
Apr 9, 2019
I made the title too simplified to compact it.
There's been some reports of slight brain damage with SN but none serious. I have a theory on why and would like someone intelligent, knowleageable in the issue to help me here.
Could it be due to the fact that unlike with hanging, with SN the oxygen is NOT fully depleted by the process of methemoglobinemia, so instead there's a percentage of it left in the blood? That would mean that the brain cells aren't fully out of oxygen and hence can mostly survive, until the brain really shuts off and the person dies. Does this make sense to you?
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Dec 17, 2019
SN FAQ - Death . This was asked recently:)
SN works to induce methemoglobinemia. Which leads to oxygen deprivation. So, eventually, the brain is deprived of oxygen as well, right?
So how come there is no oxygen deprivation caused brain damage in SN survivors?

Other organs die first .

From FAQ-
What's the medical state?
  • hemolytic anemia, "blood failure", or
  • anemic hypoxia, "blood fails to deliver oxygen".
Tissue slowly dies, but not due to lack of oxygen in cells (cyanide) or lungs (suffocation), rather due to 'bad blood' .
Is it like suffocation?No. SN does not deprive oxygen from you body, but to individual cells within your body.
Will my brain continue to function?Yes. Brain continues to function, even with 30% oxygen level. SN is a gradual slow process.
  • With low oxygen levels you faint and lose consciousness.
  • Brain goes into "sleep mode" – everything keeps working but you fall asleep.
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
Are we sure that SN doesn't cause brain damage?

It could just be that because SN is a relatively slow process it takes longer than other methods before it starts to damage the brain, and people who get saves tend to get saved before the damage happens.

FYI I could be completely wrong, Im ignorant on this topic but it's just a thought.
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Dec 17, 2019
Are we sure that SN doesn't cause brain damage?

Yes. They did MRI . For dozens of patients , including those in critical condition .

"Sure" = There's no 100% in medicine . 99% .

t could just be that because SN is a relatively slow process it takes longer than other methods before it starts to damage the brain
No , answered , heart & kidneys die first .

Dont take my word for it . FAQ contained scientific research on that ...........................................
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Not a person
Sep 30, 2019
Yes. They did MRI . For dozens of patients , including those in critical condition .

"Sure" = There's no 100% in medicine . 99% .


No , answered that . You're heart & kidneys will die first . More sensitive .
That's actually pretty reassuring to know that it doesn't cause brain damage, or rather I should say the chances are really really small.

If we were to be saved no one wants to be a vegetable or have serious brain damage.
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Dec 17, 2019
That's actually pretty reassuring to know that it doesn't cause brain damage, or rather I should say the chances are really really small.

If we were to be saved no one wants to be a vegetable or have serious brain damage.
Very reassuring :) I was fearful of that myself

* Sorry I expanded my answer while you replied (but it's same)
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M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
So let's say I only use SN and vomit what will happen? What are the chances of becoming vegetable?


Sleep now and carry on into the black of the night
Jan 18, 2020
So let's say I only use SN and vomit what will happen? What are the chances of becoming vegetable?
I can't REALLY answer your question, but the plan is to have 1, preferably 2, extra doses as backup you drink in the event you do throw up the first one.

You can find some documented attempts HERE in google doc format.

EDIT: And in Mooni's CTB, she puked twice and it still worked.
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Dec 17, 2019
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
So let's say I only use SN and vomit what will happen? What are the chances of becoming vegetable?

Well a lot of people on here fail, and they come back to tell their experiences and don't have brain damage. So it seems your chances are good of not becoming a vegetable.

I am not any kind of professional, but my theory is that most people vomit, just it probably usually happens after they're unconscious. And what Meto does is keeps you from vomiting just long enough for the SN to absorb and helps it travel to your intestines so it gets in you quicker. So if you can keep from vomiting long enough it won't matter if you ultimately do, because you have ingested the SN and all that's left is the liquid that you mix it with and stomach juices.

I also really have doubts about the effectiveness of having multiple servings. I have a condition that makes me vomit a lot, and I know from experience that if I have started puking and try to drink anyting I will just puke more. So I don't think that will actually work.
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M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
I guess i have to take the chance. Will consuming large amount of SN increase chances of ctb or it could make vomiting worse?

If i get brain damage will i still feel anything or able to think?


L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I guess i have to take the chance. Will consuming large amount of SN increase chances of ctb or it could make vomiting worse?

If i get brain damage will i still feel anything or able to think?
You should not take more. I think it'll make you more likely to vomit. But I don't really know anything about anything so I could be wrong.

I guess it depends on the amount of brain damage you get. Some people semi function, and some people are permanently in comas. It's impossible to predict.
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Dec 17, 2019
So let's say I only use SN and vomit what will happen?
@JSauter right . Follow Stan's Guide , 3 servings . That said many members took just 1 vomited a bit and died .

What are the chances of becoming vegetable?
Plz read FAQ :) It is also good to research more on SN by yourself , for your own good , make yourself knowledgeable how it works (If worried read more).

Is SN fatal, even in small dosages?YES.
Can I recover from SN?YES – with HOSPITAL CARE.
Can I recover on my own?NO
Will I have permanent damage?NO – You either die or recover
If only small amount digested can I recover alone at home?No.
This is extremely rare.
Can I take large amounts of SN, and survive alone?No.
Can I take large amounts of SN, have no medical
intervention, and survive without permanent damage?
You will not have permanent damage.
But you won't survive(!) – scenario very unlikely – without rescue 99% fatal


I also really have doubts about the effectiveness of having multiple servings....So I don't think that will actually work.
For your personal conditions, which many share (btw including me). I would just not phrase it as a generalized observation ;)
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Lost in Aokigahara
May 26, 2019

Being brain dead is different than being a vegetable. Vegetables show signs of waking and occasional conciousness. Some can even function with no life support. Someone who is brain dead shows no brain function whatsoever and thus could not live long without being on life support. The brain cannot send impulses to direct the organs to do their jobs. The organs are only functioning due to the machines. Thus they would die otherwise.

When a victim is declared brain dead the hospital is not required to keep him alive. The family then is responsible for the decision. A Vegetable however would require a living will or a legal decision to be cut off life support due to showing some limited function thus the two bodily states are treated differently by courts and hospitals.

EDIT: Therefore this Chinese person is dead and there is no chance of him coming back which in essence is what you want i.e. not to be a vegetable.
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Sleep now and carry on into the black of the night
Jan 18, 2020
Interesting, I didn't know that. I do think in this case the takeaway is more or less the same though. Neither is a state anyone would like to be in.


Nov 27, 2019
It's 1 dubious case in China -- out of literally 1000s SN poisonings


If you read the article, it even says that all classmates recovered, except this one boy. So it is likely he really is an exception. We have no idea of any individual anomalies in this person that could have altered the outcome.
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Dec 17, 2019
We have no idea of any individual anomalies
And we will never know ;)

This is a village in China!!

Chinese authorities and news outlets are now considered a reliable source? :haha:
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M - 30
Jan 17, 2020
Also as someone said other organs die first the brain is higher priority for the brain to save.
This made me chuckle a bit brain being selfish trying to save itself.

Points noted:
Do it at a isolated place .
Write a note to not keep me on support. They will not respect but i can try.


Dec 17, 2019
Write a note to not keep u on support.
Waste of time.

These must be medically detailed notarized documents, signed by lawyer & witness, after evaluating that you are mentally competent etc. Anything else will be ignored 100%, no question about it.
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
You're right. Let's just go back to SS testimonials and goodbye threads for our information. Why bother learning about SN anywhere else.
It's more that China can be a little untrustworthy as far as reporting goes.
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Dec 17, 2019
@JSauter , I don't think disrespecting SS/members is the answer :wink::heart:

Scientific evidence gathered by members and other organizations , not just "testimonials and goodbyes" .

Sorry if offended.

China has bad reputation for self-investigating and transparently reporting wrong-doings (which is exactly the case you presented).



Jan 17, 2020
Being brain dead is different than being a vegetable. Vegetables show signs of waking and occasional conciousness. Some can even function with no life support. Someone who is brain dead shows no brain function whatsoever and thus could not live long without being on life support. The brain cannot send impulses to direct the organs to do their jobs. The organs are only functioning due to the machines. Thus they would die otherwise.

When a victim is declared brain dead the hospital is not required to keep him alive. The family then is responsible for the decision. A Vegetable however would require a living will or a legal decision to be cut off life support due to showing some limited function thus the two bodily states are treated differently by courts and hospitals.

EDIT: Therefore this Chinese person is dead and there is no chance of him coming back which in essence is what you want i.e. not to be a vegetable.
Yeah, I thought brain dead is basically dead but body kept ticking by artifical means. Pretty sure brain death is synonymous with clinical death.


Dec 17, 2019
What would be the motivation to lie about this young boy's health condition?
A mass murder attempt of children , legal dispute , while authorities / hospital appear to fuck up ? :wink:

The implication that every single time a Chinese publication prints anything,t hat it must be factually wrong
No one said anything even remotely like that... Can you plz tone it down :hug:
When it comes to medical reports of how China treats its citizens - we have doubts.

"Government Statements" are not appreciated
Not only here

Across the world ....
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L'appel du Vide
Jun 27, 2019
I think you should have 'toned it down' the moment you called a report about a young boy's extremely unfortunate medical condition as 'dubious' simply because of the country he was born in and the ethnicity of the reporters. That's incredibly disrespectful to the boy's family/friends and borderline racist. Reminds me of when Alex Jones would say Sandy Hook was a lie. Just saying.

Right. Completely reasonable. Sure. Occam's Razor anyone? Anyway, I'm not interested in deliberating this any further. I get it, they're Chinese people, so they must be lying in their newspapers about some unfortunate, non-political event that affected children. We're done here.
Wow. Why are you getting so hostile? Were you related to this child? We just had an opinion about the source, which is not an uncommon one.
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Dec 17, 2019
Well. Bit shocked about "Chinese people must be lying". Don't know what happend, was blocked..

To be clear -- people all over the world don't trust government statements and media outlets, now more than ever. This has nothing to do with Chinese people.. I would say the same thing about Russian media ; or Daily Mail ; or NY Post... So I don't get where this came from.

Sorry if something came out insensitive. "A village in China" was indicates that this case had poor documentation , handling , and oversight ; not disrespectful to the tragedy , place , or people .


Oct 14, 2019
Well. Bit shocked about "Chinese people must be lying". Don't know what happend, was blocked..

I didn't block you. I deleted my messages.

To be clear -- people all over the world don't trust government statements and media outlets, now more than ever. This has nothing to do with Chinese people.. I would say the same thing about Russian media ; or Daily Mail ; or NY Post... So I don't get where this came from.

Sorry if something came out insensitive. "A village in China" was indicates that this case had poor documentation , handling , and oversight ; not disrespectful to the tragedy , place , or people .

Fair enough.

Sorry, I'm having a hard time and I shouldn't bring that here. Apologies.
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Jan 20, 2020
SN FAQ - Death . This was asked recently:)


From FAQ-
What's the medical state?
  • hemolytic anemia, "blood failure", or
  • anemic hypoxia, "blood fails to deliver oxygen".
Tissue slowly dies, but not due to lack of oxygen in cells (cyanide) or lungs (suffocation), rather due to 'bad blood' .
Is it like suffocation?No. SN does not deprive oxygen from you body, but to individual cells within your body.
Will my brain continue to function?Yes. Brain continues to function, even with 30% oxygen level. SN is a gradual slow process.
  • With low oxygen levels you faint and lose consciousness.
  • Brain goes into "sleep mode" – everything keeps working but you fall asleep.

what a perfect and informative answer, I love it!
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