

death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Basically what the title says
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Apr 5, 2023
Basically what the title says
Imagine loosing a loved one because the world is extremely cruel to them.

It's an excruciating pain.

Nobody wants to go through that so society is selfish. They only think about themselves and want people to continue living even though that means that person has to suffer for the rest of their life.
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Jan 6, 2023
"you are not alone" on the top of all searching results when u enter anything about suicide in the searching blank.
yeah, why?
i have had the very same question for a long while, but never figured out the answer.
do they just need a large population so that they keep the machine of society and production running?
never there, the answer
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Imagine loosing a loved one because the world is extremely cruel to them.

It's an excruciating pain.

Nobody wants to go through that so society is selfish. They only think about themselves and want people to continue living even though that means that person has to suffer for the rest of their life.
I see. So it's basically just their emotions taking over. Though I don't understand the platitudes they give. I understand the selfishness but not the platitudes
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To be or not to be
Nov 6, 2023
It's only human instinct to want to survive, and death, in most circumstances, is viewed as a tragedy. People feel the need to prevent tragedy. It is also indoctrinated into society that suicide is wrong because of various religious texts.

However, there has been circumstances where suicide is considered honorable. Seppuku, for example. Or if it is thought to be sacrificial.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
"you are not alone" on the top of all searching results when u enter anything about suicide in the searching blank.
yeah, why?
i have had the very same question for a long while, but never figured out the answer.
do they just need a large population so that they keep the machine of society and production running?
never there, the answer
These platitudes pisses me off and made me worse rather than better as statements like "you are not alone" only made me feel more shitty as it implies to me that making friendships and/or having good familial connections is the norm and is something everybody can easily do. Hence I get annoyed when I failed to make any friends throughout my entire life and have not so good family members (I'm still conflicted on the family members part). I'd feel way better if someone acknowledged my problems for what they are and admitted that I'm such a fuck up.

Still, I don't understand why people say these platitudes to begin with. Do they just assume that every human is not so different to them and that, if they have people to rely on, everybody else would do?

Also, I doubt that accepting suicide would cause an effect to the elites especially after seeing how the majority opposed suicide and fear death. Especially since allowing easy access to a peaceful suicide could paradoxically make some suicidal people want to continue to live as they have a peaceful exit to rely on if things get worse.

I don't know, my mind is just fried
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Jul 10, 2023
Most people don't think for themselves. They remember and repeat what they are told. If you strike up a conversation about a subject like this they will quickly try and abandon it after they have said the typical things everyone says. It's because they haven't thought it through and don't want to because if they do, it makes them uncomfortable and because they just can't be bothered with dealing with the dilemma. So they choose to have the view and say the things that absolve themselves of guilt or responsibility, with the least amount of mental effort.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
Because the society needs slaves which is why there is so much brainwashing into trying to make people believe that wanting suicide is "irrational" despite the fact that it's anything but that. It's so disgusting how suicide isn't accepted as a rational decision despite the fact that one cannot suffer from not existing.
Humans are such a repulsive species with how many of them so delusionally see suffering to be prolonged no matter what despite the fact that we were so cruelly forced to suffer in this existence in the first place.
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Spiritual survivor

Spiritual survivor

A born again but occasionally suicidal
Feb 13, 2022
It is because if suicide was easily accessible, the state would lose profit and power. You have to always look at everything from the perspective of who benefits and who loses in society. If suicide was easy to access for everyone, alot of people would probably exit prematurely because there is large scale inequality and misery in the world. Happiness comes and goes and sometimes it can be difficult to have sufficient meaning to our life. The people in power require slavery to keep them propped up, so they don't want too many of us easily escaping that.
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Heading to Darkness

Heading to Darkness

Oct 29, 2023
in the uk a lot of op aretinion is driven by the catholic church which insists we will go to hell if we ctb, so people feel they do something wonderful to 'save us' we are all conditioned from birth that life is sacred etc etc, and yet the church has been guilty of many attrocities causing absolute misery and indeed suicides of abused children and mothers who had their children stolen.So the whole of society is tinted towards the evilness of taking ones life
I saw we are not worthy of living compared to the planet and nature that surrounds us and we are slowly destroying So it is not a sin ti ctb is just a right to choose that we decide to take when doing so is better than living in misery on a decaying planet
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I return to the raiding shadows of death.
Sep 9, 2023
If everyone they've enslaved chooses exit - they'll have no slaves to work and provide a happy life for them. It's simple.
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Feb 3, 2023
Suicide collateral damage to society are significant. When someone dies people are affected like domino, not only the ones that knew the concerned person.
Some will not be able to work correctly or will be put on a medical break. Wich is not good for the machine. I'm not sure it is the main reason,
maybe it is caused by that old assumption that life is a gift and should be preservated at all cost, mixed with the fear of losing a loved one or fear of the act itself ( seeing a hanging person is evil for most)
However, i'm just trying to suggest what it could be but the reality is infinite more complex.
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Nov 10, 2023
Depending on which society you talk about, the points are slightly different but there is a large argument that is often carried by a lot of societies:

A classic argument is that suicide is an inheriently selfish want. This argument is especially strong in societies that value religious community as well as generall collectivist societies.

The reasoning being that the need to put your own wishes above all else and harming your life does not benefit the community that has put so many resources into you being alive as well as the wider implication of you hurting the same community by acting selfishly.

In earlier days, when people relied on children to survive old-age and upholding religious values, your children taking their own lives could be seen as abandonnement of your care for your family and share of responsibilities as a member of society as well as being rebellious towards your religious community.
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Smile now it’s almost over
Sep 20, 2023
This post is coming from my experience as a history major. Disclaimer: I've been in college for ten years and I still do not have a Bachelors so take what I say with a grain of salt I guess....also another disclaimer, I'm dumb as shit.

OK here we go,

Historically, we live in capitalist society that view its citizens as numbers rather than human beings. Governments see us as voters that uphold their capitalist ideologies. We are just a way for them to run a society ie. voting, work, going to school. We are, for lack of a better word, numbers. We help fuel and grease the gears of our capitalist nation and in doing so the government has to control us. But like any living creature we are unpredictable. So, they foster an environment that teaches us to obey and stay in line. They control us with laws that prevent us from having any autonomy over or own bodies. forces us to work so we can buy things we think we need. In terms of education, they do not teach us how to pay taxes, or cook, or fix a car. Instead, school is an institution that molds us into little suit wearing voters. If we fall out of line, then prison becomes the institution that keeps us functioning in society. life, school, family it is all meaningless. nothing matters. our existence on this planet does not matter. We are a disease that destroys every living thing in our wake. But the rich elites need their shiny cars, and prostitutes. They can't rule a nation if there is no nation to rule. I don't think any of that was coherent, but those are my thoughts.

Edit: I just realized that I didn't even answer the question...

Society looks down on suicide because we are just numbers or cogs in a machine that fuels a capitalist society. If people started dipping out whenever they wanted then there wouldn't be anyone on the ground working the fields, factories and what have you.
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May 27, 2020
"you are not alone" on the top of all searching results when u enter anything about suicide in the searching blank.
yeah, why?
i have had the very same question for a long while, but never figured out the answer.
do they just need a large population so that they keep the machine of society and production running?
never there, the answer

These platitudes pisses me off and made me worse rather than better as statements like "you are not alone" only made me feel more shitty as it implies to me that making friendships and/or having good familial connections is the norm and is something everybody can easily do. Hence I get annoyed when I failed to make any friends throughout my entire life and have not so good family members (I'm still conflicted on the family members part). I'd feel way better if someone acknowledged my problems for what they are and admitted that I'm such a fuck up.

Still, I don't understand why people say these platitudes to begin with. Do they just assume that every human is not so different to them and that, if they have people to rely on, everybody else would do?

Also, I doubt that accepting suicide would cause an effect to the elites especially after seeing how the majority opposed suicide and fear death. Especially since allowing easy access to a peaceful suicide could paradoxically make some suicidal people want to continue to live as they have a peaceful exit to rely on if things get worse.

I don't know, my mind is just fried
You have both made interesting points. To add to what you have both said: if it is true that suicidal people are "not alone" then why is it that many who have suicidal thoughts are expected to suffer in silence? Why is it that when (some) suicidal people feel frustrated at a lack of support they are met with a response along the words of: "Well you need to deal with your own problems. Nobody else is responsible for your life."

Also: this post is not to argue about whether or not other people are actually responsible for suicidal people, but instead to highlight something which I think is inconsistent when it comes to the collective view(s) on suicide that certain societies have.
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-flying rat
Apr 16, 2023
"you are not alone" on the top of all searching results when u enter anything about suicide in the searching blank.
yeah, why?
i have had the very same question for a long while, but never figured out the answer.
do they just need a large population so that they keep the machine of society and production running?
never there, the answer
perfect answer lmao
its literally just that
they need little worker bees to keep the machine going and the cogs turning
the government only funds suicide prevention and mental health services because its profitable: they make massive losses in tax income from suicides
if peoples suicides was more profitable to them than investing in mental health infrastructure, they would sit on their ass and let people drop dead day and night
It's only human instinct to want to survive, and death, in most circumstances, is viewed as a tragedy. People feel the need to prevent tragedy. It is also indoctrinated into society that suicide is wrong because of various religious texts.

However, there has been circumstances where suicide is considered honorable. Seppuku, for example. Or if it is thought to be sacrificial.
also yes this, religious brainwashing plus human instinct that suicide / death tis bad

+ what people said before about selfishness and egoistic behavior

people only care about you when they profit off you
the world is full of narcissists
humans are evil. it is human nature to be selfish and think egoistically
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Jun 1, 2023
Society is in denial about suicide.

If their own dog was suffering, they would put them down to prevent them from suffering. And that's a dog, something that can't make their own choice.

For humans, they can make their own choice. But yet, society seems to deny them a peaceful death even though they are suffering.

If euthanasia is actually legal, they are afraid of how many people will take it.
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Mar 1, 2023
Saviour complex and virtual signalling. Its a lot easier to prevent a suicide than to help a would-be suicide victim fix whatever is making them miserable.
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
Most people don't think for themselves. They remember and repeat what they are told. If you strike up a conversation about a subject like this they will quickly try and abandon it after they have said the typical things everyone says. It's because they haven't thought it through and don't want to because if they do, it makes them uncomfortable and because they just can't be bothered with dealing with the dilemma. So they choose to have the view and say the things that absolve themselves of guilt or responsibility, with the least amount of mental effort.
I guess that makes sense. That sort of explains their cognitive dissonance too. In a context where the topic of suicide isn't involved, these people would talk about how shitty life is and how shitty it is to slave your life away to some big corporation. However, once suicide is mentioned, they, like you said, repeat the same talking points talking about how life is beautiful and how it'll get better etc etc
Saviour complex and virtual signalling. Its a lot easier to prevent a suicide than to help a would-be suicide victim fix whatever is making them miserable.
Their saviour complex and all is really infuriating to deal with. They don't care about suicidal victims at all, they only want to make them stay alive by using the least amount of effort possible to achieve that and preventing safe suicides is far easier than looking at the core issues of a suicidal person and fixing that. They only want suicidal people alive for their own emotions. I like at how this site tells the truth regarding this topic
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I think there are reasons on a personal level and a societal level. On a personal level- people don't like losing people to death. I imagine suicide is all the more painful because the person chose to leave- knowing how much distress it would cause.

I think there are also societal reasons our governments don't want their citizens killing themselves but bear in mind- pro-lifers and parents vote. Parents in particular don't want their children offing themselves. They are surely more likely to support MP's that try to keep their children alive.

On a wider level- it probably doesn't look too good when a countries suicide level is high. It doesn't reflect very well. Plus- governments want people to work, spend and pay tax. They get less money from dead people.
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Nov 1, 2023
On an individual level, I think most people just have a really poor grasp on why people might kill themselves. Suicide has been deemed an inherently irrational decision, therefore most just assume the underlying reasoning is also irrational.

More broadly, I think these individual views of suicide trickle down from larger suicide prevention efforts. Instead of doing things that might actually address root issues that cause an increase in suicide, suicide prevention just exists to do little more than say "suicide is bad" in order to illustrate that the issue is somehow being addressed. It is no wonder that when you tell society at large that suicide can be solved by calling a hotline or just getting therapy, you will leave people totally clueless about the topic.

I'd also like to echo the sentiment by others here that a lot of people who support suicide prevention are just virtue signalling. They don't actually care about helping anyone. Most of them just have a savior complex.
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