

Nov 20, 2020
H Is easier to get, more lethal, Much much lower LD50.


Bucket of Chicken
Mar 31, 2021
Depends on your country.
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Jul 7, 2019
There are many reasons. And we shouldn't take LD50 into account, that measurement is only useful for scientific research purposes, it just means that 50% of the population (probably lab-rats or other animal group) have died with such dose. In reality, animal research barely translate to humans, so there are many more variables and it's not as cut and dry as it sounds.

There's also the issue of purity, N is a drug that you can only get through veterinarians or the very few sellers that actually manufacture in powder, but mostly through A or one of them, you know what you are getting most of the time.
H is very different, this is a street drug and you can never be sure of it's purity, it may be a less potent batch or maybe cut with something.

I'm not saying that H is a bad method, I'm sure that it works best for some people since they are very different drugs, but at the end of the day, there is far more research and information available for N as a suicide method, we know about doses, stats and preparations. H is mostly "take as much as you have and hope for the best" approach.
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Can’t go back, why go forward?
Mar 31, 2021
I think the unknown purity of H is the main deciding reason. Like you said it's cut with all manners of impurities. N on the other hand (assuming the legitimacy of the dealer) is mostly or completely pure.

if H was too pure you wouldn't get your repeat customers.

customers of N, there aren't many on repeat prescriptions for that.
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Nov 20, 2020
There are many reasons. And we shouldn't take LD50 into account, that measurement is only useful for scientific research purposes, it just means that 50% of the population (probably lab-rats or other animal group) have died with such dose. In reality, animal research barely translate to humans, so there are many more variables and it's not as cut and dry as it sounds.

There's also the issue of purity, N is a drug that you can only get through veterinarians or the very few sellers that actually manufacture in powder, but mostly through A or one of them, you know what you are getting most of the time.
H is very different, this is a street drug and you can never be sure of it's purity, it may be a less potent batch or maybe cut with something.

I'm not saying that H is a bad method, I'm sure that it works best for some people since they are very different drugs, but at the end of the day, there is far more research and information available for N as a suicide method, we know about doses, stats and preparations. H is mostly "take as much as you have and hope for the best" approach.
Pure H Is prescribed in many countries for painful condition.
I think the unknown purity of H is the main deciding reason. Like you said it's cut with all manners of impurities. N on the other hand (assuming the legitimacy of the dealer) is mostly or completely pure.

if H was too pure you wouldn't get your repeat customers.

customers of N, there aren't many on repeat prescriptions for that.
5x the normal dose of h would be enough, whereas 20x times the normal dose of n is needed. (200mg on n used to be prescribed for insomnia)


Dec 28, 2020
Ethics: I've had family addicted to H and am not trying to give any money to that community.

"What ifs": Although I plan on going in a tent in the woods and not being found for quite some time, the thought of the after effects if I wake up scares me. Which leads me to...

Knowledge and Reliability: With N I know I won't be waking up. Also there haven't been too many reports on intentional ctbs with H so I might as well spend the extra dough since I won't be needing it anyways. Also, spending more money makes it feel like more of a commitment. Some members have reported "practicing" with their methods (dosing SN, getting the right position for hanging, staring off the edge of a great height, etc.). Practicing with H could quickly lead to addiction and N is too expensive to be fucking around with before the actual time comes.
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