

Jul 3, 2020
A world where we can look at each other and see each other purely as another human being, rather than referring to someone as "black man" or "white man"? Why can't it just be "man"?

A world where everyone has guaranteed income to support their basic needs (shelter, food, etc) so they aren't living in poverty, stressed and depressed all day, unable to pursue anything they love.

A world where no human is allowed to have more than a certain amount of money, which would prevent billionaires from happening. A fair point is: it's sad that we live in a world where someone out there will happily spend $10,000 on a bottle of wine, while that $10,000 could completely change someone's life.

A world where office workers and physical workers (fast food, porters, etc) aren't treated like complete pigs and stuffed in capitalist slaughterhouses.

A world where suicide isn't an extremely shot-down topic, and people understand when someone is completely 100% treatment resistant

A world where we can put aside our differences, and achieve world peace.

This is more of a personal opinion, but I'd love a world where it's illegal to have kids until you go through a mental evaluation and exam, so we stop bringing kids into the world like me who get dragged through shit their entire fucking life, alienated and abused, bullied throughout their entire school lives, witness rape, can't even function socially, face rejection/abandonment throughout their entire life in one form or another, have never understood what it's like to have a fucking family, etc.

A world where when pedophiles are caught, whether it's a sting or in a real interaction, they are placed into the normal jail sentence, but upon release, are given STRICT surveillance rules, because some fucking pedophiles out there have been released and went right back to what they were doing.

A world where we don't have schools where bullies get away with everything. "Oh, I'm sorry A, he beat you up, stalked you on the way to your house, worsened your mental issues over the course of 4 years, and just now he choked you half to death in the cafeteria? You have detention for a week for punching him once."

fuck this world we live in right now.
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Mar 19, 2020
Did you know that there are about 7.5 billion people in the world. If Jeff Bezos gave everyone one billion dollars, he would still have 92.5 billion dollars left over. How's that for crushing?

Anyways. Everything you are saying relates to everything that I'm feeling tonight:/
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Let me burn.
Apr 19, 2020
Pedophiles should be executed.
Just my opinion.
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sugar, spice…
Aug 31, 2019
a fair world doesnt make money.
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Heart Shards

The shards of my broken heart cut deep.
Feb 3, 2019
Because everyone contributes to the problem. It will never be fair. We feed the injustices we hate with other ones.
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Jun 20, 2020
Because humans are hairless monkeys who do not give a f*ck about anyone else but themselves in the end.
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death unto me

Jun 26, 2020
because billions of years ago a man and a woman ate a fruit, jk. Blame capitalism!!
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Jun 12, 2020
Did you know that there are about 7.5 billion people in the world. If Jeff Bezos gave everyone one billion dollars, he would still have 92.5 billion dollars left over. How's that for crushing?

Anyways. Everything you are saying relates to everything that I'm feeling tonight:/
No you mean if he gave everyone 1 dollar not 1 billion dollars
Statistically poverty is at its lowest rate ever worldwide. But yes I wish suicide was talked about more openly, talking about suicide doesn't implant it into people's head's, people don't choose to be suicidal. Racism also needs to stop. The problem with having an evaluation is that people can easily fake it, but I agree parents who aren't capable shouldn't have children
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
money is evil

fuck money
"Fuck you, pay me" - Capitalism

Basically yeah like others have said, a fair world doesn't make money. Humans/animals always want more, more of anything/everything, if you die and stop making them money that's a problem. Most people would probably just ctb if it was socially/legally acceptable. It's slave labor, just disguised a bit.
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Deleted member 17949

Deleted member 17949

May 9, 2020
People don't care is the thing. If you stopped and tried to make the world fair you'd only be trampled by people that didn't care about fairness.
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gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha
Apr 12, 2019
My cats live in a fair world. I make sure of it.
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Jul 3, 2020
"Fuck you, pay me" - Capitalism

Basically yeah like others have said, a fair world doesn't make money. Humans/animals always want more, more of anything/everything, if you die and stop making them money that's a problem. Most people would probably just ctb if it was socially/legally acceptable. It's slave labor, just disguised a bit.
And anytime you speak out against it, or you try defying any of their rules people instantly look at you like you're insane. Or like, if you need a permanent third day off (making it a 32 hour work week) to focus on your own projects, nope, you can't have that, you're insane for wanting to live more of your life.

And I mean, sure, we're all on a forum about CTBing, but that doesn't mean everyone here is legitimately insane. There probably are a few people here who are, but for the most part, this forum seems to be a huge family and everyone is so supportive of one another and most people seem to be mostly normal, just with a ton of trauma they've gone through in life that still affects them to this day
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Jul 1, 2020
This world doesn't give a fuck about any of that. Fairness? Justice? Meaningful lives? The depraved powers that be laugh at such notions.

Remember that those who preach love and compassion are the ones who are the most violently oppressed.
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Broken Chimera

Broken Chimera

The abyss also gazes into you
May 27, 2019
This world will never be fair. Even if we came close there would be people who would fight to make it more messed up than it is now. Best solution is to let everything take its course until the 99% are living on the street. When enough people are suffering things will change.
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Mar 19, 2020
No you mean if he gave everyone 1 dollar not 1 billion dollars
Statistically poverty is at its lowest rate ever worldwide. But yes I wish suicide was talked about more openly, talking about suicide doesn't implant it into people's head's, people don't choose to be suicidal. Racism also needs to stop. The problem with having an evaluation is that people can easily fake it, but I agree parents who aren't capable shouldn't have children

no I'm pretty sure it's everyone 1 billion dollars. If he is a Trillionaire it's not just one dollar.


Isolation or death
Jun 27, 2020
Because the way society works is complicated, noone really has a solution for it
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No Brain No Pain
Jun 29, 2020
no I'm pretty sure it's everyone 1 billion dollars. If he is a Trillionaire it's not just one dollar.

His net worth is 180 billion. There are 8 billion people in the world. That's enough for $22 dollars per person.
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Jul 9, 2020
OK, so I've done a lot of research and rabbit-holeing into the SOURCE of our problems as a species and what I've found is pretty mind-blowing. So far, I conclude that this world was created to create maximum suffering so that "evil" entities can survive on the negative emotional energy. Think about it - every single living thing on this planet is in a fight for its life. We MUST consume to live. The oscillating nature of joy and misery (as opposed to constant or increasing stress/pain which results in acclamation or death) creates optimal negative emotion. The humans who have the power on Earth worship these entities in exchange for knowledge, power, wealth, etc. and do their bidding. They purposefully maintain stress on the population. They don't want to kill the population, they want it to suffer. As an act of defiance I've come to the decision to help people who are critically depressed and trapped to end their lives peacefully. I'm still in the beginning stages, but I will try my best to discover a way for everyone to take control of their lives and decide for themselves whether or not they want to live.
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Apr 16, 2020
The world not always being fair, compassionate, and kind makes me feel less bad about killing myself. I don't have to live if I don't want to, and I know that's incredibly selfish in my situation because I have a family that loves me. I can't keep living for my family forever.
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Waiting for the worms to come
Jul 4, 2020
Did you know that there are about 7.5 billion people in the world. If Jeff Bezos gave everyone one billion dollars, he would still have 92.5 billion dollars left over. How's that for crushing?
I don't wanna be the 'well actually guy' but if he's got $180 000 000 000 then he can only give 180 people 1 billion each. Nevertheless, I don't believe he deserves even 1 billion for himself. Let's eat the rich and whatnot.
EDIT: Of course the bastard's net-worth has hit an all-time high while millions are laid-off and continue to suffer
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May 8, 2020
And anytime you speak out against it, or you try defying any of their rules people instantly look at you like you're insane. Or like, if you need a permanent third day off (making it a 32 hour work week) to focus on your own projects, nope, you can't have that, you're insane for wanting to live more of your life.

And I mean, sure, we're all on a forum about CTBing, but that doesn't mean everyone here is legitimately insane. There probably are a few people here who are, but for the most part, this forum seems to be a huge family and everyone is so supportive of one another and most people seem to be mostly normal, just with a ton of trauma they've gone through in life that still affects them to this day

"It is no measure of sanity to be well-adjusted to a profoundly sick society" - Jiddu Krishnamurti
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Brevity is my middle name, but my name was TL
Jan 11, 2020
Remember that those who preach love and compassion are the ones who are the most violently oppressed.

Damn straight. Not just preach it, but strive to live it.

For me, I've become more ethical and principled the more oppressed I've become, and more genuinely compassionate. It's empowered me in the worst disempowerment. I see the suffering behind what causes oppressors to suffer, the hatred, greed, illusion, and separatness. And I've learned it is truly more wretched to harm than to be harmed. One who has never been truly oppressed is far less capable of knowing that, I think, because what is the motivation to learn it. How many seek wisdom when they don't need the medicine? Those in gilded cages don't know the level of their suffering and separation, they don't know how the pleasure internally corrodes. Brené Brown says humans are hard-wired for struggle (really, I think all life is, and that is not a beautiful thing from some beautiful creator), and it reminds me that gold is burnished by fire, the strongest weapons forged by fire, elemental changes caused by fire, muscles only grow from stress and tiny tears.

Perhaps as a general rule we can only become our best through the worst that doesn't destroy us, with the rare example of Marcus Aurelius who had the benefit of being adopted into a rich family that started teaching him Stoic ethics at a young age. He was the most principled Roman emperor, and the last under whom the Roman empire flourished, because he served rather than ruled, maintained strict control over his ego and baser instincts, sought criticism, gave respect, and strove to tolerate and even love his fellow humans who irritated him the most. That's the kind of leadership I want in the world. That is the kind of leader I'd want to be: preaching and living compassion, reciprocity, and freaking mutual awareness of each other, and keeping people around me who reminded me to walk my talk when power tempted. Gautama said the root of violence and oppression stem from this thought: "I have power, and I want power," which controls someone, through greed, hatred and delusion, so that they inflict under false pretexts upon others killing, imprisonment, confiscation of property, false accusations, and/or expulsion.

I also notice that it's easy to preach love and compassion in public and oppress on the side. Makes me think of the high echelon New Age folks. A lot of social engineering. And of course even oppressed humans are still human, and can be stained by the experiences of the environments from which they grew. Gandhi had some weird shit in the boudoir with his own nieces to build his powers of endurance in the fight for love and active non-violence against violence and oppression. Violence and oppression built MLK and Nelson Mandela, who also had their darkness, who were partially principled, which is maybe the best any human can achieve. It's like the lotuses that grow toward the light from pools of shit, and turn the toxins into food for growth, but I don't see how any of those lotuses shook off all the shit when it emerged. Even Gautama was a pompous hypocrite at times. But at least all of these guys were real people doing something real, not just preaching woo-woo as the newest opiate of the masses. They said love and compassion were hard and focused work, they didn't gloss over the suffering, they knew what the love and compassion were up against. Perhaps they all knew, like Gautama, that all conditions, even pleasure and love, are bound up in suffering, impermanent, and subject to change. Pleasure and pain are inherently bound to one another, pleasure by its loss, pain in its application that can also cause the loss of pleasure at any time.

It fucking sucks. Being hard-wired for struggle fucking sucks. Being fit or unfit for survival sucks. Being a lotus means growing from shit and never fully leaving it, only making the best of it, but shit is still shit. And from that is born compassion for suffering and shit that we can never fully escape. We can't know if we do in death, only hope.


At least there is humor. Without that, I am sublimated, subsumed, and destroyed. Yet perhaps that destruction is best. Fuck this hard-wiring! Fuck whatever sparked life! But I'll laugh as I flip it off. I won't let it be totally evil, I won't totally fear it, or it enters me and I, too, become it.



And, again, fuck.

And haha.

Which one will be I saying at the last?

Existential rant over. Thanks, @Intheo, for helping me get some of that shit out. Better out than in.
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Oct 26, 2018
For me, its an issue of mental illness. I know alot of the world is filled with beauty, I just can't experience that anymore. BipolaR 1.
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Mar 19, 2020
I don't wanna be the 'well actually guy' but if he's got $180 000 000 000 then he can only give 180 people 1 billion each. Nevertheless, I don't believe he deserves even 1 billion for himself. Let's eat the rich and whatnot.
EDIT: Of course the bastard's net-worth has hit an all-time high while millions are laid-off and continue to suffer
You all are right. I really had to think about that one I saw it on a meme
Lost in a Dream

Lost in a Dream

He/him - Metal head
Feb 22, 2020
A world where suicide isn't an extremely shot-down topic, and people understand when someone is completely 100% treatment resistant

I have to say that this would be nice, but I imagine that in a world that is actually fair, suicide would either be extremely rare or non-existent. No one would have any need for it, in my opinion. Most suicides are caused by the unfairness that exists in the world in the first place.

I don't wanna be the 'well actually guy' but if he's got $180 000 000 000 then he can only give 180 people 1 billion each. Nevertheless, I don't believe he deserves even 1 billion for himself. Let's eat the rich and whatnot.

I completely agree. If I was capable of earning that much, I'd keep a small portion for myself to live comfortably, but not so much that I live in a fuckin castle with a garage filled with dozens of $100k+ cars in it. Who really needs that, seriously? The rest would go towards making the world a better place. Even if it didn't fix everything, at least I could die knowing that I tried.
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Deleted member 14386

I am not advising anything
Jan 28, 2020
I have to say that this would be nice, but I imagine that in a world that is actually fair, suicide would either be extremely rare or non-existent. No one would have any need for it, in my opinion. Most suicides are caused by the unfairness that exists in the world in the first place.

I completely agree. If I was capable of earning that much, I'd keep a small portion for myself to live comfortably, but not so much that I live in a fuckin castle with a garage filled with dozens of $100k+ cars in it. Who really needs that, seriously? The rest would go towards making the world a better place. Even if it didn't fix everything, at least I could die knowing that I tried.
But if the unfairness contributes towards suicide why has Somalia got one of the lowest rates of suicide? Do they just die? Maybe... I don't know. But it seems like the more challenging life is the less liely suicide is. Again I don't know.
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Jun 28, 2020
Did you know that there are about 7.5 billion people in the world. If Jeff Bezos gave everyone one billion dollars, he would still have 92.5 billion dollars left over. How's that for crushing?

Anyways. Everything you are saying relates to everything that I'm feeling tonight:/
Do you mean to give everyone $1 dollar, not a billion dollars each?
I wish the world of Star Trek can be a reality!
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