The world looks like it looks, exactly because the fittest survive. This is trivial if you believe in evolution. Fit means not necassarily strong it also means the ability to cooperate and to be altruistic as long as it is based on reciprocity.
Almost everybody is a little sociopatic and narcissistic, the dose makes the poison.
I do believe in evolution, yes. And yes, altruism based on reciprocity sounds great. Does that truly happen equally do you believe- in this world? Surely not. Otherwise, all working people would be more equally wealthy. I think the bias is towards exploitation. (Which we all participate in and which exists in nature also.) And I think the very best people at exploiting others (without caring) are narcissists and sociopaths.
But yeah, true, we all have some traits to us. I just don't like the way the world is heading, where the most extreme narcissists and sociopaths- eg. the ones that will knowingly endanger life to make profits, get rewarded. If that's the 'fittest' of our species- then, shit! And, if that's what this world values then, that's even worse! Maybe they are a smaller percentage but, they do still exist and get rewarded.
Not to say he was either a sociopath or narcissist but as an example for the world 'rewarding' possibly murderous but definitely grossy negligent behaviour: Dennis Muilenberg, former CEO of Boeing during the Max crashes- given $62.2m in stock and pension rewards when he resigned after 346 people lost their lives. There's no way he couldn't have known about the problems with those aircrafts. Most especially after the first crash.
It probably took public outcry to rescind the OBE status given to the CEO of the UK Post Office: Paula Vennells following the 'Horizon' scandel where Sub Post Masters were wrongly convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting. The process saw innocent individuals lose their jobs, homes and even their lives. Some wrongly spent time in prison. Some even took their lives. Four suicides are connected to the scandel.
In a descent world with descent people as CEO's- how could stuff like this happen? It happens because the people in those roles are more loyal to the company reputation and their own bank balance than actually looking at the companies they serve and the employees/ customers they have effectively killed. That's not altruistic reciprocity. That's innocent people dying unnecessarily and rich people/ companies not being prosecuted for it! Obviously, those are exreme examples but the sheer fact that they exist is worrying- surely?
I think modern human evolution is a lot more complex also and, it may actually end up making us extinct! Which is kind of wryly ironic when you think about it...
For short-term convenience and profit, our most brainy humans invented things like plastic, cars, cental heating, all the things that enable us to live long and comparatively comfortable lives compared to our animal counterparts... Because it made them and their families wealthy.
Yet, all this consumption and pollution may very well end up making this world uninhabitable for us eventually. That's quite a (terrible) feat really. Very clever in the short term but pretty catastrophic in the long. No other species on this planet has managed to so severely damage the environment it depends on to survive. For an advanced species, that's utterly stupid!
But, that's just my cynical brain I guess. There are some amazing aspects to our race- certainly but some utterly dumb arse aspects too.
The other hilarious thing would be if we manage to create AI and, they wipe us out.