved chance, my ambition driving me. I was in a new church, and school and felt I had no one to talk to. My only friend outside of school had an intellectual disability worse than mine and my only friend in school was an intellectually gifted blind girl who I had little in common with. I told her I felt alone and wanted to ctb and she talked with her parents about it and they told her to stop being friends with me, I later got a note from her saying I was a bitter memory. I gave life yet another chance and got sick for the entire summer between jr. and senior year and almost suffocated due to the medicine settling in my chest. I couldn't breathe in or out and I was completely stuck. After a few minutes, the center of my vision went white, and I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I decided to fight and give life another chance because I saw the look on my mom's face right before my vision went out. I came out of that and almost fainted, I got better a month later (I was sick for over 3 months).

After I gave life that chance, I had excruciating back pain my entire senior year and had to be on a strict diet due to thyroid issues. I didn't get to enjoy my senior gymnastics season as much as I wanted to, but it was still the best thing that happened to me in years. After I graduated my uncle and friend from elementary school died and fashion school wasn't for me. Then I started feeling physically uncomfortable, my organs felt bloated, my insides felt itchy, and I couldn't sh** and I felt like I had a UTI constantly. I was over emotional and very uncomfortable. I confided in my best friend that I wanted it to be over and she stopped being my friend because I was "too negative". At that point I decided that I was done and tried CO poisoning. I left the car on all night and failed.

Then I tried again a few months after the pandemic hit, it was about May 2020 by this point. I failed and decided to give life another chance and went out of my way to find schooling that was right for me(no math required) and meanwhile got bullied endlessly at my chipotle job for being slow and having issues with memory. Then I worked at target but they fired me from fulfillment because I was to slow and I marked to many things unfound. I had all while still having the discomfort, but this time I missed 4 cycles and I knew I wasn't pregnant. I found out I had PCOS a few months later. I started treatment for that, but the discomfort stayed for an additional 6 or so months. Meanwhile, another friend threw my friendship away for being 15 minutes late. That day I felt like I had a UTI and I was nauseous.

And about a month later, I was so uncomfortable that I was jamming a chair into myself, crying and throwing things. My parents called the police, and they actually arrested me for property destruction, and I hit my dad for calling them. I had a panic attack at the jail and then after they released me. I was basically forced to give life another chance or I'd go to a state psych ward. I got a job that April working with special needs and got fired after a week just for not catching on fast enough and I was bullied and fired at the next job I took. Now I'm in a workforce program for the retarded and found out there's no way to persue art/design as a career without a bachelors or years of industry experience.

Want to know something ironic? Art is what got me bullied by the principal and nun and led to all this crap. So the thing that I loved ruined everything. The thing that I use to cope is the trigger itself...I get to think of that every day. I have a good group of friends now that I don't want to leave, so life gets one more chance that I know it will screw up. Workforce is paying for me to be an EKG tech, which is way to complicated, but I'm doing it because they're paying for it and I want to make others happy. I have some very special teachers who cared about me a lot when I was in school. I miss them and try to get together with them, but they're usually busy. I don't think I'm going to get to say goodbye. I wanted to stay for them, because regardless I know they'll be distraught, but life doesn't want me to see them anyways, so it matters a lot less that I'm doing this.

This one lady, who was principal at the public elementary I attended is retiring and I think she's suspicious of me, because I emailed her asking for the art back to destroy. I explained the mean principal to her and what happened in middle school. She called my mom and said she was worried about me. I will clear things up with her here at the end of April at the school's carnival (if the universe doesn't screw that up too). and I will say goodbye to her there. I doubt she'd want to stay in touch because I'm super hyper and loud. So it won't hurt her that much, maybe same for my other teachers. As for now, I'm going to find a job temporarily, and first go on a luxury cruise or vacation(thats the minimum I need to balance this crap shoot out). But life will always screw me over again and I can't handle anymore disappointment or abuse. So when things fall through again, I'll CTB because why give my enemy (life) my ammunition? I have everything set up and will CTB after this chance blows up in my face. I take Olanzapine and have instructions on how to ctb with SN and a source to get SN at. So to compensate for being realities personal chew toy, I'm going to do something with excessive entertainment and pleasure and then ditch reality. I know there's no afterlife, so I'll just be dead. I'm standing up to my bully! (life/reality).
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Feb 11, 2023
Yeah, you go from one prison to another. It never ends, "normal" people are so conditioned that they are willing to put up with it but fuck that, I'm leaving.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
That sounds really horrible what you've been through, this world certainly is hell and it's true that other people usually just create more suffering. Life itself definitely is the true problem, at least to me.
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Nov 5, 2022
I couldn't agree more. In reference to the part where you speak on dealing with 90% when those who you're living for can't handle 10% I just wanted to say that I've been through this a few times now. Just completely over everything and then get convinced to keep trying and that this person will be there for me, only to show that they only really "care" When they don't have to hear even a minuscule portion of what is really plaguing me.
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May 26, 2022
Giving life a chance is a ticket to disgrace and misery. Life can only get worse. Things can always turn for the worse. I know from experience living in hell. This world and its people are unfixable
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
I couldn't agree more. In reference to the part where you speak on dealing with 90% when those who you're living for can't handle 10% I just wanted to say that I've been through this a few times now. Just completely over everything and then get convinced to keep trying and that this person will be there for me, only to show that they only really "care" When they don't have to hear even a minuscule portion of what is really plaguing me.
Exactly, of COURSE they don't want me to end my life, they don't have to deal with the burden of it. They just get me being funny and personable. If they delt with everything I have to deal with, then they'd want to die too. Other people get the joy out of my existence, but I just have endless crap to deal with just because I'm retarded. I want a different reality, like going on that cool roller coaster in NJ, having my career dreams come true or going on a nice cruise after losing 60lbs. Or at the very least for bad things to stop happening to me. I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up. I'm sure you're in a similar situation. If you want I can send you some info on SN.
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it is what it is
Feb 5, 2023
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'm so sorry for the horrors you've lived through. Life is so unfair and full of suffering and I wish we could do something to make it all better. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you manage to find peace, because you deserve it.:heart:
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sure you've heard this before, but I'm so sorry for the horrors you've lived through. Life is so unfair and full of suffering and I wish we could do something to make it all better. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you manage to find peace, because you deserve it.:heart:
Thanks, you do too. I hope today is my last. I know there's nothing else here for me unless I really push to go on some kind of luxury vacation. But life will probably ruin that too. I'll find some way to give myself what life has denied me and then end things. I'm not going to get my needs met staying, so I may as well ctb so I have none. If there's a higher power, (which I don't think there is) I hope he/she is happy with themselves right now. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Zero is immense
Feb 13, 2023
I take Olanzapine
Olanzapine is probably the main reason that you have memory issues, I can understand how it can lead someone to put the blame on themselves. It's a dopamine D2 antagonist, and dopamine in involved in practically everything (especially memory and depression) which is why it's so fucking disabling. Maybe before you CTB, you should first at least try to get consider getting off of olanzapine (especially if you were prescribed it in a mental institution). While getting yourself off of it, also try to use Acetyl L Carnitine as means to mentally recover from it. My grandmother is a drug addictions counselor and suggested it to people who endure brain damage both physically and pharmaceutically, and that certainly helped to pick my mind back up once again with a noticeable difference. But ween yourself off of the antipsychotic drugs first, they usually are only there to suppress and not to actually help.

Even if I was actually psychotic for a longer period of time, I would rather be insane than take olanzapine. It only submerges your symptoms to be even more negative instead of positive (in terms of psychotic symptoms), which from what I understand is even fucking further than the original baseline of your experience. This drug can go fuck itself.
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Olanzapine is probably the main reason that you have memory issues, I can understand how it can lead someone to put the blame on themselves. It's a dopamine D2 antagonist, and dopamine in involved in practically everything (especially memory and depression) which is why it's so fucking disabling. Maybe before you CTB, you should first at least try to get consider getting off of olanzapine (especially if you were prescribed it in a mental institution). While getting yourself off of it, also try to use Acetyl L Carnitine as means to mentally recover from it. My grandmother is a drug addictions counselor and suggested it to people who endure brain damage both physically and pharmaceutically, and that certainly helped to pick my mind back up once again with a noticeable difference. But ween yourself off of the antipsychotic drugs first, they usually are only there to suppress and not to actually help.

Even if I was actually psychotic for a longer period of time, I would rather be insane than take olanzapine. It only submerges your symptoms to be even more negative instead of positive (in terms of psychotic symptoms), which from what I understand is even fucking further than the original baseline of your experience. This drug can go fuck itself.
It's the only thing that seems to help my anger issues and i had memory issues before that, idk what else to do


Zero is immense
Feb 13, 2023
It's the only thing that seems to help my anger issues and i had memory issues before that, idk what else to do
Even if you have had memory issues beforehand, it can still exacerbate cognitive issues further. Maybe try seeking an alternative mood stabilizer that isn't an antipsychotic.
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Nov 5, 2022
Exactly, of COURSE they don't want me to end my life, they don't have to deal with the burden of it. They just get me being funny and personable. If they delt with everything I have to deal with, then they'd want to die too. Other people get the joy out of my existence, but I just have endless crap to deal with just because I'm retarded. I want a different reality, like going on that cool roller coaster in NJ, having my career dreams come true or going on a nice cruise after losing 60lbs. Or at the very least for bad things to stop happening to me. I wish I could just go to sleep and never wake up. I'm sure you're in a similar situation. If you want I can send you some info on SN.
I am indeed in a similar situation. I already know where to get sn but unfortunately am having a few concerns and conflicting interests that have been floating around in my head about it. Stuff like money, worrying about getting caught ordering it by my mom, etc. I mainly just need to get it so I can stop worrying about not having an acceptable method in my hands if sources die out.
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Giving life a chance is a ticket to disgrace and misery. Life can only get worse. Things can always turn for the worse. I know from experience living in hell. This world and its people are unfixable
Yeah, I'm tired of it all. I can never let my guard down because I'm always waiting for the next bad thing to happen. I'm done getting excited about things and looking at possibilities of things working themselves out. If they were going to they would have.

I don't know why other people expect me to be positive when all these awful things continue to happen. There comes a time when you have to stop having hope/faith and start protecting yourself emotionally and that's what I'm trying to do.
Good things are for other people. Things like dreams coming true, success, happiness, not being abused, comfort, luxury.etc are for other people. They're completely not in my stars. This site is my layer of protection and I thank everyone on here. We're all in the life hate club.


Feb 13, 2023
Human beings evolved to require relationships like oxygen and water... too bad that gets in the way of profits! Fabulous profits!

We live under a system where human life is beneath money, which is an abberation of evolution and nature, hence the disaster we all see and live wih personally. That's guaranteed to doom all of us, including the oligarchs who keep a gun to our heads to keep this going.

But hey, we also got the atom bomb out of that, which can also doom the human race to extinction for ... profit! Fabulous profit.
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Braindead Atheist

Braindead Atheist

Oct 7, 2020
Giving life a chance is a ticket to disgrace and misery. Life can only get worse. Things can always turn for the worse. I know from experience living in hell. This world and its people are unfixable
Exactly and it always does it when your gaurd is down. Life is evil. I think maybe the universe has a long code of reality and each persons life is a little chunk of it. Some of the things in that code are bad and some are good. But I think we were a big chunk of the bad code. I'm pretty sure it's either that or possibly someone put a curse on me. I'm probably going to explore the metaphysical and see what I can figure out. I might see if black magic and white magic are real. My parents are Jesus freaks, so I'll have to be secretive about it. They can keep their long haired hippy, but will be sorely disappointed.
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