

想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Wow, I am so tired of this. Does anyone else feel completely unheard and misunderstood? I feel like everything I say goes in one ear and out the other with people.

I have done over 10 years of therapy, with many different therapists and techniques. Being turned away was quite common for me, as I was told my ptsd was too complex for them to handle. I'd always get fobbed off and told to see a ptsd specialist, a consultant that literally did not exist.

With each therapy session, even as a 10 year old, I felt worse and worse. In group therapy, one of the other members told lies about everyone else in the group and I got punished at school for it, making me despise group therapy and realize how truly unconfidential the mental health industry was.

Another therapist (who lost their lisence) tried to "cure" me of autism by scolding and punishing me when I continued not to make eye contact, stutter, and show fidgety behaviors. This woman probably worsened my social quality of life tenfold, as now I'm an anxious mess in any conversation, trying my best to mask and hide autism.

The years of failed therapy are just the tip of the iceberg. Since around age 13, I was heavily medicated. Being abused at home doesn't matter, being sexually abused outside of the home didn't matter either, clearly I was just "depressed" and needed pills. So I started my first SSRI, which did nothing except make me feel like a suicidal zombie.

Everytime I'm in a medical setting I get ptsd flashbacks, and doctors would not respect my boundaries and consent, especially cause I was a minor at the time. They prescribed me high doses of blood pressure drugs, when the fucking issue was that I did not want to be touched. I got dizzy and sick from those medications too. The regular doctor said my fear and tiredness was simple depression.

So then I was shoved onto the psychiatry gravy train. I've seen probably 7 or 8 psychiatrists since I was 13, and I'm now 21. I have been prescribed over 17 medications in total, often times in poly drug cocktails that were dangerous and unnecessary.

I never got any better, my physical health kept declining, but I was told that I hadn't found the right medications and therapists yet. When I was in my last year of high school I got a viral infection and later the flu, which kickstarted my chronic fatigue syndrome. I never recovered. A couple years later, I found out that I had severe vitamin deficiencies that my psychiatrists and doctors would not test for. This was likely the cause of my neuropathic pain that started during my teenage years, now a permanent fixture of my life despite the deficiencies being corrected.

Still, I was told by others I didn't try hard enough to heal. I began to get sicker once more and unable to eat. I forced myself to see several specialists, after my boyfriend guilt tripped me and told me to face my fear "for the sake of my health". One of the specialist doctors flirted with me, ignored my lack of consent, and touched me innapropriately even though I was shaking and jerking. This traumatized me for life, because my original ptsd trauma was from a doctor.

I had many rounds of blood tests, a scan, more blood tests, and they didn't find anything. Doctors genuinely didn't know what to do except shrug. They wouldn't give me anything but drugs like Meto/Zofran, which didn't help. So I had to start doing my own research and self medicating.

If you look on the approved list of drugs in the NICE guidelines for CFS, I have tried every single one except steroids. I have tried psychedelics and weed. I have tried many supplements. There is genuinely nothing else I can do for my physical health nor my ptsd. Yet, you know what people tell me?

That I just need to see more doctors. Yes, I need to see more of the same ignorant people who abused me and traumatized me and made my real physical suffering out to be all in my head for years, until blood serum evidence proved their dumb assets otherwise. Doctors genuinely don't know how to help me. It would make my mental state worse to go through unnecessary shit that won't help.

My boyfriend and his family won't stop hounding me and act like I haven't tried everything, as if I never attempted to get better.

I got so frustrated, I threw my hands up and asked what is this magical solution some random dumbass NHS gp will have, that I've never considered? And he has nothing to say, except that I don't know better than the expert doctors. It makes me furious and disheartened, the constant gaslighting from other people.

I have tried enough, unless a miracle happens, there will be no cures for CFS and my chronic pain anytime soon. Who else gets put through this bullshit by others, who mean well, but are extremely ignorant to the limitations of what modern medicine entails?
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Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Feb 6, 2021
I am not sure whether I had done anything what I could have done,
But I have felt a kind of dejected feeling. And I know I will never satisfy them.

People always recommended something I had done before to me,
Or told me that I had Not done my best without any background knowledge.

They never know. If their advice had been effective indeed, I would have Not been here from the first.

But they never know.
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Reactions: Trannydiary, KuriGohan&Kamehameha and WornOutLife


Mar 22, 2020
I think your boyfriend and his family are being really mean to you.
I wish it was easier for them to understand people like us. You're such an amazing woman, we need more people like you in this world! They gotta understand that!

As for your question, I think I haven't tried everything but I'm ALMOST there! I'm running out of options little by little.

Anyway, wish you the best, dear!
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Reactions: Dead Meat, Trannydiary, KuriGohan&Kamehameha and 1 other person


Global Mod
Oct 12, 2020
I fall apart after trying everything for years, running the gauntlet of medicines and therapy, new age alternatives and so on, only to have family call me lazy and wanting to be depressed for sympathy points. Tons of people that don't have this disease believe that people like us CHOOSE to be depressed and view it as a way of manipulating them. Then they wonder why I stopped talking about my issues, they think I'm happy again because I stopped talking. The reason I stopped talking was an act of self-preservation because talking about my issues to them makes me want to kill myself even more.
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  • Aww..
Reactions: it's_all_a_game, Dead Meat, Trannydiary and 2 others


想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
I fall apart after trying everything for years, running the gauntlet of medicines and therapy, new age alternatives and so on, only to have family call me lazy and wanting to be depressed for sympathy points. Tons of people that don't have this disease believe that people like us CHOOSE to be depressed and view it as a way of manipulating them. Then they wonder why I stopped talking about my issues, they think I'm happy again because I stopped talking. The reason I stopped talking was an act of self-preservation because talking about my issues to them makes me want to kill myself even more.
I am so sorry your family is a bunch of cock munchers. Been through the same thing myself and accused of manipulation simply for speaking up about how much pain I am in.

Those who never experienced it really can't understand. They will see it as attention seeking, whenever they can't physically see what's going on inside your body. I get accused of faking my illnesses by some ignorant people, because I can still walk and do some tasks.

It's such bullshit, and society laps it up and sees the victim as the issue, not the abusers who are festering necrotic wounds caused by constant gaslighting, invalidation, and emotional torment.
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Reactions: Dead Meat, Trannydiary, Blue Rose and 1 other person

Life sucks

Apr 18, 2018
The thing is what should we try and why is those things are considered "solutions" in the first place? Its clear trying to do something causes more problems and thats how the faulty life is. From trauma to trauma and from disease to disease. Living only to solve problems that might have no solutions and when we solve one, another one appears.
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Nov 30, 2020
Although I like my cpn, she is prone to coming out with this kind of thing. "Won't you at least give it a chance to work" fine, for the 50th time I'll try. Again. And while I'm at it, I'll jam my head into a meat grinder.
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想死不能 - 想活不能
Nov 23, 2020
Although I like my cpn, she is prone to coming out with this kind of thing. "Won't you at least give it a chance to work" fine, for the 50th time I'll try. Again. And while I'm at it, I'll jam my head into a meat grinder.
Oh man I know that far too well. Eventually they started recycling meds for me too and giving me things I'd already taken that had been shown to have bad side effects in the past. Didn't Einstein say that trying the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is insanity?
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I think I'll take a dirt nap.
Oct 13, 2019
Wow. This sounds word for word how my life has been, minus the ages. I started therapy at 7, this was when I was diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic. It seriously ruined my childhood. Depression was my closest friend for years upon years. I have been to many therapists, but they just talk to me like I am a child or they only make me angry. Every therapy session, I'd come home feeling 10 times worse than before. I eventually gave up on therapy completely. Yet, people tell me over and over "you just haven't found the right therapist." No. There is NO right therapist, but thanks for your concern. I've been on several medications throughout the majority of my life. Some help a little, but I've never had anything really help me to a point where I wake up and think "Hey, today's not such a bad day to be alive!" As for cocktails of medication, been there too. I only continue to take steps backward, even though I have worked my ass off because I WANT to be happy and people always act like you don't just because all of the regular suggestions didn't help. I've tried recreational drugs, scrip, meditating, talking to people and being open... I really tried so hard to get better but nothing works and I can't help that... I'm also physically disabled in a handful of ways, so my life is just a living hell, fighting with my mind and my body. I think I deserve to choose what happens to my life. Sending you love and light. I know this can be incredibly frustrating and nobody should have to deal with that. <3
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Reactions: KuriGohan&Kamehameha and Life sucks

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