
Jul 18, 2018
I can't keep going; I literally just got out of a deep depression and my bf is being emotionally abusive again. It's funny, the other day he was being over the top sweet and I started to enjoy it, but immediately remembered that it'd be over and done before I knew it. It was gone not even a day later.
Today he's been a full blown jerk again, so I had to leave. He started calling and yelling about things; he doesn't feel sorry for anything, he's just upset that I turned off my location(he claimed he cheated on me last year and held up the story for an entire year, then told me he lied about it mid year this year-the location thing was for him to share with me and not turn off, not me, but it's become that way. I just didn't want him following me and wanted to be truly alone-especially in case I decide to go to a bridge or forest or something).

I blocked his number after he started yelling, now I'm afraid to go back. He has abused me in every way possible and when he's this upset, I'm afraid to be around him at all. Idk what to do. Idk if I should turn it all back on or not, I'm just freaked out and feel terrible.

I dont know what to do anymore.
I'm in about 10K of debt from credit and school loans, my mom is severely mentally ill and I can't move back in with her, my dad has no place for me, my brother never answers when I ask. My mom shit talked me so much to him that he supposedly purposely doesn't respond.

I feel trapped and alone. I just want to die, but there never seems to be a good time to do it. In September, it was my brother's wedding, in October, my brother's birthday and I worked and didn't want to NCNS work and then screw up my suicide or something and be jobless. I ended up leaving the job anyway because I couldn't handle it and it took over a month for me to get paid my measly $200.

My bf told me he was sorry about everything and that I could just focus on getting better when he moved us out, but the 2nd day at our new place he tackled me again after 2 years of nothing. I had to call the police once while we were there and when they asked me questions, I said I was just scared, but he told them there was a physical fight. As usual, he was the only one with scratch marks(I was trying to pry his hands off my neck), and the officer who spoke with him seemed to think I was the one at fault.

I couldn't find a job where we lived at the time anyway. This year I've worked at 2 different places, but I can't maintain a job due to PTSD. I feel like there's nothing left for me but to just die. I kind of want to live, but I have nothing left. This person has destroyed my spirit and sense of reality, trust, love, and self. He's stolen all of my dignity and hope in life. At this level of damage, I feel like there is definitely no return. I've been with him for almost 9 years. I wish every day that I would have stayed at home even though he moved us out because my mom was abusive and he supposedly wanted me to have a peaceful environment to heal from everything. I wish I would've left him so many times, and now I can't and I feel more alone than I ever thought imaginable.

I just dont know when to do it. My mom is visiting this week on the 14th and then his friend is visiting on the 16th. My dog has a vet appointment tomorrow for a vaccine booster. On the 1st my other dog was spayed, so I chose not to do it around that time in order to care for her. I'm considering just calling and rescheduling the booster for the next week and my bf can do it if I go through with things tomorrow.

Would that be awful of me to not just wait until next week? My mom also has PTSD and a drinking problem. She has hurt me a ton in life, but I still love her and dont want to hurt her at all.
Is there ever really a "good time" to do it? I just can't take this anymore.
I considered waiting for freezing weather, for snow, and just downing some alcohol and burying myself. Its 31°F now, should not be snowing for a few more weeks I assume. My other option was hanging, though I've tried several times and never succeed. I dont know how to do anything successfully and avoid horrible suffering or getting caught.
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Nov 1, 2018
I don't want to dissuade you if you really think it's time to ctb, but from what I'm reading, it is far more important for you that you get out of that situation than it is for you to end your life. If that is the case, I couldn't agree more.

Do you have anyone you could turn to for a week on their couch? I know it isn't ideal, but it might let you catch your breath.
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Oct 3, 2018
I agree with TiredHorse here. This bf seems to be the major problem in your life. The fact that you keep postponing hints that you really don't want to die, but are faced with an unbearable situation.
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Nov 2, 2018
I'm so sorry you have been and are going through so much *hugs*.

There really isn't a perfect moment to ctb, people will still be hurt by it no matter the time you do it.
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Nov 2, 2018
Oh and you're too good for your PoS boyfriend, every moment is a perfect moment to get rid of his toxic influence.

We're all here for you during this difficult time.
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Emissary of the right to die.
Aug 30, 2018
I would agree with @TiredHorse and @Schopenhauer here, (unless you have additional reasons for ctb'ing) it is better to work on trying to get out of this abusive situation by whatever means and then if you are still wanting to ctb, then you can go ahead. There really isn't a good time to go like others' said, but when the pain over-exceeds your ability to cope and things become very unlikely to get better.
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Nov 1, 2018
I keep coming back to this thread; it has affected me deeply.

If you are open to strong advice, Sadgirl19: please, please remove yourself from that abusive situation before you consider ctb as an option. I cannot see any way that you could be clear-headed under the hellish fight/flight/freeze conditions you describe --no one could be!-- and the decision to ctb is big enough that you want a clear head for it.

I have no idea where you are located, but perhaps if you felt like posting your general region, there might be an ss member who has knowledge of resources in your area.
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“From Knowledge springs power."
Sep 1, 2018
Anytime you are secluded and have the equipment is a good time to go. If you know for sure there is no hope.
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Still here...
Nov 10, 2018
I can relate to your post a lot, I have been in a 7yr emotionally abusive relationship and feel much as you do, virtual hug
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Jul 18, 2018
I don't want to dissuade you if you really think it's time to ctb, but from what I'm reading, it is far more important for you that you get out of that situation than it is for you to end your life. If that is the case, I couldn't agree more.

Do you have anyone you could turn to for a week on their couch? I know it isn't ideal, but it might let you catch your breath.

I'm sorry for taking forever to come back to this thread. I've logged in off and on, but it's been difficult to think about this. I unfortunately have no one. This relationship left me with no friends, no money, all the way across the state. My parents are both a mess and dont have anywhere permanent they stay. My brother seems to greatly dislike me because of my mom telling him stuff that wasn't even true.

I wish I could get out of this situation and every time I come back here, I read your comments and I wonder if I could, how I would do it.
Thank you and everyone else for taking time out to respond. I'm sorry again that it's taken me this long.

After 9 years, so much damage has been done that I'm not even a functional person anymore. At least not right now, I dont think I could ever be again after everything he's done to me. My life before him was rough, but I was much more resilient back then. My parents were both very abusive during different times in my life, I have just realized that I was severely neglected. I spent years locked in the house, didnt go to school, dropped out, and so on. I got my GED at 19 when this BF pressured me to, went to college for a year but since then I've gone back and can never focus.

I feel like a useless person. Tonight my bf basically straight out called me useless, he was being a jerk again beforehand even, so I broke up with him but my car needs to be fixed and now I am essentially homeless unless I go back to him. I truly feel at this point there is no hope left. I may be able to find a shelter, but I feel like my mental state can never be repaired.

Sincerely though, thank you for caring and taking time to comment here. I'm really sorry again for how long it's taken me to come back and post. I kept feeling better, then like I should just do it again.
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Feb 23, 2019
Get outside the relationship. There are 7 billion people in the world. There's no reason to fuck up your life for one person. Detach emotionally. Find a job, find a place to live. That should be more than enough.

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