

Jun 15, 2022
From what I can see it is wildly ineffective (like 90% of people recover from even severe methemoglobinemia) and it seems like it has the same overdose side-effects as any other drug. Not judging, just wanna know if there's something I'm missing here
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May 18, 2022
It's cheap and accessible.
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As above, So Below.
Jan 21, 2022
Wildly ineffective ?
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New Member
Jun 5, 2022
its not wildly ineffective, not sure where you found that from, i know a few people that went out using SN.
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Eternal sleep awaits me
May 22, 2022
From what I can see it is wildly ineffective (like 90% of people recover from even severe methemoglobinemia) and it seems like it has the same overdose side-effects as any other drug. Not judging, just wanna know if there's something I'm missing here
Not sure where you seen that it was "wildly ineffective" but it's actually one of the most popular methods cause it's available almost anywhere cheap and "effective" lol
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Jun 9, 2022
It's only ineffective when you mess up the dosing and get discovered, or you buy from some sketchy website and they send you a pack of snow.
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Oct 19, 2021
From what I can see it is wildly ineffective (like 90% of people recover from even severe methemoglobinemia) and it seems like it has the same overdose side-effects as any other drug. Not judging, just wanna know if there's something I'm missing here
Somebody complied a list of goodbye threads here that seem to suggest, based on nearly 100 cases, that it is around 80% effective if you follow the protocol closely, though I'm not sure it's that high, but it's pretty high. PLus for people who don't ctb there is typically not lasting damage, it seems, and people often succeed on the second attempt, though usually they feel very sick for a few days if an attempt fails. If some people arew bieng damaged by this without ctbing it hasn't shown up in articles online yet as far as most peoplpe here know, and considering that some people are against ctb these casesz would likely hit the news pretty quikcly if they occurred, though no one knows for saure. IN short- prett6y high chance of success, seemingly not much downside risk, and it can be peaceful when it goes well, though it doesn't always happen peacefully. Based on the anecdotal "evidence" so far it appears like the best combination of riksk factors for many people.
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"Please, finish my story."
Nov 25, 2020
Where even is this 90% statistic coming from??? I swear a new member comes every week calling SN ineffective with NO sources. There are literally studies done on people who have suicided with SN by scientists who think that sodium nitrite poisoning might be a concern. If SN was unsuccessful, the government wouldn't be trying to restrict it right now
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Oct 19, 2021
Other methods that have a high percentage chance of working, such as train or gun, leave horrific damage if they fail- faces blown offs, legs amputated, etc. Sn doesn't cause these effects. ANother high percentage method, full suspension, if generally terrifying and it is very difficult for most people to find a lopcation that will work for this. Most people also don't have access to a high enough height to use jumping. By process of elimination Sn is the best higher centage methdo available to many people.
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Dec 21, 2020
Uh.. the point of your statement is not that it's "wildly ineffective"… but that if you fail, there are rarely if any long term consequences/repercussions from taking the SN. You must have misconstrued something. It is very effective.
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Been on and off here for 2 years. Lost my password
Jun 1, 2022
I believe finances mostly dictate this. N is out the budget for most people understandably.
It's not an unpleasant death just bit uncomfortable sometimes.
I don't agree that it's ineffective, I think there is jus situations where people backdown, not commit fully, abort and there is scope for this with SN.
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Love from the deepest dream
Feb 14, 2021
Accessible, cheap and legal (unlike N), relatively peaceful and effective as long as you follow the proper protocols, and few or no side effects in case of failure. They recover because they are found and sent to hospital, and the fact that they are able to recover proves the safety of the method. I hope you are not one of the prolifers who try to raise fear about SN and make us CTB less.
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Jan 9, 2021
I think SN is even more effective and safe than N. With N the time till braindeath is way longer for a healthy individual than with SN. With N there might be brain damage if survived. Not neccessarily because of oxygen deprivation, but because its a a very heavy drug and it surely fucks up your brain the same way a huge amount of benzodiazepine can fuck up your brain for a long time. I would choose SN over N any day.
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Been on and off here for 2 years. Lost my password
Jun 1, 2022
I think SN is even more effective and safe than N. With N the time till braindeath is way longer for a healthy individual than with SN. With N there might be brain damage if survived. Not neccessarily because of oxygen deprivation, but because its a a very heavy drug and it surely fucks up your brain the same way a huge amount of benzodiazepine can fuck up your brain for a long time. I would choose SN over N any day.
SN is not more effective than N. If this was the case in a medical setting it would be used rather than N.
People don't use SN because it can be uncomfortable for people where as N you just fall asleep and there are no variables like Nausea or high heart rate to deal with such as SN.
Nembutal you won't survive unless you are doing it in a situation where you are going to be found, same with SN. This is less likely with Nembutal because it's often the case you will be dead in an hour where as SN you can inject commonly methylene blue, the antidote with ease.
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Jan 9, 2021
SN is not more effective than N. If this was the case in a medical setting it would be used rather than N.
People don't use SN because it can be uncomfortable for people where as N you just fall asleep and there are no variables like Nausea or high heart rate to deal with such as SN.
Nembutal you won't survive unless you are doing it in a situation where you are going to be found, same with SN. This is less likely with Nembutal because it's often the case you will be dead in an hour where as SN you can inject commonly methylene blue, the antidote with ease.
A healthy individual doesnt die within an hour from N it can take up to a full day sometimes. N fucks with your brains GABA. Its very bad for your brain. SN only deprives you of oxygen. The only plus of N is that its more peacefull. Nothing more
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Been on and off here for 2 years. Lost my password
Jun 1, 2022
A healthy individual doesnt die within an hour from N it can take up to a full day sometimes. N fucks with your brains GABA. Its very bad for your brain. SN only deprives you of oxygen. The only plus of N is that its more peacefull. Nothing more
A healthy person would die within the hour of drinking veterinary nembutal absolutely far greater numbers than those taking SN within the hour. Most haven't even passed out within the 20 30 min mark after taking SN.

That is the only reason to be saved 'is being found' you are more likely to look like you are in a deep sleep under nembutal rather than be visibly blue on SN so again Nembutal is much better, there is no evidence of brain damage at all from people being found and kept alive after nembutal not even antidotal evidence.

The 'full day sometimes' in medical setting is <1%

The effect on the brain is immaterial as you will die.
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Jan 31, 2021
A healthy individual doesnt die within an hour from N it can take up to a full day sometimes. N fucks with your brains GABA. Its very bad for your brain. SN only deprives you of oxygen. The only plus of N is that its more peacefull. Nothing more
Here is some data from the euthanasia clinic in Netherlands. It studies 276 cases of people that died from N. 88 percent of people died in 1 hour. 92 percent of people died in 2 hours. The average time of death was only 25 minutes. Only 1/2 percent of people took 24 hours to die. Those were special cases that don't apply to most people.

Its true that these people were old and sick and already had one foot in the grave. It may take a little longer for someone younger and healthy to die. With a massive barb overdose, they would still die in a few hours, and they would be in a coma and unaware what is happening to them.

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Dec 12, 2021
Here is some data from the euthanasia clinic in Netherlands. It studies 276 cases of people that died from N. 88 percent of people died in 1 hour. 92 percent of people died in 2 hours. The average time of death was only 25 minutes. Only 1/2 percent of people took 24 hours to die. Those were special cases that don't apply to most people.

Its true that these people were old and sick and already had one foot in the grave. It may take a little longer for someone younger and healthy to die. With a massive barb overdose, they would still die in a few hours, and they would be in a coma and unaware what is happening to them.

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Thank you for sharing! Is N most popular euthanasia drug or something else? Was the N given through IV or orally? I wonder how much that effects..
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
90% ineffective? I'm glad you are not a pollster.
For the love of God I wish people would stop blasting their BS based on ignorance.
SN is popular because if done with the correct protocol and the correct purity it will be very effective.
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Just wanting some peace
Sep 24, 2020
To me, SN would be preferable to many methods like hanging and drowning. With hanging there is the fear of failure and it sounds like such a difficult method. Drowning sounds like such a horrifying way to leave. I think that with SN it would probably be easier to overcome the SI, than it would be with many other methods. Most people would probably prefer N as it sounds more peaceful, but I guess that SN is probably more accessible. N sounds like the best method to me and I envy those who die that way.
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Jun 15, 2022
Somebody complied a list of goodbye threads here that seem to suggest, based on nearly 100 cases, that it is around 80% effective if you follow the protocol closely, though I'm not sure it's that high, but it's pretty high. PLus for people who don't ctb there is typically not lasting damage, it seems, and people often succeed on the second attempt, though usually they feel very sick for a few days if an attempt fails. If some people arew bieng damaged by this without ctbing it hasn't shown up in articles online yet as far as most peoplpe here know, and considering that some people are against ctb these casesz would likely hit the news pretty quikcly if they occurred, though no one knows for saure. IN short- prett6y high chance of success, seemingly not much downside risk, and it can be peaceful when it goes well, though it doesn't always happen peacefully. Based on the anecdotal "evidence" so far it appears like the best combination of riksk factors for many people.
Thank you sm for the info! I've done some more research and I can totally see that and it's honestly becoming a top option for me now. Worst thing seems to be how your body looks when they find it but I guess that won't be a problem for me lol
Where even is this 90% statistic coming from??? I swear a new member comes every week calling SN ineffective with NO sources. There are literally studies done on people who have suicided with SN by scientists who think that sodium nitrite poisoning might be a concern. If SN was unsuccessful, the government wouldn't be trying to restrict it right now
I think when you google it the most popular academic article is on two case studies of people who tried to CTB with a LOT of SN and lived that has the 90% stat (which is misrepresented as the survival rate of SN but is actually the survival rate of methemoglobinemia). But I've done some more digging and that seems to be more of an anomaly than the standard. Honestly, just wanted some more info from ppl on here because a lot of the info is protected where I'm from.
To me, SN would be preferable to many methods like hanging and drowning. With hanging there is the fear of failure and it sounds like such a difficult method. Drowning sounds like such a horrifying way to leave. I think that with SN it would probably be easier to overcome the SI, than it would be with many other methods. Most people would probably prefer N as it sounds more peaceful, but I guess that SN is probably more accessible. N sounds like the best method to me and I envy those who die that way.
Big agree, drowning has got to be the worst way to go imo other than maybe burning alive
90% ineffective? I'm glad you are not a pollster.
For the love of God I wish people would stop blasting their BS based on ignorance.
SN is popular because if done with the correct protocol and the correct purity it will be very effective.
I think when you google it the most popular academic article is on two case studies of people who tried to CTB with a LOT of SN and lived that has the 90% stat (which is misrepresented as the survival rate of SN but is actually the survival rate of methemoglobinemia). But I've done some more digging and that seems to be more of an anomaly than the standard. Honestly, just wanted some more info from ppl on here because a lot of the info is protected where I'm from.
Here is some data from the euthanasia clinic in Netherlands. It studies 276 cases of people that died from N. 88 percent of people died in 1 hour. 92 percent of people died in 2 hours. The average time of death was only 25 minutes. Only 1/2 percent of people took 24 hours to die. Those were special cases that don't apply to most people.

Its true that these people were old and sick and already had one foot in the grave. It may take a little longer for someone younger and healthy to die. With a massive barb overdose, they would still die in a few hours, and they would be in a coma and unaware what is happening to them.

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Thanks for the info dude, this is super helpful
Accessible, cheap and legal (unlike N), relatively peaceful and effective as long as you follow the proper protocols, and few or no side effects in case of failure. They recover because they are found and sent to hospital, and the fact that they are able to recover proves the safety of the method. I hope you are not one of the prolifers who try to raise fear about SN and make us CTB less.
Absolutely not lol, I'm gonna kms in the near future so I'm just exploring my options and wanting more info
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Jan 9, 2021
Well, for me the problem would be the taste of N. If it really is like the taste of strong alcohol i wouldn't be able to chug it without vomiting it out directly. only a shot of vodka already makes me vomit. With salty things i dont have the same problem and its only 50ml. so IMHO SN is still the big winner if you dont mind about a bit of uncomfort.
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Lost Magic

Lost Magic

May 5, 2020
Well, for me the problem would be the taste of N. If it really is like the taste of strong alcohol i wouldn't be able to chug it without vomiting it out directly. only a shot of vodka already makes me vomit. With salty things i dont have the same problem and its only 50ml. so IMHO SN is still the big winner if you dont mind about a bit of uncomfort.
extra strength orajel rubbed onto the tongue and gums would help with that taste issue. It numbs those areas. Also an anti-emetic is essential.
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Banned Scammer
May 5, 2022

Your statistics are not true in terms of effectiveness, and honestly as a new member you come across as a troll.

SN is the best choice out of a list of bad choices.

It is cheap, relatively quick, slightly uncomfortable and reversible with no lasting damage if you survive.

If you follow the guides on sn you will mot likely succeed there are many goodbye threads on this forum, multiple media reports and plenty of resources that prove that sn is effective.
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Apr 19, 2022
A healthy individual doesnt die within an hour from N it can take up to a full day sometimes. N fucks with your brains GABA. Its very bad for your brain. SN only deprives you of oxygen. The only plus of N is that its more peacefull. Nothing more
You're mistaking Nembutal/Pentobarbital with phenobarbital, pheno kills within days, peno within an hour at most
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Jan 9, 2021
You're mistaking Nembutal/Pentobarbital with phenobarbital, pheno kills within days, peno within an hour at most
Old people die within an hour.
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Jan 31, 2021
Thank you for sharing! Is N most popular euthanasia drug or something else? Was the N given through IV or orally? I wonder how much that effects.
The N was given orally in these cases. N is usually used, but sometimes they use secobarital another barbiturate instead. If someone was given it by IV, it would kill them faster.
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Old people die within an hour.
Good point. old people are much weaker. people have no idea what happens to you with old age, so much deterioration of the brain , organs, blood vessels , etc. Old age is the worst hell imo. Those studies i think done with old people.
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