I am sorry that you feel the same way, but you have summed up everything very well. If you lack emotions, even if they are bad, you are simply not complete. I still have pee in my eyes and try all the time to see the same video in the hope that I would make it. But maybe it's about time that I take my fate into my own hands, and by that I don't mean in a good way.
Actually, when I look at others, or at least believe what I think I see, I should also be able to feel such feelings. I have been in psychiatric treatment for such a long time and still I feel incomplete all the time. I can't even express it and I try to tell everyone all the time "I'm fine", but it's just tiring. With every day it gets harder and harder and at the same time I hope with every day I just won't wake up anymore, the longer I have to go through this.
On the other hand, I am always afraid for my family. I was never treated special and had a shitty childhood but at the same time I feel responsible for my own mother, although she is in a way to blame for everything. She should never have had children in her condition and I will never understand how she could do that. I couldn't do it in the first place and I would voluntarily sterilize myself immediately if it was allowed in my country.
But on the other hand, I just couldn't take the bus because I would be afraid I would drag her with me. I know she lives on the cliff and exactly such an action would push her down with full force.
Why this dellema?
And yet I try all the time to box me through at whatever points. I try to appear right to every friend, every family member, every co-worker. As if I were normal and had no problems. Actually, I should have no more problems! I have survived my time at home and earn halfway good money in my job, and yet every second of my life feels terrible.
I also know that some of my acquaintances are on the road here, and also that they can probably connect my username or my profile picture with me. But let me tell you one thing: I am sorry if it will happen someday. And it will. I am absolutely sure I will not take a natural death, and if my mom wasn't here, even though I hate her in so many ways for my existence, I wouldn't be here anymore.