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Apr 27, 2019
No matter how many volumes, it's not possible for me to convey what troubles me about myself, the world, and how I am (un)able to function within it.

The only true understanding I could hope you will gain will be like catching a glimpse of an image in the periphery of vision through the most distant image in an infinity of mirrors in a smoke-filled room as you're spinning around. A vague impression of. . . what, exactly?

Still, I feel I should try, not so much as a justification but as a consolation of sorts. Yet even an explanation is beyond my ability, so how can I offer consolation?

The truth is lost in the tedium of the tale, so if I stray and offer stories as illustrations, please stop me. I'll be here, somewhere, in the spaces between the words.

I insist that I am not depressed. Doctors insist I am. Nearly all of the symptoms are personally relatable. For a layperson's understanding of MDD symptoms, see https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases...pert-answers/clinical-depression/faq-20057770

Of note is the clarification that "It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder." (Emphasis mine.) I suffer from and am being treated for hypothyroidism. Antidepressants made me off-the-page suicidal. Psychotherapy was unhelpful in making my life more livable.

While it may be argued that MDD is concurrent with hypothyroidism, I would like to point out that the Mayo Clinic article indicates that antidepressants and psychological counseling usually help to alleviate symptoms. This is puzzling, as recent articles (and even a commercial for a new drug to be added to a antidepressant regimen) indicate that the effectiveness of antidepressants is 25-33%. It works for people half the time, and then half of those half find it ceases to be effective). I'm not going to site all the research but will put this out there: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/obsessively-yours/201001/five-reasons-not-take-ssris

So whether hypothyroidism is mimicking or masking MDD, who knows? Either way, like with most people, the treatment isn't effective. I've tried several different antidepressants with results ranging from becoming zombie-like to inducing anxiety attacks.


Speaking of anxiety, persistent inner turmoil and pensiveness have been my constant companions for as long as I can remember. A great deal of my time is spent trying to alternately deal with, manage, or avoid circumstances which terrify me. It has severely limited what I can or am willing to do.

On outward appearance I may seem highly competent, insightful, and in possession of a good sense of humor, that is, until one were to look closer.

A mess of a mind.

I'd hoped to find a truth, an absolute one, upon which I could rely. I've tried various philosophies and religions on for size. (Aren't you glad to be spared volumes of crap here?).

The end result of all this rumination is: "I don't know."

Not only have I not found a solid foundation upon which to live my life, but am left frustrated, tired, confused, and resigned to my ignorance. This malaise is exacerbated by other health concerns and a fear of becoming unable to execute, as it were, my wishes in the future.


Low self-esteem, anxiety, hopelessness, and some mysterious, unexplained psychic distress have made living my life extraordinarily challenging.

My survival depended upon making my world smaller and smaller, until I now find myself trying to balance all of my past, present, and future along with its relationships and responsibilities, thoughts, spirituality while balancing on the head of a pin.

While I admit that I ought to be able to go on for another few years (or even a decade), I find myself coming to a conclusion because I am exhausted.

Honestly, I cannot say whether it is an unwillingness or an inability to continue. There are decisions to be made, pressing decisions, yet I've been in this loop for years now.

I am terrified of the future. My only reason to continue is to fulfill the obligations I feel I ought to shoulder for the benefit of others, even though no one takes the same interest in or feels the same obligation for me.

I am frightened, feel completely alone, and have no idea what the right decision is, not for me or anyone else.

Maybe that explains why suicide is my answer, not today, but someday.
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Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018

Speaking of anxiety, persistent inner turmoil and pensiveness have been my constant companions for as long as I can remember. A great deal of my time is spent trying to alternately deal with, manage, or avoid circumstances which terrify me. It has severely limited what I can or am willing to do.

On outward appearance I may seem highly competent, insightful, and in possession of a good sense of humor, that is, until one were to look closer.

Not only have I not found a solid foundation upon which to live my life, but am left frustrated, tired, confused, and resigned to my ignorance. This malaise is exacerbated by other health concerns and a fear of becoming unable to execute, as it were, my wishes in the future.


Low self-esteem, anxiety, hopelessness, and some mysterious, unexplained psychic distress have made living my life extraordinarily challenging.

My survival depended upon making my world smaller and smaller, until I now find myself trying to balance all of my past, present, and future along with its relationships and responsibilities, thoughts, spirituality while balancing on the head of a pin.

While I admit that I ought to be able to go on for another few years (or even a decade), I find myself coming to a conclusion because I am exhausted.

Honestly, I cannot say whether it is an unwillingness or an inability to continue. There are decisions to be made, pressing decisions, yet I've been in this loop for years now.

I am terrified of the future. My only reason to continue is to fulfill the obligations I feel I ought to shoulder for the benefit of others, even though no one takes the same interest in or feels the same obligation for me.

I am frightened, feel completely alone, and have no idea what the right decision is, not for me or anyone else.

Maybe that explains why suicide is my answer, not today, but someday.

The parts i quoted resonate extremely well with me. I don't have the knowledge to put it into words like you did but i'm glad you did. It's like reading everything that's going through my mind on a daily basis. All i can say is that i understand and it's extremely exhausting going through this year in year out untill one finds the courage to get that well deserved rest on the bus or is pushed to the end and acts on impule. It may only have been 2 decades for me but the next would surely not be any different.

I wish you all the best.
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Apr 27, 2019
The parts i quoted resonate extremely well with me. I don't have the knowledge to put it into words like you did but i'm glad you did. It's like reading everything that's going through my mind on a daily basis. All i can say is that i understand and it's extremely exhausting going through this year in year out untill one finds the courage to get that well deserved rest on the bus or is pushed to the end and acts on impule. It may only have been 2 decades for me but the next would surely not be any different.

I wish you all the best.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. It made me feel less invisible.


May 31, 2019
No matter how many volumes, it's not possible for me to convey what troubles me about myself, the world, and how I am (un)able to function within it.

The only true understanding I could hope you will gain will be like catching a glimpse of an image in the periphery of vision through the most distant image in an infinity of mirrors in a smoke-filled room as you're spinning around. A vague impression of. . . what, exactly?

Still, I feel I should try, not so much as a justification but as a consolation of sorts. Yet even an explanation is beyond my ability, so how can I offer consolation?

The truth is lost in the tedium of the tale, so if I stray and offer stories as illustrations, please stop me. I'll be here, somewhere, in the spaces between the words.

I insist that I am not depressed. Doctors insist I am. Nearly all of the symptoms are personally relatable. For a layperson's understanding of MDD symptoms, see https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases...pert-answers/clinical-depression/faq-20057770

Of note is the clarification that "It isn't the same as depression caused by a loss, such as the death of a loved one, or a medical condition, such as a thyroid disorder." (Emphasis mine.) I suffer from and am being treated for hypothyroidism. Antidepressants made me off-the-page suicidal. Psychotherapy was unhelpful in making my life more livable.

While it may be argued that MDD is concurrent with hypothyroidism, I would like to point out that the Mayo Clinic article indicates that antidepressants and psychological counseling usually help to alleviate symptoms. This is puzzling, as recent articles (and even a commercial for a new drug to be added to a antidepressant regimen) indicate that the effectiveness of antidepressants is 25-33%. It works for people half the time, and then half of those half find it ceases to be effective). I'm not going to site all the research but will put this out there: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/obsessively-yours/201001/five-reasons-not-take-ssris

So whether hypothyroidism is mimicking or masking MDD, who knows? Either way, like with most people, the treatment isn't effective. I've tried several different antidepressants with results ranging from becoming zombie-like to inducing anxiety attacks.


Speaking of anxiety, persistent inner turmoil and pensiveness have been my constant companions for as long as I can remember. A great deal of my time is spent trying to alternately deal with, manage, or avoid circumstances which terrify me. It has severely limited what I can or am willing to do.

On outward appearance I may seem highly competent, insightful, and in possession of a good sense of humor, that is, until one were to look closer.

A mess of a mind.

I'd hoped to find a truth, an absolute one, upon which I could rely. I've tried various philosophies and religions on for size. (Aren't you glad to be spared volumes of crap here?).

The end result of all this rumination is: "I don't know."

Not only have I not found a solid foundation upon which to live my life, but am left frustrated, tired, confused, and resigned to my ignorance. This malaise is exacerbated by other health concerns and a fear of becoming unable to execute, as it were, my wishes in the future.


Low self-esteem, anxiety, hopelessness, and some mysterious, unexplained psychic distress have made living my life extraordinarily challenging.

My survival depended upon making my world smaller and smaller, until I now find myself trying to balance all of my past, present, and future along with its relationships and responsibilities, thoughts, spirituality while balancing on the head of a pin.

While I admit that I ought to be able to go on for another few years (or even a decade), I find myself coming to a conclusion because I am exhausted.

Honestly, I cannot say whether it is an unwillingness or an inability to continue. There are decisions to be made, pressing decisions, yet I've been in this loop for years now.

I am terrified of the future. My only reason to continue is to fulfill the obligations I feel I ought to shoulder for the benefit of others, even though no one takes the same interest in or feels the same obligation for me.

I am frightened, feel completely alone, and have no idea what the right decision is, not for me or anyone else.

Maybe that explains why suicide is my answer, not today, but someday.

Have you checked the website Stop-the-thyroid-madness?

IMO a lot of mental illness these days are caused by sub-clinical hypothyroism due to warped reference ranges.
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Jun 4, 2019
You are not alone. I am so exhausted and I cant find purpose in living this life. Im so tired of trying and failing miserably. I hope that you find some joy in the life you have left. I wish I could be comforting.


Apr 27, 2019
Have you checked the website Stop-the-thyroid-madness?

IMO a lot of mental illness these days are caused by sub-clinical hypothyroism due to warped reference ranges.
No, I haven't. I will check it out. After 3 different doctors (2 of them adult internal medicine specialists) I was able to get an appointment with a highly regarded endocrinologist who read the "normal" reading as "normal for an 85 year old". He's been increasing my meds, but the only difference I see is a slightly better ability to focus.

Thanks for responding. I will definitely check out that website.
You are not alone. I am so exhausted and I cant find purpose in living this life. I so tired of trying and failing miserably. I hope that you find some joy in the life you have left. I wish I could be comforting.
Thank you, Darkmornings. You are comforting. I wish you weren't able to relate to my post, for your sake. We're not in a fun place.
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May 5, 2019
So much of what you said reflects my own feelings...especially the "unexplained psychic distress"...yes, that is exactly what it is...it haunts me consistently...always looking over my shoulder even when times are good. And when times are bad (as they have been pretty consistently over the last few years), it makes things unbearable...

I also relate to "Honestly, I cannot say whether it is an unwillingness or an inability to continue. There are decisions to be made, pressing decisions, yet I've been in this loop for years now." I have been o this merrigoround for 16 years now. And I'm tired. Fundamentally and unequivocally exhausted


Apr 27, 2019
We always did relate to one another.

Idk whether it's vanity or honest-to-goodness compassion, but ever since I met you on that other forum, I hoped that I could find a way for you to make it. Maybe to redeem my mistakes. Maybe to live vicariously through you. Maybe to overcome my own failings.

I can't help but think that if I'd have tried harder or longer when I was your age, that I might've made it. Part of me still believes that, so please give it your best shot and advocate for yourself while there is still time. Okay, Love? Hugs
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
So much of what you wrote resonated deeply with me. Thank you for writing and sharing how you feel. Makes me feel not so alone.
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Apr 27, 2019
@GinaIsReady Your sentiments are deeply appreciated. Maybe our "lives of quiet desperation" are made a little more tolerable because of a commonality, like motorcyclists nodding to one another as they pass on another on the road. Thanks for reaching out.
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
@GinaIsReady Your sentiments are deeply appreciated. Maybe our "lives of quiet desperation" are made a little more tolerable because of a commonality, like motorcyclists nodding to one another as they pass on another on the road. Thanks for reaching out.
I happen to be a motorcyclist so once again, deeply relate. Funny though, I barely wave or nod to any other riders any longer. Who gives a shit. The other day I was almost taken out by a car while riding at about 75mph on the highway. I wasn't even phased by it. I just put my hand up to him as he was coming over into my lane (he was VERY close to me, about 1 foot from hitting me) as if to say, "Oh what, you're going take me out? Please do." I ride almost every day, on the highways of the area in which I live, just hoping to be killed instantly on my bike, by a motorist. Day after day I return home safely. I think to myself, "If some higher collective or being has a higher purpose for me, bring it on please. Show me, cuz I'm rotting over here."


Apr 27, 2019
I happen to be a motorcyclist so once again, deeply relate. ... I ride almost every day, on the highways of the area in which I live, just hoping to be killed instantly on my bike, by a motorist. Day after day I return home safely."

Totally glad you weren't killed. I know someone who was. It was dreadful. He was making a left and had the left turn light and a van on the other side hit him and rolled over him. He suffered for days. So, get that suicide-by-motorcycle shit out of your head right now, you hear?!?!

I think vehicular homicide is one of my deepest fears. I absolutely could not live with myself if I killed someone, regardless of their age, health, mental state, whatever.

I'll shut up now. ((((Gina))))
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Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I'm not trying to cause myself to get killed while riding, I just hope and pray it happens. Instantly.


Apr 27, 2019
I'm not trying to cause myself to get killed while riding, I just hope and pray it happens. Instantly.
I have no idea what to say except that I imagine that you like riding the way I used to like ice skating. It feels like flying! I hope you take a nice scenic drive one of these days and take time to enjoy the scenery.
Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
I can relate to a lot of what you said. But I know it won't be decades before I leave.

The other day I was almost taken out by a car while riding at about 75mph on the highway. I wasn't even phased by it. I just put my hand up to him as he was coming over into my lane (he was VERY close to me, about 1 foot from hitting me) as if to say, "Oh what, you're going take me out? Please do." I ride almost every day, on the highways of the area in which I live, just hoping to be killed instantly on my bike, by a motorist.

I felt the same way when I rode my bike to work. A guy turns left and was about to hit me. I gave him a look like, "Go ahead, hit me." It's messed up when you know you don't care if you live or die, but I understand that feeling too.


Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
I can relate to a lot of what you said. But I know it won't be decades before I leave.

I felt the same way when I rode my bike to work. A guy turns left and was about to hit me. I gave him a look like, "Go ahead, hit me." It's messed up when you know you don't care if you live or die, but I understand that feeling too.
There was a time when I would have flipped that guy off, kicked his car then sped off. But not this time. I'm glad to have not been injured. If I'm going to get hit, I want to be killed instantly.


Apr 27, 2019
There was a time when I would have flipped that guy off, kicked his car then sped off. But not this time. I'm glad to have not been injured. If I'm going to get hit, I want to be killed instantly.
You're fixating. Stop it. Think of the smell of oranges. The sound of Cicadas. The color citron. Velvet.


Exit Strategist
Mar 29, 2019
You're fixating. Stop it. Think of the smell of oranges. The sound of Cicadas. The color citron. Velvet.
What on earth for? What does it matter if I fixate? I'm not mad or anything but I don't get why I shouldn't be fixated on the subject of this website. ?? Happy to listen though.
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Jun 17, 2019
http://recoveringwitht3.com/book/thyroid-patients-manual - IMO, much improved over STTM. Janey ignores a lot of science that is over her head, unfortunately. Don't get me wrong, she's helped folks a lot, but Paul is much better, IMO.

I don't have actual hypothyroidism myself; just my T4 doesn't convert to T3, so I treat with T3. Also have severe adrenal insufficiency. And ME/CFS. And CVD and CHF. And T2.

They tend to diagnose fatigue as depression also, though I can tell you from the inside they feel diametrically opposed. Depression is when you could do things, but don't want to. Fatigue is when you want to, but can't.

My CHF acting up the past few days, I am literally out-of-breath to get to the john, which given the treatment for CHF is Lasix, is unfortunate. No amount of happiness could possibly fix this!
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
There was a time when I would have flipped that guy off, kicked his car then sped off. But not this time. I'm glad to have not been injured. If I'm going to get hit, I want to be killed instantly.

That's how I feel. Unfortunately he was moving too slow and I was focused on getting to work on time. But I'll be more than happy to to get ran over. As long as it's a quick death, I wouldn't care.


May 5, 2019
We always did relate to one another.

Idk whether it's vanity or honest-to-goodness compassion, but ever since I met you on that other forum, I hoped that I could find a way for you to make it. Maybe to redeem my mistakes. Maybe to live vicariously through you. Maybe to overcome my own failings.

I can't help but think that if I'd have tried harder or longer when I was your age, that I might've made it. Part of me still believes that, so please give it your best shot and advocate for yourself while there is still time. Okay, Love? Hugs

Thanks. I can see what you are saying, but I really have made a mess of my life. But I am still here and the Dr is devising a treatment plan, so I guess we shall see....
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