Anyone with awareness can recognise how bad life truly is, it's simply just the way that life is. Life is so bad as like I said it's the source of all suffering, if life never was able to exist then nobody would ever be able to be harmed at all, yet as long as one exists there is unlimited potential for suffering and torment. The amount of unnecessary, meaningless suffering in this reality is simply beyond comprehension and is horrifying, with so many animals simply existing just to be eaten alive, it's just senseless agony.
Human existence is in particular an abomination to me as we are the ones who are conscious and aware enslaved in a decaying flesh prison just meaninglessly existing just to risk experiencing way worse torture at any moment, existing can get much more torturous beyond how anyone can imagine.
Life is a source of suffering and happiness, happiness can give life meaning. Happiness and suffering coexist; it is impossible for one to exist without the other, based on the dualism principle.
The source of human suffering is that we are not manifesting our nature as humans as animals do.
Animals are in a better state than humans because they are content with overcoming death and don't need artificial goals to feel satisfied.
Artificial goals replaced our confrontation with death as we used to, therefore all the satisfaction that came with pursuing real goals.
Freedom does not mean the absence of suffering.
I agree we are slaves, but to technology, some people who are aware of our enslavement include themselves; they embrace it, "I am not joking," and some refuse it as myself.
If I offer you an elite lifestyle, if you accept it then you basically want reward without suffering "working". If you don't, then you need to justify your refusal.
I refuse it because I believe humans are disease due to their alienated nature, and either we need to transcend or go extinct.