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Self Destruct Activated
May 16, 2019
sorry for the drunken rant/vent.
Ive recently used social media less and less, don't see a need or point to posting my life every 5mins.

A few weeks back I posted a very drunken rant, posted photos of bruises I had got from when the police tried stopping me from hurting myself (apparently I put up a very good fight, but 6 of them and me a tiny female I lost the battle, I don't remember it I was too drunk, all i know is they stopped me throwing myself off a bridge) i showed further evidence of my situation etc

turning on social media today, browsing through I see people throwing posts up, such as I can't cope with life, might as well kill my self,
I'm gonna end up back in hospital today coz I feel so shit and might do something
Or I'm feeling really depressed today but don't worry people I'm not going to hurt myself.
one of the ladies i know personally ia often out clubbing every weekend posting piss up photos and selfies and so forth.
.And so on... I think you get the idea, now I don't begrudge anyone using social media as a tool to let out. but these people are getting attention, support and much more. what did i get when i posted mine? i got...
. unfriended, nasty inboxes, accused of faking it and so forth, i got lynched.

it shouldn'tbother me but it does. yesterday i did a status saying sometimes you just need someone to talk too. a lady commented saying always here. i mailed her, she read didn't reply. instead this morning she mailed me saying she forgot to reply.... thanks so im forgettable now too

fuck social media. im still fairly new and quiet on this forum. but think ill be sticking to here from now on.
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Jun 1, 2019
People want to prove how good they are, and how great their lives are, without either of those things necessarily being true. Social media is more carefully curated than the Louvre for most humans these days.
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May 21, 2019
Yeah i agree...
Social media makes me terrible when I see people posting pictures with each other having a good time at a party and im just left out
everyone else is happy and going on vacations with their friends, the people who post pictures have dates and are pretty, and sometimes when they try to help it's just to look good
I made an instagram to talk with my old friend but then i realize how much everyone is doing and how much im missing out because when you follow 1 account others show up
I just deleted it and never came back but it's really tempting
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au revoir
Jun 13, 2019
Most people are trying so hard to hide their flaws and insecurities. Human comes with a disposition, they doggedly try to mask this. We can discern leakage of this innate character ;behind closed doors,ergo, the lady that you emailed.This leakage can be dubbed Hypocrisy , and it's one of many. Just my opinion though.:I
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Jun 13, 2019
I don't use social media since I don't have anything of interest to post. FB is a great way to look at everyone's family, friends, vacation, and even what they had for lunch and you can then compare it to how totally empty your own life is. What I've done in the last week: lay in bed (generally awake due to insomnia), go to Domino's for pizza numerous times, read SS, and got part of my lawn cut before running out of gas. Oh, yeah, I actually managed to cut my hair, shower, and shave once in the last week. That's a pitiful life and it looks even more pitiful when compared to FB "friends" who actually have a meaningful life.
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Jun 9, 2019
All i see on social media, is people with fake lives. trying to out do other people's fake lives.. just can't stand the shit. and don't even get me started on this social media influences. i mean Jesus.

Instagram couple beg the internet for $16k to fund lavish trip
"At this very moment, my mother is funding us, she works two jobs and has not much herself. We didn't ask her for money but she loves that she is able to help," the post read. "

""We want to take you all on this huge adventure. A celebration of life, as we ride freely across mountains, by the sea and through metropolitans. "

i mean Jesus. this is the world we live in now. where people beg for money so they can travel. take photos of said places and post them online. i mean. WTF! truly. i just don't understand this stuff.
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Jun 30, 2018
Because human beings are always going to be toxic to someone because we are all so different from each other. And then there are people who enjoy being toxic to everyone to feel powerful and have no fear because they are hiding behind anonymity via the internet so they don't have to worry about getting their asses kicked.
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Jun 11, 2019
never had fb as a teenager because i was bullied so badly in school that i didn't want photos of me to be on the internet. i'm ugly as hell and it would have only provided ammunition to my tormentors. never got fb after i left that environment either because my confidence in my body and my life is still virtually nonexistent, so i fully believe that any trace i leave of myself online will only showcase how pathetic i am to anyone who cares to look.
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May 27, 2019
i mean Jesus. this is the world we live in now. where people beg for money so they can travel. take photos of said places and post them online. i mean. WTF! truly. i just don't understand this stuff.

And when you see those gofundmes with people with real needs being empty is like...what?
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May 21, 2019
never had fb as a teenager because i was bullied so badly in school that i didn't want photos of me to be on the internet. i'm ugly as hell and it would have only provided ammunition to my tormentors. never got fb after i left that environment either because my confidence in my body and my life is still virtually nonexistent, so i fully believe that any trace i leave of myself online will only showcase how pathetic i am to anyone who cares to look.
school is terrible, i can relate. sometimes i just wonder why kids are so different from adults.. they never treat people badly for how they look, adults are pretty nice. I've been called ugly too, and the worst part is when you are walking past them and they whisper "that person wearing the ..is ugly"
i've never posted any pictures of me anywhere, i made a instagram account to talk to a friend. sometimes going to social media for the recipes and nature photos is great though but I ended up deleting it
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Dec 15, 2018
Yep. it truly is a sickness.
Go fund me's piss me off. Why should I pay for your dog's vet bills or your IVF? Do these people realize how many already existing humans are in need? I mean I know it's not that simple but whatever.
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Jun 9, 2019
Go fund me's piss me off. Why should I pay for your dog's vet bills or your IVF? Do these people realize how many already existing humans are in need? I mean I know it's not that simple but whatever.

Yep. seems to me. when I was growing up. if you wanted something. you well had to get a job and well work.. but now.. just ask for money. like that couple i posted about a few posts back asking for money to fund their holiday, while there mum works 2 jobs to pay for their lifestyle. I if ask my mum to do that, I would of got a swift hit on the back of the head and get called a lazy bitch :)

the only gofundme's i do actually chip into are the ones for USA people who need dire medical help and can't afford it due to the medical system in the USA. but they need to have a very compelling case for me to actually donate any money.
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May 28, 2019
social media and the internet as a whole are an absolutely torturous thing to be subjected to, and i've been here every single day for 10 years. everything is so incredibly oversaturated it feels like i'm going insane. nothing seems fresh or real anymore. my brain is composed only of quotes and moments from things i've watched and read. it's like these thoughts are parasites and i'm the host. even while walking around, they keep firing off so fast in my head that i start brimming with shame and confusion and discomfort at everything. no matter how "normal" my life now, it's never going to feel real or special or like it's truly "my" life. every day i see hundreds of people's different contradictory reactions to dozens of events that happen endlessly all around the world, so many messages of hope and positivity contrasted with the most vile things you could ever see, all of them seconds away and infinite in number. i don't even know how i COULD believe in anything anymore. it's all insignificant. whatever i do, there's probably someone who would find it laughable. so much of internet discourse just feels like an even more cruel and demented version of high school insults and bullying, and no one i talk to online seems to make much sense. in fact i find their presence in my life quite disturbing. i'm like a corrupted machine at this point. there's nothing left to do but scrap it, and i wait anxiously for the day that happens.
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Dec 15, 2018
Yep. seems to me. when I was growing up. if you wanted something. you well had to get a job and well work.. but now.. just ask for money. like that couple i posted about a few posts back asking for money to fund their holiday, while there mum works 2 jobs to pay for their lifestyle. I if ask my mum to do that, I would of got a swift hit on the back of the head and get called a lazy bitch :)

the only gofundme's i do actually chip into are the ones for USA people who need dire medical help and can't afford it due to the medical system in the USA. but they need to have a very compelling case for me to actually donate any money.
I saw one by a friend of a friend asking for money to do fun things in their last year together (husband was dying). Their medical expenses were covered by insurance but they wanted to use the money for other things. I'm probably a bitter cunt, but even that one annoyed me. They have medical care, a nice home, and each other. They need to go on trips and go to expensive concerts too? I'm curious what your opinion is. Am I being an asshole? Maybe I'm bitter cause I wish I had someone in my final months. I'd be happy to sit at home with him.
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Jun 9, 2019
I saw one by a friend of a friend asking for money to do fun things in their last year together (husband was dying). Their medical expenses were covered by insurance but they wanted to use the money for other things. I'm probably a bitter cunt, but even that one annoyed me. They have medical care, a nice home, and each other. They need to go on trips and go to expensive concerts too? I'm curious what your opinion is. Am I being an asshole? Maybe I'm bitter cause I wish I had someone in my final months. I'd be happy to sit at home with him.
Hmm, that is a tough one. I pretty sure I would not donate to their cause either. While it is sad that he is dying and truly is. You're funding their lifestyle outside of what they can truly afford, basically paying for them to do their bucket list, and depending on how old they are and how long they have been together they could try cashing in their 41k or downsizing their home. I mean they should look at everything they can do with their own situation before sticking their hand out and asking for money.

However if it was a child or a close family friend, then I would donate without any hesitation.

Hmm maybe I am also an old bitter cunt as well J
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Dec 15, 2018
Hmm, that is a tough one. I pretty sure I would not donate to their cause either. While it is sad that he is dying and truly is. You're funding their lifestyle outside of what they can truly afford, basically paying for them to do their bucket list, and depending on how old they are and how long they have been together they could try cashing in their 41k or downsizing their home. I mean they should look at everything they can do with their own situation before sticking their hand out and asking for money.

However if it was a child or a close family friend, then I would donate without any hesitation.

Hmm maybe I am also an old bitter cunt as well J
Haha. Yeah my feeling is that they could ask close family or friends for help, but sticking your hand out to the world to fund your bucket list isn't quite right. These pages make everyone who knows you in any way feel obligated. Also some people may not be dying soon but they will never get those trips or concerts either, because they are poor. That's just how life is.
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May 27, 2019
Hmm, that is a tough one. I pretty sure I would not donate to their cause either. While it is sad that he is dying and truly is. You're funding their lifestyle outside of what they can truly afford, basically paying for them to do their bucket list, and depending on how old they are and how long they have been together they could try cashing in their 41k or downsizing their home. I mean they should look at everything they can do with their own situation before sticking their hand out and asking for money.

However if it was a child or a close family friend, then I would donate without any hesitation.

Hmm maybe I am also an old bitter cunt as well J

And those campaign asking for boobs
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Jun 9, 2019
Haha. Yeah my feeling is that they could ask close family or friends for help, but sticking your hand out to the world to fund your bucket list isn't quite right. These pages make everyone who knows you in any way feel obligated. Also some people may not be dying soon but they will never get those trips or concerts either, because they are poor. That's just how life is.
other things they could of looked at,if they have a family they of course should of had life insurance and many life insurance company do allow you to get an early release of the money if you have a terminal illness.

Your right they should of gone with family and friends and gone over their own finances before looking for help from the public. to me seems like they decided the go-fund me is just like a ATM loaded with free money. so they didn't have to put their hand into their own pocket... hmm yep after typing that i am an old bitter cunt :-)

And those campaign asking for boobs
oh hell yeah.. those asking for money for cosmetic surgery.. truly go get fucked!!! or if your desperate enough get yourself a sugar daddy. but no fooking way am i spending my money to make you look or feel better about yourself.. .. yep defiantly bitter
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"i hope the leaving is joyful, & never to return"
May 30, 2019
Because they designed it to be.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
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Jun 9, 2019
Because they designed it to be.
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
god that is so sad, measuring your worth as a human being by the number of likes you receive.

and your right it does happen. e.g. saw this a few weeks ago

"A former reality TV star has "had a whinge" on social media after noticing a drop in the number of "likes" on her photos. "
"I've felt super disheartened by Instagram lately — a combination of an unexplained decline in engagement and the research I've been doing about the platform," she wrote.

"I'm having a whinge but when I see posts that are of a girl in a bikini with a caption of the sun emoji getting thousands of likes, and I try so hard to post meaningful content, I really can't help but feeling it is pointless even bothering."

god there is no hope for humanity is there. we are truly fucked

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Jun 8, 2019
Because as my boy Willy Shakes said, all the world is a stage and all the men and women are merely players. No one wants to be upstaged so you have to be the best player, which means lying and backstabbing.
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