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New Member
Aug 20, 2018
tell me why you want to die, and your age ?
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Aug 20, 2018
I'm 19. I busted my achilles and now there's tendonitis for life. My face is ruined from cystic acne and there's permanent scarring that'll stick until the day I die. My skin genes are terrible.

No way am I gonna continue wage slaving for a society that doesn't care about disposable cogs like myself, so I'll have to go out soon. The world's also crumbling to the ground
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, Edgard, Revan and 9 others


Aug 8, 2018
28 I have fucked my life up and will be homeless in days. I have lost a lot of my feelings and feel dead inside from all the people that have fucked with my head and the amount of times I've been fucked over. I have no real future at least any that are good. I just go through life now wondering what the next bad thing to happen will be and see how much pain I can take before ending my life.
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Aug 9, 2018
19, I'm done with this fucking world
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Lost and always will be.
Jul 22, 2018
31 and this world can fuck off!
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Apr 30, 2018
38. I've seen enough.
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May 12, 2018
21 and want to sleep forever :3
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Jul 29, 2018
22, physically and emotionally abused all my life since I was a baby, it's fucked me up emotionally and I have many mental problems (social anxiety, depression, ptsd etc). When I think of the future and how I would have to be a wage slave forever it makes me realize life isn't worth living.
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Aug 20, 2018
23. I just can't live in this world anymore. Too many bad things have happened and I'm looking to end my life very soon
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18 and I am already a 70 years soul. I was abused to the limit by my cunty family, I am forced constantly and they always try to make me fwel worse knowing how fucked I am. They deprived me of everything I used to love. They snatched my dreams and illusions. Now, after 6 years of fighting hard for trying to be happy and recovering my illusions, I've lost. Now, my life changed radically and I'm forced to have a life that I don't owe and I deeply hate, causes me anxiety and deep depression and I must keep until I am a retired old man. I've seen enough. I don't want lo live like it.

To this situation, add emotional and physical abuse from parents which traumatized me beyond repair and several betrayals from people I loved.

This world can fuck off. I'm young and if they never acted like suck assholes, I wouldn't be so fucking bad in this moment. I could killed myself in some years more and in a more peaceful way but I have to do it before and I'm bwing tortured everyday with NO ESCAPE. Every window is closed, my future is ruined because of them and even if it wasn't, adult life seems gruesome enough to me. I just refuse this "life".

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Aug 20, 2018
34. 35 in a couple of weeks. I should be happy. I have just moved to a brand new home, getting married next year and have a decent life but for some reason I don't want to be here. I've always been fucked up but I just wish I knew why.
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Jul 26, 2018
21. I fucked up up my life beyond repair, am depressed, and don't want to be a wage slave for the rest of my life. I don't really see the purpose in spending a 1/3 of my life and 2/3 of my waking hours just to work.
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Aug 8, 2018
31. Fucked up life. No hope it would go up in life.
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Jul 21, 2018
Late 20s, somewhat physical chronic illness. Until recently I find life relatively good , now it is a prison.
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Apr 19, 2018
im 55 have no place or purpose in life i hate my life and living
all so I suffer from depression so sick of life after 55 years I'm looking to end my life very soon
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Reactions: StarDust, wezel, Fixin’ToDie and 4 others

Deleted member 1496

Aug 2, 2018
Tired of going through life on my own. I can sometimes fix other people's problems, but IRL people don't seem to understand mine. They give me solutions that work for them, sometimes solutions to *their* problems. I'm tired of trying to having a "party on my own".
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Aug 18, 2018
16 I guess I have depression but it only started coming on freshman year of high school. This last wave of depression during the end of the school year about two or three months ago I started really telling my two best friends my anxieties about them and if I meant less to them or something. If I wasn't as close to them as they were to me. I really regret being so selfish now but I was depressed and had a lot of relationship anxiety. They were good for a while and held my hand, listened to me, told me they loved me, but I indirectly revealed to one of them I was suicidal and that put a lot of space between us I guess. During that whole period of time I always asked if I was too much constantly and to make sure they would tell me if I started becoming too much on them, but I guess they fucking didn't because now the people who made me the happiest in the world and just kinda cold turkey me off this summer vacation. I guess it was a bad idea to base all of my happiness and waking up in the mornings on my two best friends since 5th grade, but either way I fucked up so bad and now I'm depressed without any friends and my family are all really unsympathetic. My big personal takeaway if I don't kill myself is to not let myself get close to anyone again and definitely not expose I'm suicidal, at least at this age.
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May 12, 2018
16 I guess I have depression but it only started coming on freshman year of high school. This last wave of depression during the end of the school year about two or three months ago I started really telling my two best friends my anxieties about them and if I meant less to them or something. If I wasn't as close to them as they were to me. I really regret being so selfish now but I was depressed and had a lot of relationship anxiety. They were good for a while and held my hand, listened to me, told me they loved me, but I indirectly revealed to one of them I was suicidal and that put a lot of space between us I guess. During that whole period of time I always asked if I was too much constantly and to make sure they would tell me if I started becoming too much on them, but I guess they fucking didn't because now the people who made me the happiest in the world and just kinda cold turkey me off this summer vacation. I guess it was a bad idea to base all of my happiness and waking up in the mornings on my two best friends since 5th grade, but either way I fucked up so bad and now I'm depressed without any friends and my family are all really unsympathetic. My big personal takeaway if I don't kill myself is to not let myself get close to anyone again and definitely not expose I'm suicidal, at least at this age.
Hey, if you want to talk, about anything - you can be open with me. :) I'm sorry about your friends and I know it's hard losing friends due to your illness but there are some people out there, albeit not many who will accept people with difficulties.

People are selfish. :/
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Aug 20, 2018
Long story but just turned 32 half an hour ago
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Aug 18, 2018
Hey, if you want to talk, about anything - you can be open with me. :) I'm sorry about your friends and I know it's hard losing friends due to your illness but there are some people out there, albeit not many who will accept people with difficulties.

People are selfish. :/
Thanks you so much, maybe. Worst part is that they aren't totally cut off from me, but I'm scared we won't be close again. Maybe the space will make them swing back who knows.
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Aug 20, 2018
It's a selfish and childish reason, but the world just...disgusts me. I will be honest, I believe in faithful and wholsome love, you know, stay with one person and be together forever, the whole fairy tale type of stuff.
Yet, all most men and women care about these days is getting off, cheating, open or in secret, either way is gross. A lot of people only looking for sex or using somebody just for it...that's not love.

Modern media, porn, famous people, and all that other garbage piss me off. It's infecting minds and hurting people, a generation.
I'm tired of hearing about it all, seeing people like that.
There are many more reasons, personal life type of stuff, but this is a big reason.

I'm a 20 year old hispanic male. Sorry about the long post!
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Aug 20, 2018
Animal instincts really get in the way of humanity. It's why I 'd like my consciousness to be free of this body who's needs we're all slaves to
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Apr 9, 2018
32, i've been rolling downhill for 20 years, bankruptcy, physical health diseases/ailments, unrelenting depression. It's been absolute shit for so long, despite my best efforts, it just keeps getting worse. I should be on the streets or in a casket already, haven't worked in 8 months, I am a burden on my parents. The last hurdle (survival instincts, etc.) has proven difficult to overcome but it'll happen.
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Mar 25, 2018
20 & because I am ugly
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Broken Widow

Broken Widow

Wildlife crisis
Aug 20, 2018
I'm 40. I've always been depressed, and not really attached to living. But when my husband was alive, life was tolerable, even good. He died of cancer a couple years ago. Ever since then, I feel really lost, lonely and hopeless. I can't get over losing Danny, or the whole traumatizing experience of cancer. I do feel envious that he got to die. He tried so hard to live, but couldn't. I wish I could trade places with him.
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New Member
Aug 21, 2018
19, turning 20 in a couple months, if I'm still around by that time. Life did not go down the path I wanted it to, and now I'm ashamed, embarrassed, guilty, angry, sad. It's been this way for two years. It doesn't seem like it's going to change and I don't think I can live with it. I'm tired all the time, depression has drained all my energy and will to do things. Lately I find myself resenting those who love me, because they're the only reason I feel too guilty about leaving. I know it'd scar them forever. But I don't want to live anymore, I can't.
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Reactions: Journeytoletgo, BxK and Deleted_9cKnXB34QG


Beyond solace
Jun 30, 2018
32 and long overdue.
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Jul 30, 2018
23. I want to have a peaceful sleep, with no interruptions. I want to know that I won't have to battle in my mind anymore whether to live or to die, or to struggle throughout life. I want to give in to the half of me that wants rest from this world.
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Not 2B
Aug 22, 2018
I'm in my mid 20s and have a few rare diseases, a combination that has left me multiply disabled. I would be fine living out a couple of decades and all the surgeries (my remaining lifespan) but it makes it impossible for me to study, work, to live as anything but a dependent and a kind of adult child. There wouldn't even be long to appreciate it with how long studying has already taken me. I'm an autodidact but with my disabilities I need a degree to get a job really, maybe I'll go back to programming but I'm one of those people with pathological ambitions. As such I cannot distract myself from my chronic illnesses and exhaustion.

Severe mental illness, addiction, and suicide runs in both sides of my family, my father was wrecked by his and I've been thinking obsessively about death since I was three. Violent death fascinated me in particular, I would lie awake fantasising about it. I wish I had known that I was wiring my developing brain to associate everything with suicide.

Because my family was abusive and I was probably already morbid my OCD devolved into depression, personality disorders, I made mistakes and got myself traumatised. Even that could be very recoverable if I weren't essentially imprisoned in my mind by the combination of physical disability, social access barriers, and mental illness. I concluded long ago that anhedonic almost-pleasure for me can't outweigh guaranteed constant pain.

There are non-individual factors but I didn't want to aggravate anyone with a polemic.
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