

Oct 8, 2020
Even in Christianity the religious belief in hell doesn't really come from the Bible. It was sort of invented/tacked on later.

This book is pretty good:

I personally think a lot of this stuff is sort of like an arms race between religions. The more you can scare/promise someone the more people you can convert. So it's sort of like a race to the most extreme reward/punishment for belief/disbelief. Hence eternal heaven/eternal hell/torment. The religion that was just selling like a sort of normal afterlife and no crazy judgement just didn't stand a chance.

The question for me (if you believe in God) is why God would allow a world to exist where such crazy misinformation and ignorance is the norm.
What makes you say this? Source?

You may have to do a fair bit of reading to come to this conclusion, but if you're contemplating suicide then I think it's probably a topic that would interest you. I suggest looking at this list:

In particular this book is probably the best summary of the current research:
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Actually the brain generating consciousness is a theory that is on empirically pretty shaky ground these days. It's more plausible to believe that it filters consciousness.
That's more plausible? :))


Oct 8, 2020
Evolution of the brain created consciousness

I mean you can't really convince me that our brains create consciousness. I have personally had experiences that would be incredibly unlikely if I was just a physical brain that was producing my consciousness. That's what lead me down this rabbithole to try to see what the alternatives are, once it had become obvious to me that something else was going on.

I now think we're in a kind of simulation. Our consciousness is somewhere else and just sort of projected into our body. I agree that our consciousness changes drastically throughout our lives though. But there is a lot of evidence to suggest it is merely filtered and shaped by the brain. One example is terminal lucidity where old semi demented people all of a sudden gain the ability to think clearly right before death.

I mean I agree if you're steeped in the current scientific paradigm and believe all the stuff neuroscience pumps out regarding consciousness, and have not had any first-hand experiences to suggest otherwise, you'd probably believe you're just a brain. Neuroscience is I think like almost laughably overconfident in their completely false paradigm though.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Neuroscience is I think like almost laughably overconfident in their completely false paradigm though.
You're laughably overconfident in your paradigm. Get a degree in neuroscience & then argue with your opponents in the scientific community
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
I mean you can't really convince me that our brains create consciousness. I have personally had experiences that would be incredibly unlikely if I was just a physical brain that was producing my consciousness. That's what lead me down this rabbithole to try to see what the alternatives are, once it had become obvious to me that something else was going on.

I now think we're in a kind of simulation. Our consciousness is somewhere else and just sort of projected into our body. I agree that our consciousness changes drastically throughout our lives though. But there is a lot of evidence to suggest it is merely filtered and shaped by the brain. One example is terminal lucidity where old semi demented people all of a sudden gain the ability to think clearly right before death.

I mean I agree if you're steeped in the current scientific paradigm and believe all the stuff neuroscience pumps out regarding consciousness, and have not had any first-hand experiences to suggest otherwise, you'd probably believe you're just a brain. Neuroscience is I think like almost laughably overconfident in their completely false paradigm though.
i've got huge huge problems and i need to work hard to solve these problems to get out of huge messes. whether someone else believes one theory or another is not going to get me out of this mess or trap. only me commiting suicide will get me out of this trouble that i'm in.I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. it doesn't matter to me what anyone else believes or doesn't believe about the brain ,consciousness, religion , anything . that won't help me one bit . i just replied out of a habit that i got of replying to forums when they quote my post and also for me to i guess strenghten my own beliefs that i think helps me to get myself to my goal my ctb. actually to me nothing matters only that i die and die soon . only things holding me back i guess are si, procrastination and fear of failure remaining alive with brain damage.
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Oct 8, 2020
You're laughably overconfident in your paradigm. Get a degree in neuroscience & then argue with your opponents in the scientific community

Neuroscience has no actual basis for understanding consciousness at all. Yet they are radically overconfident in that they understand it and should be the ones to do so, after all their purview is the brain. The scientific community is by and large wedded to this paradigm of scientific materialism. I bought all the BS philosophy that was being served to me back in the day by Dennett, etc. It underpins almost all science and even the disciplines that actually touch upon paradigm breaking results like quantum mechanics, tend to just sweep them under the rug. "Shut up and calculate".
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
The scientific community is by and large wedded to this paradigm of scientific materialism.
Start your own scientific community then & prove all those dummies wrong


Oct 8, 2020
Start your own scientific community then & prove all those dummies wrong

Not sure if I have to remind you that we're on a suicide forum. I'm not starting much of anything just wrapping up loose ends in my life so I can gtfo.
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Apr 30, 2021
That just makes you even more morally superior to me. You win, you win, you win! :))
Everytime I read one of your comments you are being a douchebag to someone. Can't you just stop? Its annoying and this really isnt the place to troll. How about try youtube comments or twitter for that?
motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
Everytime I read one of your comments you are being a douchebag to someone. Can't you just stop? Its annoying and this really isnt the place to troll. How about try youtube comments or twitter for that?
Feel free to report me if you think I'm such a monster. I've never called anyone a douchebag or any other name

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