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šŸŽµ Be all, end all šŸŽµ
Apr 17, 2023
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
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May 5, 2023
Maybe it hit a nerve? Could be angry at themselves. Hell I dunno but co ps and psych ward attendees act the same damn way. Like I was a cut up nothing...
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Jan 23, 2023
suicide is a taboo subject because it can make society question EVERYTHING they hold dear. So, to avoid the subject, they make it seem like something abnormal, out of the ordinary..., a mental disease, etc. society can't handle suicide. suicide negates all the human enterprises and endeavors. it exposes the meaninglessness of human life/existence....., so that is why why they label it as coward, pussy, mental illness, etc...DO NOT BUY IT...., MMMMHH... we all make meanings and decide how people think. I should know...., I spent 30 years programming people. WHAT FOR? I genuinely don't know. Maybe for the paychecks?...MOSTLY, BECAUSE I WAS PROGRAMMED.
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Apr 15, 2023
I think it stems from the same place homophobia and transphobia comes From. The vast majority of people aren't particularly intelligent or they tend to project. I'm pretty sure for most cases it's this. It's either the person isn't the sharpest tool in the drawer or they cannot engage with the topic in a normal way because they're defensive about the fact they're also suffering. Either way, their problem.
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May 15, 2023
i think they just can't understand it because they haven't been there
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Mar 12, 2023
The saddening reality is that suicide is still a taboo topic, or a "sin" in many cultures. Pro lifers see suicide as something heavy that shouldn't be talked about, when it really does. Many sees the suicidal as cowards who can't face life, or in my own culture, they're consider ungrateful children that cannot repay their parents' care. Ironically, these toxic beliefs are those that lead more people to suicide lol.
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Too worthless to live, too scared to die
Apr 24, 2023
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
Yeah, when people say shit like that it just makes me think I'm a coward which makes me want to kill myself more.
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Mori praestat, quam haec pati!
May 21, 2023
Anyone insulting someone who did ctb or is planning it has no idea how much suffering and agony is there before one makes the decision to ctb. This is definitely one of the hardest decisions in ones life to exit, that should be honored.

I never could understand why people make suicide, but I never would have insulted them. I just couldn't understand it because my life, my mind and all around it was in order. But everything goes wrong with me since some years now and I'm in a constantly accelerating downward spiral trapped, I know that this can only be stopped by CTB.

Trying to talk about it with "normal" people is useless, they throw words at me like "coward" "you are running away" and so on. I replied "Better an honorable suicide than suffering and torment" ...
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šŸŽµ Be all, end all šŸŽµ
Apr 17, 2023
Anyone insulting someone who did ctb or is planning it has no idea how much suffering and agony is there before one makes the decision to ctb. This is definitely one of the hardest decisions in ones life to exit, that should be honored.

I never could understand why people make suicide, but I never would have insulted them. I just couldn't understand it because my life, my mind and all around it was in order. But everything goes wrong with me since some years now and I'm in a constantly accelerating downward spiral trapped, I know that this can only be stopped by CTB.

Trying to talk about it with "normal" people is useless, they throw words at me like "coward" "you are running away" and so on. I replied "Better an honorable suicide than suffering and torment" ...
"Being dead means I don't have to talk to people like you."
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I think there are multiple factors and answers to this question. First off, by choosing to CTB, it goes against the just world and rosy tinted perception of life that most pro-lifers have, which means that they have to face the truth that they don't want to face, hence, just by that alone, they have a knee-jerk reaction to CTB itself. It scares them that they must face their (inevitable) mortality and reality, and it shocks them to the core that their emotions supersede their reasoning. Then, it is jealousy and envy (which also includes anger somewhere along their emotions) that they could not overcome their own innate self-preservation (or SI, the survival instinct) biological programming, thus they lash out irrationally. Finally, the indoctrination and programming, upbringing of most individuals by institutions, society, family, and their peers that CTB is wrong and life is always worth living (which oftenly is not the case!), thus when that belief and tenet is threatened, they behave irrationally (goes back to the first reason).

I'm not a psychologist nor doctor, but these are just my thoughts and understanding of why people insult the ones who have CTB'd.
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Apr 18, 2023
Depends on the person.

If it's someone close they're probably lashing out to hide the sense of loss they feel. These people are to be pitied because they're in pain from losing someone close to them but don't know how to express it in a proper manner.

If it's some rando could be any number of reasons but mostly pure ignorance. People who haven't been pushed to the brink like us have little to no understanding of the pain we go through. Their negative reaction could be the result of a simple fear of death, pro-life religious bullcrap fed to them by those around them, the general consensus of society that "suicide is bad" etc.
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Aug 23, 2018
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
I'd say it's a mix of grief and a lack of empathy/understanding (The latter reason would be more relevant if the person in question was just an acquaintance).
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Forever Sleep

Earned it we have...
May 4, 2022
I do agree with people here saying it is because it is considered taboo or a sin.

I also think it's this idea of responsibility towards others though. Although we don't intend it- suicides do upset people. Even if that person saying these things wasn't connected to the individual- they can still imagine the upset their death might have caused to those closest to them. I think they simply imagine themselves how they'd feel if someone they cared about killed themselves- and it likely makes them feel fear, horror, grief and anger at the thought of being made to feel all that.

I think people do see suicide as selfish- that someone is deliberately inflicting all that pain on others. There's that horrible phrase that 'suicide doesn't ease pain- it just passes it on to those left behind.' I suppose these pro-lifers OR people who have actually been suicidal feel like they wouldn't do it themselves. So- they feel like they can stand in judgement of others.

In terms of pro-lifers- I would say they are simply clueless as to how unhappy someone can be in their life. How some people simply lose the will to live- so- recovery simply isn't feasible. I don't think they want to accept that for some people- things are EXTREMELY unlikely to get better. If they can't physically see it- in term of chronic physical illness- I imagine they just think most people could solve their problems- if they just put a bit more effort in. I think they probably do actually think that- even if the person isn't willing to recover for themselves- that they should do it for the people around them. I find that ironic because they don't seem to see how selfish that expectation is. Surely- it IS just as selfish to expect someone to struggle on in pain because you want to hang on to them.

With regards to people who have felt suicidal but decided not to go ahead with it: I imagine either their ideation wasn't that intense or persistant- surely someone who has felt like this and SERIOUSLY considered taking their own life would know in fact how complicated and frightening it is. Surely, they'd be more sympathetic. OR- if they do in fact still have ideation but have chosen to stoically hang on- perhaps they also feel qualified to stand in judgement of those who- in their eyes- took the 'easier' option.
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Mirrory Me

Mirrory Me

"More then your eyes can see..."
Mar 23, 2023
Perhaps using humour as a coping mechanism... :P


May 27, 2023
This is a great question. It makes you wonder but this is just an example of the issue right. The truth is, people don't like to focus on themselves. Period.

People will always find a reason to put down others.

It's so sad that these woke people can't understand how our deaths would not touch their lives so they don't have to say anything at all.

Idk about you guys but if I died, I wouldn't want any of them to blink an eye. They never blinked an eye while I was alive - don't ducking dare blink when I'm dead.
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Sad Avocado

Those things I've never said
May 27, 2023
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
There's three types of people when we come to this topic. The ones that never suffered or at least never suffered to that point, the people that had some kind of envolvement with the one that committed and the ones that suffered but never got to that point. So the first type, doesn't clearly know how true pain is like and therefore they see suicide ar completely irrational and jump to conclusions and judgement. The second type of people are the most imprevedible because they react with sadness (obviously) but sadness can easily become anger and if they are not able to manage it, it will be focused on themselves or, more probably, on the person that committed. Then we have the worst people: the ones that experienced pain and self diagnosed themselves with problems that they probably didn't have. So when they overcame those problems they felt very strong and when they hear a person that committed they call them names.
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Apr 18, 2023
Fear. Because they know everyone has a line including themselves. Put someone through enough hell they'll want to ctb. Just the facts. So they lash out in fear because they know that it could be them. Though I think sometimes people think they could deal with the situation if they were in that person's shoes.

To be honest in today's world a lot of it is people just don't care. Suffer in silence basically I have my own shit to deal with. People depended on each other for survival 500 years ago. Today, in the west people don't we are expendable. So if someone can't make themselves look perfect you are immediately non desirable in any context. Basically people don't have to care. So I think a lot of the general empathy in society has gone away too. Want an example. Abuse in nursing homes? Do people care nah... They will say they do but most dont mean it. Simple to society they are old undesirable.

Deep down people realize this and know it could easily be them if fortunes change. This is too long already but in sum it's fear because they know it could be them.
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Dec 18, 2021
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
because people tell themselves everyday they should persevere and always go forward in life. i think it hits a nerve when someone decides to reject everything we are about told about what life is and should be. i think to most people suicide could never be an option, it scares people. life is all they have. for many of us, just because we possess life doesnt mean it isn't holding us back.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
I think it's because many humans don't wish to accept suicide as the perfectly logical option that it really is as it shatters their delusional worldview that existence is always worth enduring. The whole suicide is "cowardly" view comes from ignorance and insensitive delusions, the reality is that many humans lack compassion towards the suffering that exists here and they won't even try to understand, such a replusive human species.
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May 24, 2023
because they are stupid people who cannot understand, society has to live by force even if one can't take it anymore, the level of tolerance is individual and no one can judge


šŸ­my lollipop brings the feminists to my candyshop
Aug 16, 2022
"They were a coward." "They were a little bitch pussy." Etc. Why do they feel anger? That's where their insults stem from. Sometimes they're angry even when the person was just an acquaintance. Weird.
Social knowledge currently says "suicide is morally bad". People reinforce social knowledge by repeating it. Like neurons reinforce knowledge by firing

Now, people can't just say "suicide bad", because it's boring. So they must spice it up, even if not innovate
Last edited:
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May 27, 2023
Tbh people are always going to talk anyway so you have to do what's best for you. Even if they insult you ā€¦ you will be gone and you will not even know what they will be saying since you will be at peace. I see on Twitter even some people still calling Caroline Flack an abuser when she has been gone for 3 years now. Some of them will be angry because they won't be able to control you and scrutinise you at any given chanceā€¦. People are always going to talk anyway so you have to do what's best for you ā€¦
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Mar 30, 2023
Because this world is full of cruel, selfish, nasty people.

People think it's appropriate to judge people who died by suicide because it's a supposedly a sin. Well, alcoholism and adultery are sins too. But no one would every say anything about that to a drunkard's family, "Hey your dad went to hell because he was an alcoholic."
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Jul 23, 2022
If we are referring specifically to the stigma of cowardice, it's because people think that we should suck it up and never back down in the face of adversity and to choose not to deal with problems is a sign of weakness.


Unstable Potato
May 25, 2023
"cowards" - it's interesting though.... It kinda takes a lot of bravery to face death and go through with it. It's not easy. I don't think it's cowardly. People are just cruel and will insult you for anything especially if they don't understand it.
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Apr 18, 2023
"cowards" - it's interesting though.... It kinda takes a lot of bravery to face death and go through with it. It's not easy. I don't think it's cowardly. People are just cruel and will insult you for anything especially if they don't understand it.
It's because it's inherently a selfish action. You are stopping your own suffering. People expect you to keep suffering and not inconvenience them. Suffer in silence. Most of the people saying you are a coward... Would run for the hills if you tried to ask them for help. Just life. People expect you to suffer so they can feel better about themselves but do it in silence. Nothing makes you realize how shitty people and society are more then asking for help and suffering.
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New Member
May 15, 2023
Easy to mock someone that can't defend themselves, that's why.
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Lavander 230

Lavander 230

Mar 3, 2023
That's because people are just a bunch of normies. They only agree with what is already socially acceptable. Take Ukraine war for example, no one knows for 100% sure who is right or wrong, either way you'll get slandered if you say anything bad about Ukraine.
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May 6, 2022
right, it makes me so upset. i've had my own "family member" tell me to my face that my ctb attempts were selfish in a conversation that was supposed to be about fixing our relationshi with each other. that same family member has also had multiple friends who have successfully ctb, too so it is truly astounding
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