
Oct 19, 2021
Are you disappointed ?
I don't think it's that - I think it's that so many people are in distress that the rate seems low compared to the number of people who want to ctb, which is true, since only 1 in every 30 attempts works.
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Nov 4, 2021
It's strange to me though that so many people on the planet are aware of some of the more popular suicide methods (hanging, bullet to the head, etc.) but they just arent doing it. I didn't think SI would kick in so frequently, and in such high numbers.

Humans go through an immense amount of pain. It doesn't make sense to me that we don't at least have like a 7% out of 8 billion people choosing to end their lives. I want to end it everyday of mine.
Being aware of popular and peaceful methods is one thing, having access to those methods is another thing. Except for a few countries, Guns and N are banned pretty much every where. Access to other popular methods like SN, H, N2, drugs or even a helper like AE is not all that easy. And once one method gains attraction, it will soon be banned (like H). I think the main reason the rates are relatively low is not because of lack of awareness, but because of lack of availability. If these methods are ever made available, the rates will definitely shoot up.
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Sobriety over everything else • 30 • Midwest
Mar 24, 2021
Are you disappointed ?
I didn't want to feel alone, I guess. No one else ever talks openly about suicide, so I have no metric to determine how many people are thinking about it like I am. The actual statistics help me get an idea.
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Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
This is a very subjective point of view. The vast majority of not suicidal people would say: "Why is the suicide rate so high?" The low suicide rate reminds me how insane the people in this forum are (me included).
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Feb 25, 2020
I was doing some Google-fu last night to see how many people die each year by suicide. I wasn't exactly doing a deep-dive, but the general answer seemed to be that out of the 8 billion people on this entire planet, approximately 1 million suicides are documented each year globally.

So if I'm doing the math right, there's 1000 millions in a billion, so if you remove 1 million from that number, there are about 999 million "survivors" left. Which is only like…0.1% of the amount of people in that billion who are voluntarily choosing to end their lives.

So that means less than 1/10th of 1% of people globally commit suicide. Why isn't this number higher? With the amount of bad shit that can conceivably go wrong in a person's life…why are so few of them CTB? (Also I apologize for the stupid math, I'm not the best with numbers)
Must know the numbers for both attempts to cbt and successful cbt. One study I saw for US was 49,000 suicides in one year but over one million attempts. Difficult to get accurate numbers.
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Better Never to Have Been: 2006, David Benatar
Oct 11, 2021
I was doing some Google-fu last night to see how many people die each year by suicide. I wasn't exactly doing a deep-dive, but the general answer seemed to be that out of the 8 billion people on this entire planet, approximately 1 million suicides are documented each year globally.

So if I'm doing the math right, there's 1000 millions in a billion, so if you remove 1 million from that number, there are about 999 million "survivors" left. Which is only like…0.1% of the amount of people in that billion who are voluntarily choosing to end their lives.

So that means less than 1/10th of 1% of people globally commit suicide. Why isn't this number higher? With the amount of bad shit that can conceivably go wrong in a person's life…why are so few of them CTB? (Also I apologize for the stupid math, I'm not the best with numbers)
Obviously SI, duh.
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falling bird

Dec 2, 2021
I didn't want to feel alone, I guess. No one else ever talks openly about suicide, so I have no metric to determine how many people are thinking about it like I am. The actual statistics help me get an idea.
How old are you if you don't mind me asking, because your username says "student"
This is a very subjective point of view. The vast majority of not suicidal people would say: "Why is the suicide rate so high?" The low suicide rate reminds me how insane the people in this forum are (me included).
How old are you if it's ok to ask your age?
Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
How old are you if you don't mind me asking, because your username says "student"

How old are you if it's ok to ask your age?

I don´t know what my age matters in this context, I am 66. Frankly spoken, I think that nobody younger than 60 should commit suicide. It´s a shame how many people here are in their puberty.

Why am I on this site? Is it a religious site? Will everybody who thinks and argues against the religion of suicide will be banned, excommunicated and burned?
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Jan 22, 2020
A point: as far as i know and at least in Spain, deaths by car accident doesn't counts as suicide as they are considered car accident. Still, suicide is the most common non-natural cause of death. I don't have the data here at this moment so i could be outdated but i find it disturbing apart from the global % of the population


Nov 30, 2021
in my opinion I think Jesus was a suicide. he knew he would be killed but he still went on that cross anyways. We live, we die. does it matter. its a social taboo to talk about suicide, that's why we are here. I failed my attempts, each attempt was thoroughly planned for 3 weeks, I left notes on what to do with my body, I wanted to be cremated, I failed. what can I do. shit happens. Society makes it very difficult. I don't believe in mental illnesses like depression or anxiety, that's propaganda, either your weak or your strong. everything is a choice. illness suggest lack of control. cancer is an illnesss. you don't have control over it. nobody forces anyone to ctb. they choose it. If I had to choose between severe debilitating illness with no cure and death, that's a choice I should be able to make. what's the point of needless suffering. no one chooses to participate in a capitalistic society or living in general. its forced, are parents decided to screw and here we are. and on and on the cycle goes. I think ctb is an fu to society. the psychopaths who rule over us and play our lives like bit pieces on a chess board won't let us leave. we belong to them and their capitalistic machines. we build their cities and roads, we fight their wars. us leaving would be the ultimate form of disrespect. kinda lost my train of thought, lol. I don't think there is anything wrong with saying I do not want to participate in this world, or you want to be free from it. especially if you're miserable. but it takes big balls to overcome societies brainwashing. a lot of courage to walk your own path alone and away from the popular modes.

I want to take back my statement about depression and anxiety not being a mental illnesses. I think they are human instincts. if you're parents have died of course you are going to be depressed. hence these things are not illnesses but different modes of the human experience. I think the way psychology is being practiced today, psychiatry has become a pseudo science. everything is a mental illness. being a homosexual use to be considered a mental Illness.
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Sobriety over everything else • 30 • Midwest
Mar 24, 2021
How old are you if you don't mind me asking, because your username says "student"

How old are you if it's ok to ask your age?
I'm 28. I don't know why my tag says "student", I never bothered to change it.


Nov 22, 2021
I was doing some Google-fu last night to see how many people die each year by suicide. I wasn't exactly doing a deep-dive, but the general answer seemed to be that out of the 8 billion people on this entire planet, approximately 1 million suicides are documented each year globally.

So if I'm doing the math right, there's 1000 millions in a billion, so if you remove 1 million from that number, there are about 999 million "survivors" left. Which is only like…0.1% of the amount of people in that billion who are voluntarily choosing to end their lives.

So that means less than 1/10th of 1% of people globally commit suicide. Why isn't this number higher? With the amount of bad shit that can conceivably go wrong in a person's life…why are so few of them CTB? (Also I apologize for the stupid math, I'm not the best with numbers)
Yes, I agree the suicide rate is way too low. The world is a horrible place and the fact people live for so long (approx. 70 years) and don't end it all is mind boggling. I think many people are religious and they believe they need to survive this life to move to the next life or 'heaven' (or whatever you want to call it). Many religions make suicide a crime and tell people they must not do it and they used to jail people who survived suicide attempts, (or send them to mental institutions and torture them, or bury those who 'committed' the act of suicide outside the proper graveyards in a different area to shame them further), so in many countries people fear failing suicide (and going to jail) or further shame.


Nov 15, 2021
The evidence for global suicide rates are extremely inaccurate due to the lack of recorded deaths and the cause of death from certain countries, especially third world or developing countries.

In the UK, we have an average of 18 suicides a day or 5,000-6,000 yearly. I don't think that's low. I think that's a rather significant amount for suicide to be recognised as a social issue.. and other countries like Greenland, Lithuania and South Korea have even higher statistics due to societal, economic or cultural differences which can make daily life a lot harder, both mentally and physically.
Gustav Hartmann

Gustav Hartmann

Aug 28, 2021
in my opinion I think Jesus was a suicide. he knew he would be killed but he still went on that cross anyways. We live, we die. does it matter. its a social taboo to talk about suicide, that's why we are here. I failed my attempts, each attempt was thoroughly planned for 3 weeks, I left notes on what to do with my body, I wanted to be cremated, I failed. what can I do. shit happens. Society makes it very difficult. I don't believe in mental illnesses like depression or anxiety, that's propaganda, either your weak or your strong. everything is a choice. illness suggest lack of control. cancer is an illnesss. you don't have control over it. nobody forces anyone to ctb. they choose it. If I had to choose between severe debilitating illness with no cure and death, that's a choice I should be able to make. what's the point of needless suffering. no one chooses to participate in a capitalistic society or living in general. its forced, are parents decided to screw and here we are. and on and on the cycle goes. I think ctb is an fu to society. the psychopaths who rule over us and play our lives like bit pieces on a chess board won't let us leave. we belong to them and their capitalistic machines. we build their cities and roads, we fight their wars. us leaving would be the ultimate form of disrespect. kinda lost my train of thought, lol. I don't think there is anything wrong with saying I do not want to participate in this world, or you want to be free from it. especially if you're miserable. but it takes big balls to overcome societies brainwashing. a lot of courage to walk your own path alone and away from the popular modes.

I want to take back my statement about depression and anxiety not being a mental illnesses. I think they are human instincts. if you're parents have died of course you are going to be depressed. hence these things are not illnesses but different modes of the human experience. I think the way psychology is being practiced today, psychiatry has become a pseudo science. everything is a mental illness. being a homosexual use to be considered a mental Illness.

Jesus was a suicide and a masochist.


Aug 18, 2020
There are many reasons. We are programmed to survive. SI is very strong. Don't forget there are way more suicide attempts than people who succeeded in dying. I think many many more people live in daily suffering and just get used to it. I don't get how homelessness people survive. I think after a short time I would ctb.
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Nov 30, 2021
im a new member, does anyone know when illl be able to private message people here. Also can you search for stuff here, is there a search bar or do I have to wait for that too.


Sep 9, 2022

Suicide rates are significantly underreported in global statistics or misrepresented on death certificates, or both. China reports Zero 🤣

Suicides are difficult to confirm as a cause of death because the has to be proof of intent. There needs to be a note. Without definitive anticipatory proof of intent, a medical certificate can not certify cause of death by Suicide.

The majority of suicides are misclassified as overdoses, accidents, and missing persons which all together account for a lion share suicides but without the deceased having left behind some proof by the legal standard of clear and convincing evidence that it was intentional, there's no way for the corner or the medical examiner to certify a cause of death by Suicide and so the majority of suicides are classified as indeterminate, overdoses accidents or missing persons which are never found the majority of which are likely cliff or bridge jumpers and can't be a countered for.

Last year I think there were:

Of the 600,000 missings persons reports file the year prior, the majority still never found. So let's say 250,000 were among those of us who away into the thick of the woods or middle of nowhere and CTB'd, also accounting for canyon, mountain and bridge jumpers.

I believe there were somewhere in the order of 500-800,000 lethal overdoses last year. How do you determine if they were intentional or not? Maybe quasi-intentional in the sense that they wanted to push the plunger on the needle a bit over the edge and OD'd. So that's another 350,000 or so intentional CTBs misreported as overdose accidents.

And the official statistics last year I believe were an official 700,000+ confirmed deaths by Suicide just last year alone in the US.

All together that brings the number up to 1.5 million that's by Suicide, the majority of which could not be ruled as such because to do so you would have to prove anticipatory intent, and without proof of intent the medical examiner cannot adjudicate the cause of death as an official suicide.

The 1.5 million number it's just an estimate accounting for the mitigating factors associated with misreporting and misclassification of causes of death that could not be adjudicated as suicides due to lack of anticipatory proof of intent for the corner or medical examiner to make that determination and therefore are missed classified as overdoses, accidents or none of the above and missing persons.

Excuse replete typos using Google voice to text on my phone so bunch of fucked up typos I'll brush up later.
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