
Aug 18, 2020
This is an international forum with many different native languages. There are probably many different standards and view points why a language should be considered beautiful.

I think many people dislike my native language German. I think it is pretty common that many foreigners think all Germans would talk with the same pronunciation as Hitler. Like screaming and shutting. Always sounding aggressive. When I saw an American comedy show they made fun of Germans talking English or their native language. It was really like screaming.
You could argue about the language German. I dislike the complicated grammar, I would be very annoyed to learn this for example as an American.

I think Dutch resembles German a lot. But it sounds way funnier. I hope noone is offended by that comment.
French sounds sexy. At least I think so. A good language to seduce someone.
When I think about Italian I think about memes. I love the Somebody toucha my spaghet meme.
I love English. It has easy rules and is very useful. For example for searching on the internet. I prefer American English to British English.
To Russia I only have one thought. And it is quite often in my mind. But maybe it is too mean. So I won't say it.
I always wanted to understand Japanese. But it is too much hard work. Chinese would be more useful.

What is your favorite language? I think the best thing about my language is that we had great philosopher and scientists. Being able to read original Kafka texts is pretty cool. And a lot of cool poets used that language.

Which one is the worst language? Lol.
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Down in a Mirror
Feb 19, 2022
I really like the sound of German, honestly, although that may be because I know it most from classical music and literature. I think it's very expressive. I hate how Hollywood movies have made it a "Nazi language" in so many peoples' minds. It's funny, the stereotype was very different before the world wars. Mark Twain's "The Awful German Language" (1880) jokes about its grammatical oddities, but also claims that German is a soft language, something "to sing the children to sleep with," that can't match the expressive harshness of English.

I think Russian sounds cool, although the grammar is really complex. Same for Hungarian. Japanese is very pleasant to my ear too. However, if I could learn any language perfectly and instantly, I might pick Chinese...


Iš Lietuvos
Feb 2, 2021
My favourite language is American , but British and Australian are nice too.
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Jul 11, 2021
I don't see beauty in languages. Actually, I think about them as obstacles. I see beauty in the message we pass over.
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Nov 18, 2021
Most beautiful languages:
1. Spanish
2. French
3. Italian
4. English


Mar 9, 2022
I love French. I listen to a lot of bands from France and watch some films/shows as well. I'll probably never get to visit, but I might try to learn it anyways.


Jun 14, 2019
I like German. I took it in high school for 1 year. I don't remember it though.

I like Arabic because I grew up hanging out with Iraqi refugees. I also like Russian. Russians speak so softly! I find it calming.


Dec 12, 2020
Most people are not familiar with 1% of languages and will go compare which one is most beautiful?
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Unlovable 💔 Rest in peace CommitSudoku 🤍
Mar 11, 2022
I like the British and Australian accents.
Bootleg Astolfo

Bootleg Astolfo

Glorious Bean Plushie
Oct 12, 2020
Why people finding France French sexy, it just sounds the very very big gay 🐈
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Everyone is alone. Everyone is empty.
Mar 11, 2022
I like Arabic. I dislike asian languages. I have to watch dubbed anime.
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Feb 15, 2019
Portuguese and Italian are the most pleasing languages to me.
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lost in limbo...
Jul 5, 2021
I quite like Italian and Japanese they are both lovely languages.
I also like Irish but thats more so the accent then the language itself.

As for one I don't like I'd have to say french it just doesn't appeal to me.


Feb 17, 2022
I don't know I don't have a particular one for any.

Id really like to learn Arabic, I also would be interested in Japanese. I listen to quite a bit of Japanese music and I like the way it sounds.

Portuguese really like in the music.

I really love my language, Spanish. I love the literature so much. I only know that and English and sometimes it just doesn't compare emotionally. For me Spanish is a lot more emotional and expressive, although they say English has a lot more adjectives.

But there's something with literature in Spanish that just hits you in the soul, but then I don't know if this is total bias from my own personal perspective. But I tend to feel that versus reading literature in English.

I can't speak for the world though because I only know two languages.

I don't know if any language I dislike. I think I wish I knew all of them to be honest.


Jul 31, 2020
Japanese first because I'm a fan of Japanese anime and culture, Portuguese because it's my native language, German Germany is my favorite country in Europe I love its culture too, Italian we have some words similar to Italians and after Spanish I think this is the closest to us, they're my favorites, I've never delved into Arabic languages but there are some songs that are wonderful something I imagine myself listening to in a war of swords and horses. I don't hate none, the British accent is a little funny


Apr 19, 2022
I'm heavily biased towards Korean, even though I don't know how to speak or understand it.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I like English the most because it's the only one I understand. 😈

I hate hearing Mandarin Chinese because I associate it with my parents yelling it at each other with raised voices thus the language itself is fairly traumatizing because it usually just sounds really angry to me. I think most Asian languages sound pretty ugly though especially Vietnamese and Korean. Japanese only sounds okay because I've gotten used to it from watching anime.


Sep 18, 2019
the Roman languages are vocalic, with a lot of vowels. Hence, they may sound like music and their melody pleases the ear. That's the secret behind their aesthetic beauty. And of note, if we exclude the English language, I think that the music scene has been dominated by artists from France, Italy and Spain. And with languages is like with songs. Most folks get used to the sounds of the languages which they hear most often. In other words, most of the Europeans may not be sufficiently prepared to enjoy the sound of world language with their "strange" phonemes.