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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I've been failed by the mental health "service" so much, and for so long, that I've gone from reaching out for help, to not expecting help, to now not wanting help.

I'm no longer taking their medication, and I'm dealing with this by myself (and the help of SS.)

The EUPD/BPD & OCD symptoms have finally returned, when I thought I'd been "cured." But I guess it's taken this long (2 months) without medication for that to finally happen.

But I refuse to be fucked about by the mental health "service" any more. I will no longer entertain their lies, false promises and flat out denial of services. They can now stick it all up their arses.

If this is what I am meant to be, then so be it. I'll ride it out, and when the time comes, I'll CTB and begin my new life (I believe in reincarnation.)

What about you? Who else has given up on the mental health "service"?

Who else has accepted their fate?

Don't try to fit in, when you were born to stand out …

Sending love to all x.
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Vancant meat suit for sale!
Apr 4, 2021
One of the reasons I haven't been to a therapist yet is because I know myself well enough to know that I don't want to work to get better. Sometimes I try to talk to my ~Mind Therapist~ but the conversation usually ends with "Well if you don't want help, then why are you here?" Then I walk out and I go research suicide methods. I don't if that's what therapy is really like. And maybe I don't want to know.

There's also things like therapist shopping and how under developed psychology is as a scientific field keep me away. Maybe I should go, just to at least try it. I immensely doubt it'll help.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
Maybe my friend's right...maybe i give up too easily....

I do but it seems hopeless so i guess i dont ??
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
recover = return to a normal state of health, mind or strength

It's kind of impossible for me to return to a state of mind I've never been in.
I've edited the title.
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Do what's best for you 🕯️ Sometimes I'm stressed
Jul 1, 2020
The EUPD/BPD & OCD symptoms have finally returned, when I thought I'd been "cured." But I guess it's taken this long (2 months) without medication for that to finally happen.
Oh! Reading this and thinking about our previous convo i just wanted to add that i find buspar (buspirone) helps manage it a little even though its an antianxiety. Idk if it would do anything for you but thought id suggest it. Also i dont think youll get any side effects from it. Im sensitive to meds (in case you havent read that about me) and i dont have any problems with it.
I doubt youll do anything with this but just, fyi
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
"Getting better" sounds like a project. I ain't got no energy for no projects. It also sounds suspiciously like #LivingMyBestLife, #thriving, #flourishing, #believe, #purpose, #blessed... Fuck off, will ya? I'm trying to scrape up a living here & keep my head from exploding by compulsively jerking off every 2 hours. Help me get off or FUCK the fucking fuck off, buddy...
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
Mental Health Services in the UK? More like Disservices. How absolutely useless. I actually think mental health should be done on a contractual basis. So if the service is poor you can take them to court for breach of contract. Then maybe you will actually get people giving treatment that is relevant. that is timely. That's doesn't simply provide them with a paycheck. but places real responsibility on them. If someone goes on to take their own life their is comeback. Did they do the right things? If they did then that's fine. But if they were shoddy, and failed then they get sued, prosecuted.
At the moment they are public services like the council and absolutely useless.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
"Getting better" sounds like a project. I ain't got no energy for no projects. It also sounds suspiciously like #LivingMyBestLife, #thriving, #flourishing, #believe, #purpose, #blessed... Fuck off, will ya? I'm trying to scrape up a living here & keep my head from exploding by compulsively jerking off every 2 hours. Help me get off or FUCK the fucking fuck off, buddy...
I swear, if you spoke to me like that in the flesh right now, with the way I'm feeling, I'd bite your nose off, chew it up and swallow it so that it couldn't be sewn back on.

I'm not in the mood for cunts like you right now.

That response was uncalled for.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
I swear, if you spoke to me like that in the flesh right now, with the way I'm feeling, I'd bite your nose off, chew it up and swallow it so that it couldn't be sewn back on.
Who's speaking to you? I'm talking to a hypothetical person who's telling me I can "get better"
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
At my initial therapy session I told the therapist I was suicidal and actively trying to hang myself. So its been 3 weeks and still no one has contacted me. When I rang the crisis number a week ago the guy basically told me to "piss off"!
Mental Health Disservice!!!
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Who's speaking to you? I'm talking to a hypothetical person who's telling me I can "get better"
I thought you was aiming your response directly at me.

If that's the case, I apologise for the reply.

I actually have a lot of time for you, which is why I reacted so dramatically.

I'm very unstable at the moment.

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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
I thought you was aiming your response directly at me.

If that's the case, I apologise for the reply.

I actually have a lot of time for you, which is why I reacted so dramatically.

I'm very unstable at the moment.

Simple misunderstanding guys. Good to clear the air. I think this is a good thread. I am surprised more people havent added their experience with Mental Health DisServices. Its such a con.
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Apr 4, 2021
I felt the same way before I was sectioned. I had two suicide attempts when I finally spoke up and asked for help. I tried to jump off a bridge but was stopped by the police. The police took me back to the station to speak to their mental health team. I begged them I told them I need help now, not in 3 weeks I can't wait that long. They sent me away and told me to call my GP. So the next day, I did. His first response was to remove my driving license which really screwed me up in terms of getting to work, thanks doc. So I ended up switching doctors and the new one prescribed me anti depressants which I got really nasty side effects from. So maybe 2 weeks later, I call up again to discuss the medication and how I didn't want to take that one anymore. My GP then told me not to call anymore because I'm not accepting her advice and then hung up on me.

From this, the worst thing I had ever done was reach out for help. That was the step that made me realise there actually is no help at all. You know, at least I could still hope that there was help but now my eyes are opened. What's the point?

2 months later I was sectioned under the mental health act and detained in a psychiatrist hospital, where I still am to this day. It's been almost 3 months and I have to admit, they've tried to help me. But it's just too late, I did say I needed help now and that was nearly 5 months ago. It's too late.
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Just Passing
Apr 15, 2021
I felt the same way before I was sectioned. I had two suicide attempts when I finally spoke up and asked for help. I tried to jump off a bridge but was stopped by the police. The police took me back to the station to speak to their mental health team. I begged them I told them I need help now, not in 3 weeks I can't wait that long. They sent me away and told me to call my GP. So the next day, I did. His first response was to remove my driving license which really screwed me up in terms of getting to work, thanks doc. So I ended up switching doctors and the new one prescribed me anti depressants which I got really nasty side effects from. So maybe 2 weeks later, I call up again to discuss the medication and how I didn't want to take that one anymore. My GP then told me not to call anymore because I'm not accepting her advice and then hung up on me.

From this, the worst thing I had ever done was reach out for help. That was the step that made me realise there actually is no help at all. You know, at least I could still hope that there was help but now my eyes are opened. What's the point?

2 months later I was sectioned under the mental health act and detained in a psychiatrist hospital, where I still am to this day. It's been almost 3 months and I have to admit, they've tried to help me. But it's just too late, I did say I needed help now and that was nearly 5 months ago. It's too late.
My Dr is amazing so that's the the bright spot. Great med Sertraline. But the rest of Mental Health DisService is not fit for purpose.

I finally realise how humans generally are rubbish. We get jobs in areas we don't love so we don't give love. There just a way to earn a wage for too many people and it reflects in the quality of the work. From the solicitor that screwed me during my bereavement period to the window installers that damaged our house to the Mental health team, too many cowboys in the world. Try not to take it personally. Its the same for everyone. Life is about being lucky and getting a competent, caring person on the other end.
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motel rooms

motel rooms

Survivor of incest. Gay. Please don't PM me.
Apr 13, 2021
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I felt the same way before I was sectioned. I had two suicide attempts when I finally spoke up and asked for help. I tried to jump off a bridge but was stopped by the police. The police took me back to the station to speak to their mental health team. I begged them I told them I need help now, not in 3 weeks I can't wait that long. They sent me away and told me to call my GP. So the next day, I did. His first response was to remove my driving license which really screwed me up in terms of getting to work, thanks doc. So I ended up switching doctors and the new one prescribed me anti depressants which I got really nasty side effects from. So maybe 2 weeks later, I call up again to discuss the medication and how I didn't want to take that one anymore. My GP then told me not to call anymore because I'm not accepting her advice and then hung up on me.

From this, the worst thing I had ever done was reach out for help. That was the step that made me realise there actually is no help at all. You know, at least I could still hope that there was help but now my eyes are opened. What's the point?

2 months later I was sectioned under the mental health act and detained in a psychiatrist hospital, where I still am to this day. It's been almost 3 months and I have to admit, they've tried to help me. But it's just too late, I did say I needed help now and that was nearly 5 months ago. It's too late.
Welcome to my world.

Only I've been reaching out for help for years, been sectioned 22 times (not including police 136 sections) and have been discarded like a piece of dirt.

I have actually died, twice, from overdosing. This is when I got diagnosed with EUPD/BPD. Thus, I shouldn't even have to be begging for help. I am now classed as "extremely high risk" yet they still won't help me?

Fuck, I tried to set myself on fire a few weeks ago! I was sectioned, then discharged too early, only to go home and overdose again, straight away.

I've been treated like an animal, but EUPD/BPD is treated with such disdain.
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Feb 17, 2019
Damn I didnt think they could take your Driver's license because of being suicidal. That is why I am hesitant to get help. Driving is my therapy.
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Don't Cry for Me, I'm Already Dead
Apr 7, 2021
me. ive been trying everything for about 8 years or so and nothing has helped.
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Jul 10, 2021
I've tried for over a decade to fix my issues with countless therapists and nothing has helped. This year is where I just realized I was someone that can't be fixed.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Damn I didnt think they could take your Driver's license because of being suicidal. That is why I am hesitant to get help. Driving is my therapy.
They can't take your license away for being suicidal, or having suicidal thoughts.

In the UK, you have to have a psychotic disorder before they take it away.

If you have a personality disorder or anxiety disorder, they can only consider taking your license away IF IT AFFECTS YOUR DRIVING.


Apr 4, 2021
Damn I didnt think they could take your Driver's license because of being suicidal. That is why I am hesitant to get help. Driving is my therapy.
They can if they think you're at risk of deliberately crashing the car etc. But I never even mentioned driving to my doctor and straight away his response to me disclosing suidical thoughts was either I tell the dvla that I'm no longer fit to drive or he will.
93220C58 14CB 4459 8C4A 952CB3000DBA


Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
They can if they think you're at risk of deliberately crashing the car etc. But I never even mentioned driving to my doctor and straight away his response to me disclosing suidical thoughts was either I tell the dvla that I'm no longer fit to drive or he will.
View attachment 71319
Your doctor fucked you, then.

If you were to blatantly say "I've thought about driving my car into a wall" or such then maybe.

However, if you hadn't expressed such thoughts, no one can assume.

"Particular danger would be posed by those who may attempt suicide at the wheel."
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Feb 17, 2019
My rule with driving under any circumstance that I just need a moment to cry or unable to even see straight. I will just pull over somewhere or go to a parking lot. I have driven in tears before. Ive been careful because I do not want to risk hurting anyone on the road or damaging someone's property.


Apr 4, 2021
Your doctor fucked you, then.

If you were to blatantly say "I've thought about driving my car into a wall" or such then maybe.

However, if you hadn't expressed such thoughts, no one can assume.

"Particular danger would be posed by those who may attempt suicide at the wheel."
Yeh he really did. That's why I ended up switching doctors because I never even mentioned driving to him. I was at work when he called me back and he asked me to leave work because he didn't think I was safe there, again I never even said anything about being unsafe at work, I told him I could drive home but it wasn't really necessary and that's when he said he was informing dvla I was no longer fit to drive.
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fly away

It’s enough
Oct 28, 2020
Me, me, me. I have called it quits after 50 yrs of hell. No more doctors, no more tests, no more surgeries, no new meds, no more CBT, DBT, ETC, Ketamine, Trauma therapy, Group therapy, clinical trials. I am finished, everyone knows, and most of them agree. Depression, anxiety, stress etc. can cause many physical problems. The last straw was when I found out I have severe memory loss. My memory is shot. Unfortunately, I still remember how shitty my life is every minute.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
Yeh he really did. That's why I ended up switching doctors because I never even mentioned driving to him. I was at work when he called me back and he asked me to leave work because he didn't think I was safe there, again I never even said anything about being unsafe at work, I told him I could drive home but it wasn't really necessary and that's when he said he was informing dvla I was no longer fit to drive.
What an evil "doctor."

You reached out for help, and he made your life even worse!

I would definitely switch to a different surgery, not just a different doctor.

Shouldn't have done that to you.
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lost in limbo...
Jul 5, 2021
I feel like I gave "getting better" a good try over the past 5 years but the feeling of not wanting to live has always been inside me even when life was going relatively well.
Iv seen councillors, doctors, psychologists and taken meds but iv always wanted to ctb.
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Serena / Meatball head
Aug 29, 2020
I can't even try anymore. Suggestions and advice just bounce right off. I need a miracle and nothing else.
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Mar 5, 2019
It's pretty sad to read these replies, but it's understandable. I personally jump from being a worthless idiot and I'm going to ctb as soon as I can, to being someone extremely successfull and cool in the future, but never something normal like I have a job and a normal life.
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Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Jan 7, 2021
I can't even try anymore. Suggestions and advice just bounce right off. I need a miracle and nothing else.
I know exactly how you feel.
It's pretty sad to read these replies, but it's understandable. I personally jump from being a worthless idiot and I'm going to ctb as soon as I can, to being someone extremely successfull and cool in the future, but never something normal like I have a job and a normal life.
Bring it in for a hug, cool guy :hug: .
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