This is an interesting take.
My whole life I felt I didn't belong "here". In a way, I also felt I wasn't brainwashed. Like that I saw things without ideological lenses, rather just the brutal reality.
Raises a couple of questions:
Is reality really that brutal and pointless or are "we" pathologically seeing it too negative?
Are people programmed or brainwashed?
Is not feeling brainwashed a result or the cause of feeling the feeling to "not fit in"?
Is not fitting in the cause of desire to ctb?
To me, the answers are partly due to how we're designed to stay alive because that's what living things do-
Like how plants placed in the shade will twist and bend themselves towards the light. They naturally do the thing that keeps them alive.
-And partly about seeing things for what they are.
We're not born believing life is beautiful. We're taught that.
We're not born believing in gods, we're taught to believe in them.
We're not born believing we have a purpose. We're told to look for one.
But if you reject what you're taught and observe your world with as little bias as possible, then you see how unhappiness was literally
built into our existence.
Even if the unhappiness doesn't lead to suicide - you still know that it exists.
You know that people are going to work because they have to, not because they want to.
You know that parents are always tired and spending money and never have enough time.
You know that waiting rooms and traffic jams are filled with people who wish they weren't there.
How come "finding happiness" is a common phrase, but "finding sadness" is not?
Because one of them comes naturally while the other one is a state of being you have to work towards.
Being happy in this world is unnatural.
That's why we need millions of motivational books and podcasts and Ted Talks instructing us on how to do it.
No one has to show you how to be unhappy. That's our default setting: being unhappy, yet doing whatever we have to in order to stay alive.
I think suicidal people are just unhappy people who have found a way to short circuit that survival wiring.