i am trying to confirm both are legitimate and one isn't a man in the middle site
man in the middle site would use a different https certificate to decrypt data going into the site so they could associate IP addresses with usernames
because google just labeled this site as dangerous, i thought it wouod be sensible to ask
i was too lazy to compare the SHA of the hashes. since the SHA comes from an American company, the US government couod demand the certificate key in a secret hearing and determine all IPs and how they link to who is logging in anyway.
Make sure to use tor browser after registering!
View attachment 157063
I don't know what you mean, for me there's only .net.
there's no hyphen in site
this is something hackwrs sometimes do, they take something like
and then change it to
unitedair|ines.com (which is different characters)
and then take money to steal it, looking like the other site
it's called spoofing. it's probably just an alternate domain for the site.
the cryptos addresses are the same on both sites