
Aug 18, 2020
And what is going through your mind?

I am sad. But this is what they have chosen. It reminds me that every single member is a real human being. (probably not exactly all of them though).
I have the feeling I will be one of them. But I hope very much noone will post my face on the internet to warn people. This forum helped me so much through my misery. I think my family knows I don't want to become a public person after my death. I would hate that especially in this context.
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I use google translate
Aug 21, 2023
Honestly, I feel neither sadness nor "joy" that these people are no longer suffering.

I have not been and am not emotionally attached to anyone here, so for me it is not the pain that I would feel if someone close to me died.

CTB is a private decision of each such person.
I respect their decision, that's all.

But of course I would prefer there to be as few gray nicknames as possible
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death will be my ultimate bliss
Oct 29, 2023
I haven't seen any pictures of any SaSu members who killed themselves but I have seen their SaSu profile and their usernames. Whenever I see a SaSu user who has killed themselves, I feel envious of them as they done what I wish I could do to myself. After the envy though, I just feel apathetic. I don't feel sad over people here dying unlike how most users do. I think that perhaps the only ctb that can induce different emotions on me were to be if I were to see @FuneralCry's name crossed out. I'd feel glad for her that she finally got her peace. As for everybody else, I don't really care
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and if i’m turning blue please don’t save me 🌛
Dec 14, 2023
Emotions? Don't know what they are anymore :') But I guess I'm mainly sad about living in the world where it has to look like that. And that I'm so not ready to do what they did. I really really look up to anyone who got the courage to go through with it.
Dr Iron Arc

Dr Iron Arc

Into the Unknown
Feb 10, 2020
I've never seen such pictures but I probably would feel like I missed them if I cared enough. Though I'd probably also feel glad they hopefully found the peace they were longing for. Maybe if I did see a picture of them though I would just go "oh so that's what they looked like."


Feb 2, 2024
It makes me sad to imagine what each and every one of them had to go through to overcome their own SI, which is hard wired in all of us. Who, if not us, the users of this forum, know what this world must have imposed on them.

It makes me angry to know that probably almost all of them had to take this step on their own and choose an unsafe, painful method to free themselves from their suffering or emptiness, instead of being offered a humane and safe way to CTB.

I secretly admire them all for their strength, which I still lack and which I hope to acquire one day. And I wish they could tell us what it was like for them. That's selfish, I know. But it would have been the support they all deserved.
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Words are quite useless, and so am I.
Oct 22, 2020
I wish no one would have to go through this. In other words, I wish reality were different to the point where it could accommodate everyone's happiness. A world where no one would wish death upon themselves. I know this is a unrealistic fantasy but this is what I feel. A sense of "damn how unfair this fucking place can be".
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Jul 18, 2023
I wish no one would have to go through this. In other words, I wish reality were different to the point where it could accommodate everyone's happiness. A world where no one would wish death upon themselves. I know this is a unrealistic fantasy but this is what I feel. A sense of "damn how unfair this fucking place can be".
Well said. My sentiments exactly 😥


Preferably me, partially not, probably in between.
Apr 8, 2024
Haven't seen any pictures, but when seeing the last messages of formal members, a part of me feels calm, as if I am also experiencing their last peaceful moments. However, there is also envy inside, that I couldn't do what they've done bothers me a lot. (It seems like I heavily fantise suicide huh)
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Extreme Pain is much worse than people know
Aug 12, 2019
Heros , brave , they are no longer suffering and can no longer suffer.

Wish I could summon up that kind of courage, discipline, focus, bravery and determination

I think that of anyone that was able to escape the prison, to escape this hell on their own terms

Ronnie mcnut, kryst miss USA, all the ones on watch people die
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ham and potatoes

ham and potatoes

Just some hillbilly
Mar 27, 2024
Not sadness over their passing, as thats their choice.
But sadness that there are so many people whos lives are so miserable, for one reason or another, that death is their best way out. Its a shame
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Dec 14, 2023
I haven't really looked at any pictures, but when I read good bye threads - particularily SN - I make the habit of stopping by the users last words. Just pondering them, absorbing them a little. It always hurts a little and it feels sort of... Big. Not in a good or a bad way, just big. I just hope their last moments were ones without regret and anguish.
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Oct 19, 2021
It depends on each situation, but for me there is a wish that I could also find peace.
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can someone just kill me already
Mar 27, 2024
somewhat jealous that they had the courage to ctb and i still haven't

somewhat sad that this is what they had to resort to

but also some relief that they no longer have to suffer
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Apr 15, 2022
I've only seen one picture (in the news) of a member, who I could actually verify, ctb. What emotions did I feel? Well, I didn't know them at all. It's not like the death of a loved one. I'm glad that their pain has ended and I hope they're at peace. It's sad that anyone has to die in this world.


Apr 21, 2024
I think of death as freedom, I just hope they didn't suffer in their final moments.
Dark Window

Dark Window

Forest Wanderer
Mar 12, 2024
if they're looking to die in itself, I doubt lecturing them about needing help is necessary or warranted
It's not about lecturing, it's about feeling sad that some people kill themselves impulsively for stupid reasons such as divorce/custody battles, having no friends or girlfriend. Basically very fixable situations.

It's sad because I've seen incels kill themselves and they admit that getting a girlfriend would make them not want to die anymore.

This is different to someone who's problems are not external and more easily controlled and it's mental or physical health issues which are a lot more difficult to resolve and often can't be.

CTB is 100% your right, but I can only feel sympathetically towards CTB for -

1) Mental health issues
2) Physical health issues
3) Victim of abuse
4) Extreme poverty, not just money troubles. So if a person is in a 3rd world country or homeless with addictions etc.

Any other reason like relationship breakup, being a loner, struggling financially just seems really sad and fixable because these people would want to live if they could just fix these often very fixable issues.


I'd like to shut down
Mar 13, 2024
It's not about lecturing, it's about feeling sad that some people kill themselves impulsively for stupid reasons such as divorce/custody battles, having no friends or girlfriend. Basically very fixable situations.

It's sad because I've seen incels kill themselves and they admit that getting a girlfriend would make them not want to die anymore.

This is different to someone who's problems are not external and more easily controlled and it's mental or physical health issues which are a lot more difficult to resolve and often can't be.

CTB is 100% your right, but I can only feel sympathetically towards CTB for -

1) Mental health issues
2) Physical health issues
3) Victim of abuse
4) Extreme poverty, not just money troubles. So if a person is in a 3rd world country or homeless with addictions etc.

Any other reason like relationship breakup, being a loner, struggling financially just seems really sad and fixable because these people would want to live if they could just fix these often very fixable issues.
this reads like lecturing to me. your reasoning for what seems fixable to you seems totally presumptuous, you seem to be completely absorbed in your own judgement of what is and isn't fixable in other people. it's not for you to lecture someone else on their issues, regardless of how fixable you deem them to be.
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Jun 7, 2022
And what is going through your mind?

I am sad. But this is what they have chosen. It reminds me that every single member is a real human being. (probably not exactly all of them though).
I have the feeling I will be one of them. But I hope very much noone will post my face on the internet to warn people. This forum helped me so much through my misery. I think my family knows I don't want to become a public person after my death. I would hate that especially in this context.
How would you know unless it was reported in the news and their posts on this forum were reported on? I used to lurk in a usenet group about suicide, occasionally there would be media articles about someone's death that would highlight their activity in the group and the handle they were using as reported by grieving families, but otherwise not sure how I'd ever know.


Aug 18, 2020
How would you know unless it was reported in the news and their posts on this forum were reported on? I used to lurk in a usenet group about suicide, occasionally there would be media articles about someone's death that would highlight their activity in the group and the handle they were using as reported by grieving families, but otherwise not sure how I'd ever know.
I only know these pictures from newspaper articles about this forum or anti SaSu channels.

And I can remember one picture of someone who posted it online on here.


and this with thee remains.
Jan 14, 2022
When I see crossed out names and/or pictures, I feel deep sadness. The suffering they experienced was too much. It's a cruel world and life can be very unfair. I hope that sooner or later every forum member finds peace and happiness (not necessarily by dying btw).


May 29, 2024
I'm pretty emotionally removed at this point but I feel some sadness that they likely were alone because our society makes it somewhat taboo … people get isolated and pass alone. My son did even though I never judged his want to CTB he knew as his mom I would feel compelled to call 911. I wish there was a better way so he didn't have to go alone without my support and love and felt he needed to pull away. So I feel sad but also I feel some relief for people who have CTB. My son was tortured and chose to end his pain and if someone else feels like he did … I feel relieved that they could also end their pain.