Everyone should be eligible , but every case needs to be studied. Logic : it's in everyone's hands to decide if they don't want to live ; We heat our homes using heated up water in pipes instead of coals and wood ,the choice of dying should be something provided to us aswel, a service of some kind, a more humane service and a socially acceptable one at that. However I do think that asking the person for permission to share it's life story or give hints as to what is wrong with their life could be invaluable information to prevent such cases from ever happening. But who am I joking, this is wishful thinking.
People will be denied a peaceful and humane death, people will be dismissed and laughed at while they seek treatment and dump memories so dark you could swear that guy/gal just returned from war. No progress will be made, I'm pretty sure there are many cases similar to mine or yours, if the doctors would share their knowledge with eachother and work together instead of being money hungry hyenas like the rest of the world, treatment would be more accurate, it's just a dream in the end. And here I am haven't slept 22 hours , with my "silliness" and carefree personality gone because of the heavy lack of sleep, I don't even know why I live anymore.
I get so tired everyday , and just before sleep I get "sober" , from what? no idea, I don't drink nor do any kind of drug (no meds either) and I go from being an unregulated mess who can't type or hold down a conversation for the life of him, to somehow being able to write something that is partially coherent. I don't know if it's a masking thing or what but when I'm awake it's almost like I can't handle life so I take refuge in my head and play the day on auto pilot. I've been doing this for over 10 years since I was a pre-teen, it did not get better, I wish I could have killed myself then, I wish there were more humane ways to do it now.
I feel a pressure to be alive from my peers even if they hate me and don't even bother calling me, my family doesn't love me but yet would berate me if I killed myself, I sometimes think about taking it on them instead. They'll die eventually and that brings me a little peace.